function r(){if(po(n),n.value===pf)throw new I(-950,!1);return n.value} follows

Aaron Fritschner
Aaron Fritschner
Hey there, Mr. Blue
We're so pleased to be with you

House guy
Posts mine/dumb
tisane al-gaib
tisane al-gaib
Canadian telecom/regulatory lawyer and recovering goth. Feed may contain current events, tech, soccer (Whitecaps/Canada/Spurs), and assorted geekery.

Previously: same @ on bird app
Currently: same @ on threads
Cup O' Coffey
Cup O' Coffey
Mike Typo
Mike Typo
Catholic lesbian with a poasting problem she/her 🏳️‍⚧️
freelance agent for BIG-DOG (dog industry)
freelance agent for BIG-DOG (dog industry)
Continuing to offer my view and opinions. Only interested in feedback from Internet Platinum tier members and above. All others DNI
K. Chen
K. Chen
Heartless humanist, unmovable automaton, fount of terrifying knowledge and purveyor of Collegey Velveteen Discourse. Insightful and painful enough to be the germ of something really excellent. @tznkai on Twitter and elsewhere
Discontinued Foods!
Discontinued Foods!
Your home for all those culinary delights, anomalies, and misfires that live on only in our memories...You may know me from Twitter, trying things out here now, too!
John Scalzi
John Scalzi
I enjoy pie.
she/her | chicago -> nyc | proud member of lists labelled "shitlib" and "cubs fans" 🏳️‍🌈🇺🇦🟣
wine mom and laundry specialist
Yair Rosenberg
Yair Rosenberg
Staff writer, The Atlantic.
Teller of stories, troller of Nazis.
Jeff Fecke
Jeff Fecke
Threads @jkfecke
Fediverse @[email protected]
Dana Houle
Dana Houle
Family’s first HS grad. Was a runner. Worked in labor/Did policy/Elected Dems/Stint on Cap Hill. Blogged+pieces for WaPo/TNR/etc. Got rare disease, nearly died 5 times. Detroiter in Chicago. Husband. Dad to twins. Gardener. Generalist. Hope to run again
Blue Dog
Blue Dog
The way forward is up the middle.
#Dems2024 #BidenHarris2024 #ResistTheFringe
Elliot Ocker
Elliot Ocker
Democratic Party Wolf Warrior
Democratic Party Wolf Warrior

OK School Bonds Dog
Paul Tree
Paul Tree
it’s still a pun on "paltry” do you get it
formerly the presiding legal counsel for the chicago bulls. she/her
Michael Paulauski
Michael Paulauski
I lose brain cells so you don't have to. Devops Galore. DemSoc liking anarchism. Antifascist. BLM/Abolish the Police. Views are mine, not employer’s. He/him
Dave Albertson
Dave Albertson
Normie lib, Rob Manfred hater
Godzilla Tonk
Godzilla Tonk
I like Godzilla and tanks Liberal neoconservative anarcho Bidenist natoist American exceptionalist warhawk ate a 2 pound burger lifelong burner 17 Grant Fan
Soros-Funded Animal Avi Account
Soros-Funded Animal Avi Account
I got a lifeboat! Law stuff, knowing what's best for everyone center-left politics stuff, PNW stuff, parasocial relationship stuff.
Maxim Dorky, the Delaware Disparager
Maxim Dorky, the Delaware Disparager
aka Paul Ward, Funk King of Delaware. Formerly Prufrock1974 on Twitter. Sarcastic pop-culture references to be found here. If I've blocked you, it's because I think you're an asshole.
Enlightened Despotist in Name Only
Enlightened Despotist in Name Only
A true DINO. (In reality a progressive incrementalist.) Math and board game fan.

Tax the rich.
Hank Green
Hank Green
Long Time Internet Guy
🇺🇦David Greybeard 🇺🇦
🇺🇦David Greybeard 🇺🇦
Ukraine Flag in Bio
Unapologetically normie aesthetics.
Huge fan of Worker Coops.
More unions is more better.
LTV enjoyer.
Tool library hype.

Also love MST3K, Rifftrax, Last Drive In, Svengoolie, and much other nonsense.
Émile Lewis: Air Will Be Bud
Émile Lewis: Air Will Be Bud
Former teen heartthrob, scriptwriter, occasional historian, Witch-King of Angmar, and Professor of Air Bud Studies. they/he/sometimes she? Not consistent about pronouns anymore.
Doomers blocked on sight.
Madeline Marsanne
Madeline Marsanne
Rob is reading manuals 🧭
Rob is reading manuals 🧭
Law talkin guy. Mostly posts about war books, corgis, and silly things my kid says
Kislevite Socialist Delegation Leader Gigan
Kislevite Socialist Delegation Leader Gigan
Giant, gay, cyber, space-chicken

Carol Cohn is always right

Charles EP Murphy
Charles EP Murphy
Started writing and nobody has succeeded in making him stop. Self publisher and jobbing writer and

Also on instagram, mastodon, and twitter
90’s anime
90’s anime
90's anime pics
progressive atheist. we should improve society somewhat 🌊🌊🌊
vote for progressives in primaries & democrats in generals 🌊🌊🌊
smarch sadness
smarch sadness
when they go low, we go lower.

any pronouns
Centrist Madness
Centrist Madness
The center left of the left
Doug Hayden
Doug Hayden
Cleveland sports fan, strategy gamer, TTRP gamer, classic car enthusiast, and MMO enthusiast: GW2 / FFXIV / CoH. Flyover state SocDem. Live long and prosper. He/Him. Slava Ukraini!
Magdi Jacobs
Magdi Jacobs
I write about politics, culture, & science.
Jacques-Larry David
Jacques-Larry David
A god walking among men for being relatively handsome and taking the subway.
Malaclypse the Middle
Malaclypse the Middle
A hoopy frood who really knows where his towel is. Two wheels good, four wheels bad. Ex Sociology adjunct turned Accounting nerd. North of Boston, near witches. Born into a 321 PPM world. He/Him
Cmdr. Overbite
Cmdr. Overbite
We talking about PRAXIS. Not a theory. Not the theory that I go out there and die for, get into every Internet argument like it’s my last. We talking about PRAXIS. How silly is that?
Starfish Who Can’t Think Something Witty
Starfish Who Can’t Think Something Witty
Political science PhD student. Detective Comics Comics poster. Bit of a prick.