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Director, Security Engineering & Operations at GoFundMe. Socialist. Anti-Fascist. Black Lives Matter. LGBTQA+ friendly. Guns Leftist, you should be too. I am in scenes and hate scenes but am still in them.
It's funny that AI is in fact going to destroy the world just not the way everyone assumed
Reposted byAvatar Graham
The easiest way to see that Democrats don’t understand the threat Republicans pose is that they aren’t acting like their lives literally depend on winning.
Reposted byAvatar Graham
just so everybody knows what's happening here, this is Jack Posobiec—who spent the past week as a featured guest on InfoWars—speaking to the MAGA group of the wife of a Supreme Court justice
as good as it is to see le pen held off again, we all know what a CF a coalition of centrists and leftists will be, and if the centrists aren’t going to accept that centrist policies are WHY le pen almost won this time, then she will next time
deliberately grabs hold of lathe in both hands So. How long till the political press starts pushing for the Dems to force Biden aside with Article 25?
The Boys is a documentary, and the events are happening in real time, a couple of years from now.
i’m working on this concept where you have gone to an extreme that is unusual but as a result of what you think is a string of very rational decisions. An important part of how you’ve stayed calm through those decisions is the stray thought that you’re overreacting and everything will be fine.
Reposted byAvatar Graham
Wild to watch horserace journalists suggest the most politically suicidal shit and pretend it's savvy.
calvinball scotus conservatives are whiny at each other because calvinball scotus conservatives are playing playing calvinball
all these articles about how SCOTUS conservatives keep writing separate concurrences because they’re snarky and none about how they’re snarky because they have no unified ethics/judicial theory because they have no ethics/judicial theory to unify
Reposted byAvatar Graham
the doodling will continue until morale improves (or until i get bored)
Reposted byAvatar Graham
Kendrick Lamar teaches us that, in public debate, refuting your opponent's arguments point by point is less effective than identifying your opponent's single greatest weakness and maintaining message discipline.
Reposted byAvatar Graham
The correct response to Chevron being overturned is for every single environmental group to start filing millions of lawsuits, right now, today, arguing that various regulatory decisions didn't go far enough. Absolutely flood the zone.
It’s funny that people think the dems can get biden to step down and then not somehow screw this up, which is what they did the last two times, and precisely why we’re in the mess.
ok hi first question: if you’re wrong sometimes and don’t know it, why the fuck am i asking you questions? follow up: what exactly is the point of you?
Reposted byAvatar Graham
This piece is weirdly tortured by the inability to get past the fact that "effective altruism" is an ideology cooked up five minutes ago by broadly ignorant dumbasses (minoring in eugenics) and you can throw it all in the trash without giving up on the concept of making altruistic efforts effective
Opinion | Effective Altruism Is Flawed. But What’s the Alternative? The movement can’t answer our deepest moral questions, but it still has wisdom to offer.
Reposted byAvatar Graham
The household coyote (non-domesticated) is enjoying the weather from it the neutral zone at the back of the property
i need an edit of the beekeeper where the entire movie is exactly the same but the word “beekeeper” is replaced with “keebeeper”
getting RSD triggers from my phone not recognizing my face a minute ago
Reposted byAvatar Graham
So fucking blatantly obvious from the moment people started talking about free speech again a few years ago that it meant right wing political speech and not left wing. No one but the most craven career driven media moron ever thought otherwise for a single second.
2022/today Which is it? Should there be consequences for speech or not?
Reposted byAvatar Graham
This is what finally got me to cancel my subscription. I'm not sure if the leadership is genuinely authoritarian or just so lost in its navel-gazing it can't see what it's doing, but I *do* know this: Whoever wrote this editorial is an idiot & I'm not paying to hear this shit anymore.
This is the nyt's view of speech
Anytime anyone offers to jump on a quick call, you either do not want to be on that call or you do not want to have done the thing that lead to the call.
it’s your duty to vote, or the wrong brain-consuming worm might get into office
Reposted byAvatar Graham
The old and done yearn to hurt the young and alive for the crime of not having suffered their pain and accepted their compromises, an unspoken drive so strong it's almost sexual. This is true now, it was true in 1968, it was true in 1939, it was true in 1914.
Reposted byAvatar Graham
What's cool about looking back at the history of college protests is that 19 year old students have been right about every single American war, and the esteemed Harvard educated opinion writers at the New York Times have been wrong about every single American war.
Reposted byAvatar Graham
People who are serious about beating Trump would push Biden for a ceasefire.