Maxim Dorky, the Delaware Disparager

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Maxim Dorky, the Delaware Disparager

aka Paul Ward, Funk King of Delaware. Formerly Prufrock1974 on Twitter. Sarcastic pop-culture references to be found here. If I've blocked you, it's because I think you're an asshole.
Never interrupt your enemy when he is cracking a cold one.
My centre is giving way, my right is retreating. Situation excellent, I am cracking a cold one.
The NYT editorial everyone’s talking about today
This dialogue from SNEAKERS is useful. COSMO: Posit: People think a bank might be financially shaky. BISHOP: Consequence: People start to withdraw their money. COSMO: Result: Pretty soon it *is* financially shaky. BISHOP: Conclusion: You can make banks fail.
this whole thing is becoming a non-event, a giant simulacrum that everyone is rapid dumping their anxieties into, and what is genuinely hilarious is that this is sufficient to bootstrap a real crisis. I love modern news/social media and the machinations of its management wrt electoral democracy lol.
The post-debate “Biden replacement theory” has all the vibes of a top-down bottom-up participatory disinformation campaign/conspiracism bubble reality
this whole thing is becoming a non-event, a giant simulacrum that everyone is rapid dumping their anxieties into, and what is genuinely hilarious is that this is sufficient to bootstrap a real crisis. I love modern news/social media and the machinations of its management wrt electoral democracy lol.
Keeping myself centered by thinking about Hulk skanking to the heavy heavy monster sound of Madness.
Popped in on the Bad Place and saw ContraPoints asking "so, what have the anti-electoralists *actually* accomplished by now, anyway?" Followed by lots of wharrrrgarble about "omg cringe, pictures of her with Hillary Clinton, & loads of personal insults. So basically I'm not missing much over there.
as a politics knower I think the democrats should simply do the thing that makes it easiest to win, but also aligns with both all my prior posts and all my most panicked recent posts. this is very simple and obvious.
"Turning and turning in the widening gyre / The falcon cannot hear the falconer" The falcon: "Unbothered. Moisturized. Happy. In My Lane. Focused. Flourishing."
Every word in this sentence is more unexpected than the last.
Probably the weirdest thing from my dissertation research is the time Ollie North defamed his “old friend” Manuel Noriega in a Call of Duty game, who then sued Activision, Giuliani defended them, then the director of that game went to the Atlantic Council to advise the Pentagon on future threats. 🤷‍♂️
"I never thought the committee of public safety would cut off MY head" sobs man who helped form the Committee of Politically-Motivated Executions
"King Charles I said 'The King can do no wrong and therefore he cannot be tried or convicted.' He was beheaded 10 days later." cool story bro, what happened next
Everybody on here sounding off about how stupid and awful it is to follow rules and norms: I never want to hear your takes on Ferris Bueller ever again.
I'm extremely surprised nobody's said this one yet.
frame from a non-musical movie with a great soundtrack
sadly, “it’s racism” is often the correct analysis
Everyone is always afraid to say why people like Trump or Marie Le Pen have some level of popularity and it’s just that there’s a lot of people in the world who believe in racism. You end up with these goofy ass explanations for Trump where it’s NAFTA or shit and it’s like no you know what it is
Donald Trump would be a dictator which is bad so Joe Biden (who I hate) must become a dictator, which is good.
People have gone from asking Biden to resign to arguing he should now seize absolute power.
ive said it many times but it's truly amazing that america is so calvinist that we've created marxism-calvinism
"nooo you can't just vaporize my entire corps, we had such manly Southern military honor" "omg fighting from strong cover with integrated artillery support?? go off queen skskskdk canister shot is such a gemini thing"
It's the anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg this morning, and as always, I'm reminded that one of the heroes was a mild-mannered professor of philosophy at a small liberal arts college.
It's the anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg this morning, and as always, I'm reminded that one of the heroes was a mild-mannered professor of philosophy at a small liberal arts college.
How much of the current political climate is caused by the online left feeling betrayed by Obama, because they grew up listening to so much rightwing propaganda that painted him as a radical Communist homosexual, and so they assumed he would govern like one?
Every day, I am reminded anew just how disastrous 9/11, the Iraq War, and the George W. Bush administration in general have been for the average intelligence of the American body politic.
"We can't trust our institutions any more!" Yes, because the Republican Party has spent a huge amount of money, energy, and cultural influence over the last 80 years to make you hate, fear, distrust, & despise every non-business institution in the US. All you're telling me is that it worked on you.
"I started out brainwashed into hating Dems a lot and the GOP to some extent. But now I hate Dems a lot and the GOP to some extent"
I was assured by Top Leftists that Hillary Clinton never campaigned in Wisconsin.
In 2016, Hillary Clinton gave a speech in Wisconsin about the importance of the Supreme Court. She warned that 2016 was "make or break" for the court—and the country. National media—focused on her emails and Trump's antics—barely covered the speech.
Hillary Clinton Just Delivered the Strongest Speech of Her Campaign—and the Media Barely Nothing sums up the high-drama, low-substance nature of 2016 race coverage more than the underplaying of a serious speech about the Supreme Court.
I'm not saying any particular account is this, but if I were a foreign provocateur helping Trump I would: 1) convince people to despair 2) normalize the most extreme interpretation of his immunity Conduct yourself in a way that distinguishes yourself from that
a lot of our current problems can be chalked up to the fact that people of ideological stripes are not necessarily immune to the appeal of a strongman
F Scott Fitzgerald Marry Scott Fitzgerald Kill Scott Fitzgerald