Isaac Rabinovitch

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Isaac Rabinovitch

Not a bot. He, his.
Not the first time I've seen MAGA rhetoric use domestic abuse logic.
“In the name of unity, stop taking issue with Jan. 6” is “when you say it’s wrong that I hit you, you’re tearing this family apart” on a national scale. Screenshot for attribution
Me and my son don't know nuthin' about no bank robbin', Sheriff.
Certain people like to blame the Texas grid's failures on renewable energy. But California seems to be demonstrating that a renewable-based grid is *more* resilient.
"No rolling blackouts or grid emergencies as California continues on path to a carbon free grid. Several strategies, including upgrades to vulnerable parts of the grid at play here, but key enabler is more clean energy, especially solar, and above all, battery storage..." 😀
California Grid Breezes Through Heat Wave due to Renewables, No rolling blackouts or grid emergencies as California continues on path to a carbon free grid. Several strategies, including upgrades to vulnerable parts of the grid at play here, but key enabler …
So Bouie baled because of Bluesky design flaws, not because he was being harassed? FFS.
bouie singlehandedly forcing this site to implement features that make it usable for anyone with more than a few hundred followers
" In 2016 ... Trump was newly ascendant, and liberals were hunting for good conservatives, as though their existence could hold the center together." Indeed, back then we were all trying to engage with anti-Trump conservatives. It rarely went well.
Then there's opossums, North America's only marsupial and the bane of spelling purists.
One of my favorite things about skunks is that the scientific name for them is Mephitis mephitis mephitis, meaning “stinky stinky stinky”
I have to point out that there's another subspecies called mephitis mephitis nigra, which is, presumably, slightly less stinky.
Then there's mephitis macroura, the hooded skunk. Is it even less stinky?
Once again, MAGA has a weird case of cognitive dissonance. Recall that Vance got most of his education in the very system he wants to destroy.
You don't let people mill around in a green zone.
Which is precisely why I'm so encouraged that he's joining the ticket. I *was* rooting for Noem, but maybe Vance is more conspicuously toxic.
So Vance is this generation's Spiro Agnew.
But then in the third novella, SecUnit meets an actual robot, who is easily the most likeable character in the MurderBotVerse.
SecSystem records everything, even inside the sleeping cabins, and I see everything. That’s why it’s easier to pretend I’m a robot.
You're saying he's the Microsoft Bob of modern politics?
Well, not in the real world, anyway. It's a standard trope in low-budget horror movies.
She would have been an ideal VP for Trump.
When I was a kid, you called 767-8900. "At the tone, the time will be, eight thirty-two, and twenty seconds" BEEP!🔊 But don't recall one for temperature. Phone companies did this to stop people from calling operators. The USNO still offers a similar service.
Telephone Time lock Chief of Information
i finally watched Citizen Kane this weekend and only then did I realize that for my entire life, I have vaguely believed that Orson Welles and George Orwell are the same person
A certain actor I'm fond of came out when they were 70. Like you, I applauded, but felt sad for the time they lost.
The elevator story is a particular favorite of mine.
(Googles.) Mexican breakfast looks a lot like Usian breakfast, only with beans. So how do you like British breakfast?
You notion that nobody is omniscient is going to close out your hopes of ever getting a New York Times column.
We work fine. We just don't *plan*.
Because they had Federal money to do it. Oregon government is not great at thinking things through. See also: Wapato Jail.
Even at 12, I knew who she was, and had heard of her “bad girl” reputation, and I remember being shocked that she was so kind to a six year old girl. But that showed me that there’s often more to somebody than the rumors you hear. An important thing for a 12-year-old girl to learn, I think.
I've never been a brunch person either, but I think brunch isn't about the food. It's an excuse to socialize and get drunk in the middle of the day. Note that socializing and alcohol are also things I'm bad at, so I could be wrong.