Hoosier Homer is reading Don Quixote

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Hoosier Homer is reading Don Quixote


The donuts and beers one. Guardian of the Thermostat. Consumer of Food and Drink. Actually forklift certified. Semper Gumpy
You make me feel like a natural woman is a fantastic song but some (all?) recordings rely too heavily on back up vocals and it detracts from the experience Aretha was so capable of.
Look upon your media, America, and weep, for if they have led you on to the path of destruction and despair, you welcomed them. carnegieendowment.org/posts/2002/0...
Never forget Bill Kristol and friends talking about invading Iraq as the next challenge, as if it were a contender we couldn't avoid for a heavyweight boxing title we needed in order to secure peace and happiness for all.
What to do about Iraq?carnegieendowment.org What next in the war on terrorism? The mission in Afghanistan is not over and al Qaeda is not finished. But this does not preclude dealing with Iraq. How we act will decisively affect our future secur...
Never forget Bill Kristol and friends talking about invading Iraq as the next challenge, as if it were a contender we couldn't avoid for a heavyweight boxing title we needed in order to secure peace and happiness for all.
Bill Kristol certainly knows how easy it is to recover and support robust democracy "once people get over the shock [and awe]."
Yelling at the top of my lungs above the din to the other dad across the street: Good for the lawn!!
It's starting to get exciting.
I don’t think the nation was ready to see his wife appointed CIGS.
I read a story here on Bluesky (if someone knows what I’m talking about please reshare) about training an AI to recognize skin cancer, but since so many images of skin cancer feature a ruler measuring anomalies, the AI could only recognize rulers. That’s what I think of AI in healthcare.
New grift just dropped. “In the same way the New Deal built out physical infrastructure to transform the country, AI will serve as part of the critical infrastructure of a much more effective health care system that supports everyday people’s health in an ongoing way.”
AI-Driven Behavior Change Could Transform Health Caretime.com Making healthier choices is hard. But it’s also something that AI is uniquely positioned to solve, write Sam Altman and Arianna Huffington.
Gort did not excel in the C-in-C role in France in 1940 and made some mistakes but the disaster was largely the product of larger forces outside his control and his decision-making May 21-28 probably saved the BEF from destruction (which would have lost us the war imho).
As an aside, break the ticket system.
"heir presumptive" needs to "[rise] to the top"
Gladys Gonzalez, mother of a Robb Elementary School survivor, is working to finish a masters in clinical mental health counseling so she can help her community. She is asking for help offsetting her final year of grad school. gofund.me/a9d194fb
Support Gladys in becoming a therapist in Uvalde., organized by Gladys Gonzalezgofund.me Hello. My name is Gladys Gonzalez, mother of 4th grade Robb Survivor… Gladys Gonzalez needs your support for Support Gladys in becoming a therapist in Uvalde.
Graybeard had it right.
Among the reactions: “‘Stupendous,’ said a man in a sweaty T-shirt and a two-day beard. ‘It’s cockeyed. That’s what it is. It’s the reason we have high taxes and like that. It’s cockeyed. The whole world’s cockeyed. … ‘What’s the matter with kids nowadays? All they want is atom bombs and missiles.’”
Gratuitous Meat Post. Sorry for the smoke show.
Damn me for never getting manicures
From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine.
A squire rushed in to the great hall. "Someone," he shouted, "has taken the sword from the stone!" The assembled knights halted their dinner. "At last, a king?" "Who?" "I don't know," the squire said. "The sword is gone!" Elsewhere: "This," Indy muttered, "belongs in a museum. #MicroFiction
Broke the topic of Academia to my wife. Of course she was graceful and gentle. Darling that she is, I have been encouraged to pursue this rotten dream
I hate job hunting. I want someone to just walk up and offer me a job lol
Idk what a Tori is or why everyone hates them so much. And today is why I don’t care. Happy Birthday America 🇺🇸 🦅 🎂
Now I can fly across the country for a rock concert just ‘cause. My kid has never been hungry. There’s a lot wrong with this country. There’s a lot we can and should and have to do better. Lord knows we have a real fight on our hands. But this country is worth saving.
Every six days, a different nation celebrates its independence from the King-Emperor and an unrepresentative parliament, which makes it the most popular and common holiday on the planet.
Happy independence day to all who remember why we declared independence and a very fuck off to those who think kings are good actually.
The Forever War by Joe Haldeman is brilliant. I cannot believe this book is 50 years old! Drones, Bluetooth communications, tap credit card withdrawal and deposit, changes in languages, customs, and social mores. It resonates today!
Days like today remind me why I need a damn overhead projector and a map rack....
It's a holiday you don't have to read or post NYT or Atlantic ragebait
These are all hilarious
A horse walks into a bar. The bartender asks, “Why the long face?” “I was born into servitude, and when I die, my feet will be turned into glue,” replied the horse. The bartender realized he would not be getting a tip. www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/kaf...
Kafka’s Joke Bookwww.mcsweeneys.net Why did the chicken cross the road? It had been crossing so long it could not remember. As it stopped in the middle to look back, a car sped by, sp...
Look, Jack, I almost got into four different car accidents on my 7-mile drive home because hot pedestrians, so I don’t want to hear shit about Biden’s cognition. He’s doing better than I am.
I cannot emphasize enough how funny Don Quixote is. I giggle to myself about every 5 minutes. When I'm not laughing I'm marveling at the timlesness of the scenes & lines. It's all so good. Just got done with the Marcela saga & wow! Powerful, if you pay attention to her words.
You want to amortize the cost of the Mustang development, right? Give me a fucking Falcon GT. At least give me a 5-door/5-seat Focus with a limited slip and a manual. I am literally begging.