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Probably looking up the closest thrift store or staring at my bonsai really closely. Community art education programming + research. Figure model. DC area, 33, she/her. 🦐✨ Views my own.
Last week in the land of the pines.
Reposted byAvatar Emmy
Let 100 flowers bloom.
I am tired of beating them at the ballot box. I want someone to beat their fucking asses legislatively, judicially, executively, and physically. Goddam.
Reposted byAvatar Emmy
But think of how many fundraising emails the DNC can write off this
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Roy Lichtenstein would have loved AI art, which is sufficient case against it
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I have a feeling that if society collapses, someone’s still going to try to convince me to come in to work.
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Officer: Ma'am are you driving under the influence? My manipulative vizier in the passenger seat: (Whispering to me) This man seeks to ruin you, my liege. He envies your power. Do away with him, lest you lose all you have achieved! Me: No sir 🙂
Calling upon anybody in/going to Iceland: I NEED these socks desperately but they’re only in-store at Bónus. Would anybody be down to mail me some if I sent them $$? 🙏😭
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what is this feeling of unbridled optimism and limitless potential? - man who drank an iced coffee
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You got ONE video game a year. If your folks were well-off, and you behaved yourself. And you would be expected to play that game for 10, 12 months. You saw 3 movies a year. Maybe 5. Wait, you saw 10!? Holy SHIT, that's a lot!
i hate to have one of these at all but my big "WE DRANK FROM THE HOSE" opinion is that people younger than millennials really can't imagine what coming of age in a time of media scarcity meant - like, I would read about records and movies and not actually be able to see them for YEARS
Reposted byAvatar Emmy
A thunderstorm every couple of hours is great actually
This morning I am possessed with such a strong need to dance like a total American at Pablo Discobar in Reykjavík, I can barely handle it. I want to make friends and to make a fool of myself.
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Again, no thunderstorms in the forecast - BORING
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Gandalf almost comes right out and says “I don’t know how to explain that you should care about other people”
7-11 changed the premade iced coffee dispenser from vanilla/mocha "latte" to vanilla/mocha "cold brew." I do not want to be blasted into the stratosphere every morning so I guess my fave iced coffee era is over. :(
I don't WANT to do my telehealth appointment! I WANT to look at thrifting reels and drink coffee!
No more thunderstorms in this afternoon’s forecast. Boring!
Reposted byAvatar Emmy
Just two excellent Hokusai prints
Weird! It's almost as if you can function way better when you don't live your life just thinking you're lazy and stupid! Huh!
When kids are taught about their ADHD, dyslexia, autism or other learning conditions, they feel empowered and are able to self-advocate, leading to better school performance and mental health. 🧪 www.scientificamerican.com/article/neur...
Neurodivergent Kids Flourish When They’re Taught How Their Brains Workwww.scientificamerican.com When teachers and parents talk to kids about having ADHD, autism or learning disabilities, they set them up for success
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𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚍𝚒𝚎𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝚍𝚒𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚝.
Today's gonna be a good day. I'm gonna make it one. I want to savor every day of this summer.
I love him but SHAME THIS FOOL for never filing any paperwork!!! I can guess what side the ADHD came from, DOMINIC
Good news: I’m definitely Italian! Bad news: no naturalization certificate in the packet, so now I have to spend extra $$$/time to file for a bunch of extra paperwork to document that. :(
Good news: I’m definitely Italian! Bad news: no naturalization certificate in the packet, so now I have to spend extra $$$/time to file for a bunch of extra paperwork to document that. :(
Well ain’t that just the way.
Low level government employee: fuck, they’re gonna figure out I accepted this free chicken wing Alito: today I put strobe lights on my confederate flag
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SURPRISE! I scream, bursting from the vat of mashed potatoes. The other lunch ladies do not look surprised. They do not look surprised at all.
Heeramandi: the Diamond Bazaar is GOOD.