Behemoth & Leviathan, LP

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Behemoth & Leviathan, LP

At the intersection of industrial music, battleship porn, left-liberalism, gaming, horror, and history. Hard sedan/coupe traditionalist. He/Him 🌋🇺🇦
You can find the video of Joe Biden full statement on Morning Joe here
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Ahaha oh my fucking god How do people not realize this sounds ridiculous and take a nice big dump all over our genuinely good record of the last 4 years?
Hey you guys wanna see the dumbest plan to replace Biden possible?
This seems like it would bring eyeballs just as easily as the millionth "didja know Biden is old??" story, but what do I know?
For the people who don’t have time, here’s your Readers Digest version. You’re welcome.
an insane amount of the falling birth rate is the complete and total collapse of teenage pregnancy, so remember that whenever these weirdos talk about birth rates
It’s weird how conservatives think having more kids than liberals means there will be more conservatives when every Drag Race contestant’s bio is “I grew up in a town where the only employers were the church and the prison, I was raised by my aunt after my mom was executed for working on Sunday”
Go ahead. Keep saying he should just leave. It just makes me do it again
For everyone on here that is worried that voters are as willfully credulous as our news media, the Biden campaign understands that Trumps post about Project 2025 is an admission of vulnerability and they are leaning in harder on tying him to it.
'call top donors on their birthday' *what*
Step down for the birthday boys
You know what? Fuck the Washington Post too
If the Biden Drop Out!s get their wish they’re going to regret it like three weeks later when they see how the media covers it
It occurs to me that publishing this on the 4th of July of all days, and on a UK election day to boot, is almost triply insulting; first for a once-respected paper to even suggest this line of reasoning, second for doing so on the day we told monarchists where to stick it...
Transferring my Elden Ring Superthread to this app. I'll post picture summaries from the Bad App
Fuck the New York Times
NY Times officially abetting the end of American democracy by publishing this shit. What the ever loving fuck
Fuck the Musk app. Bunch of extremists and beltway journos who've been huffing their own farts so long they've forgotten that fresh air even exists. Uninstalled from my phone finally
You know what? I like it.
because i’ve had a few people bring it up (no harm no foul!), clyburn’s actual quote is probably worth repeating in full rather than the truncated version that tells a different story
Yeah, once you have a revolution that means all the ideological tendencies before the revolution go away and never come back again. Right, France?
Never trust a "leftist" who never talks about taxes
Me raging against the inherent libertarianism of the US left (just saw people implying defense spending is why we can't spend on healthcare/housing/etc)
Racoon Screaming Posted from Graysky - get the app to view and post GIFs!
If you don't want Trump to accomplish the shitty things he wants to do, the best way to prevent that is to simply not make him president
Do weird right-wing losers think you can't order pizza and play video games anymore?
Big ups to the juror who was sending Trump & his team all the positive vibes, only to vote to convict on all 34 charges. A true master of the long con.
"Marc Andreessen dislikes Biden" is not a news story. None of these "People who supported Trump in 2016 and 2020 support him again in 2024" stories are, but the bastards at the NYT are determined to make them so.
Update: apparently the secret plan to stop Republicans that's way better than voting is "Do J Edgar Hoover but for Leftism So It's OK Now"
Republicans put an end to truly leftist Democratic momentum by trouncing us in 5 election of 6 between 1968 and 1988. We’ll probably need to do the same to put an end to fascist momentum. But if that sounds hard imagine the difficulty of beating them in a civil war
So are these people ever going to actually describe their brilliant alternative to "win elections" or what?
So are these people ever going to actually describe their brilliant alternative to "win elections" or what?
"The Met Gala is preventing people from reading up on the latest phase of a 80-year foreign blood feud, which if they knew about would surely conclude that this is something they should care a lot about and would agree with my preferred side" is several layers of wishcasting