Cat Fitzpatrick

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Cat Fitzpatrick

The homosexuals would not stop talking about their problems
Editrix & Typesetter at LittlePuss Press // Author of The Call-Out
#Poet #Publisher #Professor #Poltroon
this web site got a lot worse when people started talking about the same president stuff every single day
none of these words are in the bible, *john*
called DEATH and he is mega strong and has this cool dart, like maybe he is as strong as satan? ANYWAY then he fucks sin as well and she gives birth to lots of DOGS who keep going in and out of her vagina. Also she is a snake.
ok so i am rereading paradise lost and like, it rules, it *is* sublime and awesome, but it also feels like no-one talks about how *silly* it is
Me, looking at the Dril candle tweet: oh I get it he should stop buying the candles AI guys, looking at the Dril candle tweet: this is the new trolley problem
Everyone knows what to do about it. Describe the situation to a 5yo and they'll tell you what to do about it. Hell, ask a LLM what to do about it and it'll tell you "stop using the power-hungry AI." Just because corporations don't like the obvious solution to a problem doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Power-hungry AI is driving a surge in tech giant carbon emissions. Nobody knows what to do about Google, Microsoft and Meta have all reported significant emissions increases due to AI.
There is a 7 foot tall guy behind Rishi Sunak who likely ran for office just to be able to hold a printed out L behind him during his concession speech.
This is like the one good thing about the uk political system
oh they cropped the image.
Remembering 1997 today: I think it was different. People were actually excited about Blair, and not just relieved to get the tories out. But no-one is excited for Starmer
The main thing I hope happens today in the election is that the DUP eat shit. They are a bunch of horrible cunts who should be loaded into a rocket and get fired directly into the Sun.
thinking about the terrifying political world rn, and you know what makes me feel less scared? having been, and often of late, in large rooms almost entirely composed of transsexuals. work has been done to make those spaces. it's a lot of people, with real personal links to one another, to stop.
Gonna have to reform the curricula a bit. Conlaw is now part of American History. Soviet studies is run by the law school. Journalism is now a minor in sport studies. Computer science is run by the business school, contains no programming, and business majors are dualed with "creative fiction"
Was feeling a little insecure about a claim I’ve published in the past; went to Wikipedia for confirmation, and discovered it backed me up; followed the citation link, and realized I’m the source for the claim that I’m now twice as insecure about.
Look, I'm willing to try anything at this point.
I love this quote but also disco elysium is also Harry Potter for leftists I’m so sorry to say
Disco Elysium comes through again:
we're all overlooking the important question though, which is are the justices all still friends having fun, despite their disagreements
for some reason i decided to translate Petronius Poem 28 happy monday everyone
it's funny because currently Alfred is dead
Several Facebook friends have posted this and like... is Joker even known for a poorly-maintained lair
Here are some nice mushrooms
Academic department chairs have absolute immunity for their official acts.
The Doomworld discussion noted the amazing visuals the designer managed to pull off in the .wad, but noted the claustrophobic and amateurish design made it a middling to subpar map.
The extent to which this house looks like the final level of a first-person shooter from 1997 is... striking
Beverly Hills brutalist mansion for sale for $68 million r/brutalism
STRANGE HORIZONS IS AT $11,943 OUT OF A $13,500 BASE GOAL I've been reading Strange Horizons and submitting stories there for like twenty years, I'd love to get in there one day! And keep reading in the meanwhile.
Strange Horizons A free weekly speculative fiction magazine with a global perspective.
this is tonight I'm a mysterious garden and will be just DARLING
Because it matches the vibe today, here's some demons teaching monks how to make gunpowder in MS Bodley 181 (