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I am a visually-based monkey-like creature who is attracted to shiny things and likes to change my environment. Pronoun: the royal "we"
Reposted byAvatar Joanne
This isn’t a movie. He doesn’t have some grand master plan like the fucking Manchurian Candidate. He’s a malevolent narcissist and it would be a disaster if he gained the presidency and in the culture of political violence he helped foment, somebody tried to kill him for some reason.
Reposted byAvatar Joanne
I live in Manhattan and it's not super new but I just discovered you can take the most delightful city ferry rides for $4 - so refreshing on a hot day and spectacular views from the water. People line up to pay through the nose for tourist boats, but the ferries are right there.
Reposted byAvatar Joanne
Reposted byAvatar Joanne
I know they're still photos so probably not the full picture but the grimaces Trump is making at the RNC are those of a man whose life is ruined forever
Reposted byAvatar Joanne
“For many library workers, the material consequences of unchecked capitalism are the stuff of everyday life.” Emily Drabinski on why defending libraries is fighting capitalism:
The Library Is a A socialist former president of the American Library Association on why defending libraries is fighting capitalism.
I believe in ridicule not violence You can imagine how well that has worked out for me
Reposted byAvatar Joanne
Reposted byAvatar Joanne
Oh my gosh they’re fighting a cybertruck
Hmm this 80s horror movie went to full frontal nudity in under 3 minutes and has 7 directors, including Charles Band. We got a winner
Reposted byAvatar Joanne
Texas' abortion ban prevented doctors from providing an abortion to a woman with a failing pregnancy—forcing her to instead pass the pregnancy on her own. She spent days in agony, vomiting and bleeding, until she passed out from blood loss and nearly died.
How a couple found themselves tangled in Texas’ strict abortion laws after A Texas woman needed help passing her incomplete miscarriage and wanted a surgical abortion. Her husband said that two medical centers denied or delayed a...
@MichaelMinasi @KUT @UTAustin
Reposted byAvatar Joanne
Okay let’s maybe calm down
Reposted byAvatar Joanne
Everything the tech industry does now all just feels insanely and stupidly over the top. It is the coked up third album, so bloated with its own self importance, that everybody hates. It’s Cats or Waterworld or Showgirls, with no fun kitsch factor. A KFC Double Down.
Love this new world where you have to bookmark everything. At least "Web 1.0" had the diy feel going for it.
Reposted byAvatar Joanne
Reposted byAvatar Joanne
I just ordered nachos while in Australia, because I like to live dangerously. And strangely, what I got managed to have every single component of nachos *while in no way resembling nachos* I don’t know how they did it. It was like eating a peculiar salad. It wasn’t bad. It was just odd.
Reposted byAvatar Joanne
I used to work on ONE LIFE TO LIVE, the daytime soap opera. I don't know if its actually true, but most of the soap lifers who I worked with thought that the thing that basically killed the soap opera format in the United States was the OJ Simpson trial.
Reposted byAvatar Joanne
"American democracy is simply not built to effectively regulate the behavior of powerful people who don’t believe the rules apply to them. It’s a crisis of epic, dangerous proportions, and there’s no solution in sight."
Republican leaders go to the mat to protect judge When you've lost John Roberts ...
Reposted byAvatar Joanne
Apologies to Robert Frost, but sometimes when you take the road less traveled you end up lost in a sentient swamp, in thrall to the moss queen. It can happen.
So has anyone seen these? I'm kind of curious about it
Reposted byAvatar Joanne
Obviously this woman can't be imprisoned until Musk has made a good faith effort to get her pregnant.
Reposted byAvatar Joanne
was he echoing an antisemitic trope or was he being FUCKING ANTISEMITIC
Reposted byAvatar Joanne
I've been powering through audiobooks of Philip K Dick stories, some new to me some not, and all of them have a little "originally published in this popular magazine that came out regularly and paid" and man that's not a thing we have
It's because we all have day jobs, advances are pennies, publishers don't market, one underperforming book tanks your career, and we're expected to be well-tuned brand machines on social media websites designed to suck our souls dry.
Reposted byAvatar Joanne
"Thank you for contacting me about the tightness in your chest and sharp pain in your left arm. Pee is stored in the balls. Have you tried ivermectin?"
Nvidia Wants to Replace Nurses With AI for $9 an Your health could soon be in the hands of Nvidia-powered AI nurses, and they cost your healthcare provider next to nothing.
If we had pangolin fights which I do not advocate would they be held in a pangodrome?
Reposted byAvatar Joanne
Reposted byAvatar Joanne
It's because we all have day jobs, advances are pennies, publishers don't market, one underperforming book tanks your career, and we're expected to be well-tuned brand machines on social media websites designed to suck our souls dry.
Reposted byAvatar Joanne
"If a mob boss says someone is going to go sleep with the fishes I’m not going to get into an argument about whether that person has a big aquarium in his bedroom. Because he’s a mob boss and I’m not a chump and murdering people is what he does."
How Not To Fall For Yet More Trumper Textualism About His Latest Threat of If you’ve followed the uproar over ex-President Trump’s promise of a “bloodbath”...