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Progressive dem, fan of comics, Trek and science fiction, history buff, Deadhead, rock, blues, bluegrass. Give me a shout out if any of that sounds good.
I knew this would happen, but was still unprepared for the visceral revulsion I experienced when seeing it
I guess this was inevitable
The reason they keep quoting panicked donors in the "Biden is DOOOOMED" story is that the donors are all extremely online and watch cable news etc and so its just a feedback loop. You make a new story in the NYT out of the donors repeating shit they read in the NYT
It's still my birthday so I'm going to ask you to do me a favour, okay? Stop right now & take 5 deep breaths, as deep as you can, pressing your held breaths down into your diaphragm before releasing. Do it like this: Breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, out for 4 seconds. Got it? Five times
One Republican conspiracy theorist takes a shot at another, sounds like a whole lot of Not-My-Responsibility.
Decade after decade of stochastic terror, gun rights fervor, & the foment of conspiratorial thinking by, from, on, & within the right, & yet it's somehow DEMOCRATS & the LEFT who need to "calm things down" or "lower the temperature?" Nah son. We *been* calm, and quite fucking cool and collected. …
A useful historical perspective on political violence, from NY TImes in 1969 "violence was deeply ingrained in the American tradition and ... virtually every group had used it for protection or to gain an end. ... [It's] the proven American formula for getting things done."
Team Biden has just circulated excerpts of his speech tonight in Detroit, and folks, he is making Project 2025 a campaign centerpiece.
There’s a presidential candidate who organized a coup on live TV and was recently convicted of dozens of felonies for something entirely separate, and the political system is demanding his opponent step down.
We are 1 point above the Federal Reserve target rate, or normal inflation rate, which is 2%. That’s it!!! CPI Report Today: Inflation Rate Slows More Than Expected in June
If Biden stays in the race - as I believe he will - I'll vote for him. If he withdraws for some reason, I'll vote for whoever takes his place, even if it's a Bob Ross Chia Pet, as long as they're surrounded by a smart team who cares about people. The only nightmare scenario is the return of Tr*mp,
I swear to fucking God if democracy dies in 2025 it won't be because Biden had one bad debate. It'll be because he had one bad debate and everyone decided the world was ending and they had to light their hair on fire and run around naked in the streets.
"Central to our country’s success has been a stable legal system based on constitutional principles and the rule of law. ...Instead, the Court has recently become a witting or unwitting facilitator of Project 2025’s dystopian agenda for the future."
How the Supreme Court Bolstered Project From Marc | The Supreme Court has recently become a witting or unwitting facilitator of Project 2025’s dystopian agenda for the future.
Refusing to teach union history won't keep the disenfranchised from seeking violence to correct the injustice, it will only keep them from knowing how to transition past that violence to what comes after.
Before SCOTUS' ruling, here's our historian's brief which argues there is no basis in founding era history for the idea that presidents should enjoy immunity. In fact, the founders believed that presidents should be accountable under the rule of law.
<p>Historians' Amicus Brief in&nbsp;<em>Trump v. United States</em></p> A group of 15 founding era historians represented by the Brennan Center and Friedman Kaplan Seiler Adelman LLP have filed a brief challenging Trump's claim of immunity.
This feels like it has BlueSky energy
Biden in NC today: "I know I'm not a young man. I don't walk as easy as I used to. I don't speak as smoothly as I used to ... [but] I know how to tell the truth. I know right from wrong. I know how to do this job ... I know like millions of Americans know, when you get knocked down you get back up!"
"When you get knocked down you get back up!" YouTube video by C-SPAN
I'm still searching for the NYTimes Editorial Board telling Republicans what to do after Trump was convicted of 34 felonies.
OK folks. Tomorrow on my live webcast "History Matters:" The Debate: A Historical WTF I have no idea what I'll say tomorrow. But I DO know that this debate -- like past debates -- will have a distinctive power, meaning, and&impact. Join us for more. Friday 10AM ET
how does living in this world not radicalize you
Eleven years ago, SCOTUS gutted the Voting Rights Act in #ShelbyCounty, arguing that "things have changed" since the 1960s. Today, we know that things have changed since this ruling: namely, that the turnout gap exploded in formerly-covered places 1/n
This is why the history of Reconstruction feels so relevant to many US historians these days. The years between 1865 and 1877 witnessed a dramatic and consequential increase in the number of Black elected officials in the South. Post-1877 that trend was reversed.
Why the Black Politicians of Reconstruction Are Often Highlighting Black political leadership provides a fuller picture of the diverse range of change-makers in the United States