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#InfoSec : #privacy : #tech : #space : #astronomy : intersectional #feminist : #LGBTIQ : #AntiFascist : striving to be #AntiRacist : I fight for the user : crypto means #cryptography : opinions mine, not employer's 🦄🚀📡🛰✨🎶🎭💾👾🦎🏳️‍🌈🖖
Reposted byAvatar itgrrl
The Federal Trade Commission, of all entities, is out here writing absolute bangers about AI snake oil.
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I made this Pride flag using only NASA images and our team thought it would be cool to share on social (I work on the NASA heliophysics communications team), but it's getting all sorts of hate on the bird app and Fbook. Thought y'all might be more appreciative of it here. ☺️🏳️‍🌈💖
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Glory to you and your house music.
Reposted byAvatar itgrrl
Yes, Mr. Rogers WAS indoctrinating children. Indoctrinating them not to be fucking assholes.
Reposted byAvatar itgrrl
There should be an easy option for every single-player game. I love a challenge, but games are supposed to be fun. And from a business perspective, you're cutting out a huge swath of casual gamers by not including one.
what's a gaming opinion that gets u like this
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“When I looked up and saw the Earth coming up on this very stark, beat-up Moon horizon…I was immediately almost overcome with the thought, ‘Here we came all this way to the Moon, and yet the most significant thing we’re seeing is our own home planet, the Earth.’” RIP Bill Anders.
Reposted byAvatar itgrrl
Leash your dog. Yes, you. Yes, your sweet dog. Leash your dog. Not only because of the harm it could do, but because you have no right to put other people through the stress of not knowing what it will do. EVEN IF you can predict your dog (you can’t), other people shouldn’t have to rely on it.
Reposted byAvatar itgrrl
I built possibly the earliest easy to use social media tool for getting AI image descriptions in Aug 2022, using an early paid API offered by Microsoft. I have been paying close attention to the subject since, especially listening to Visually Impaired folks' experiences. I am a niche expert in this.
Reposted byAvatar itgrrl
My attempts to criticize Mozilla's plans for built in AI alt text gen in Firefox are not because of my general hatred of AI or my lack of knowledge on this subject. They are because I understand this to a breadth and depth extremely rare and I want to be heard on subtle issues that are being ignored
I built possibly the earliest easy to use social media tool for getting AI image descriptions in Aug 2022, using an early paid API offered by Microsoft. I have been paying close attention to the subject since, especially listening to Visually Impaired folks' experiences. I am a niche expert in this.
Reposted byAvatar itgrrl
"a potential gold mine for criminal hackers or domestic abusers who may physically access their victim’s device." In 2024 it *still* somehow isn't standard practice to ask in the design process: Are we building the killer app for domestic abusers?
This Hacker Tool Extracts All the Data Collected by Windows’ New Recall Windows Recall takes a screenshot every five seconds. Cybersecurity researchers say the system is simple to abuse—and one ethical hacker has already built a tool to show how easy it really is.
Reposted byAvatar itgrrl
Readers who tell authors "I'm here for the story not your politics" when we express beliefs on our timelines don't realize: 1) we're not coin operated. 2) we'll probably block you. 3) no, we don't care if you won't read us anymore. 4) our politics are in our stories you just didn't grasp them.
Reposted byAvatar itgrrl
This is your periodic reminder to NEVER abbreviate year to the last two digits. As a curator, I am *constantly* coming across specimens collected in "'75", with no way to tell if this was 1875 or 1975. Please remember to think beyond your own century.
Reposted byAvatar itgrrl
It's because we all have day jobs, advances are pennies, publishers don't market, one underperforming book tanks your career, and we're expected to be well-tuned brand machines on social media websites designed to suck our souls dry.
Reposted byAvatar itgrrl
Made these graphics for Pride. Inspired by having to work a pride event where cops had a whole fucking recruitment booth. (see: first pride was a riot. A RIOT).
Reposted byAvatar itgrrl
Saw this for the first time today. Seems legit.
Reposted byAvatar itgrrl
the thing about the frog-in-boiling-water allegory is that in real life the frogs in that experiment had their brains removed; frogs with intact brains quickly jumped out of the hot water. which actually makes it somehow more illustrative of people who write or are persuaded by 3-3-3 court pieces
Reposted byAvatar itgrrl
Please somebody steal my idea: A paid service that grants me access to many paywalled news sites, that distributes my monthly subscription proportionally to those sites based on how much content I read. I want to pay for journalism. But I don't want to subscribe to just 1 outlet or 100 outlets.
Reposted byAvatar itgrrl
Lotta funny guys assume my database isn’t sanitizing sql injections 🙄
My DMs are open but I’m putting you in my database
Reposted byAvatar itgrrl
1989's Macintosh SE/30L is remembered as one of Apple's biggest flops. MacWorld criticised its rotated L display as "...bringing all of the issues and none of the benefits of a true L display", while MacWeek called it "Some kind of deranged P display nobody asked for".
Reposted byAvatar itgrrl
Very important book! Back it if you can!
The Kickstarter campaign has launched! It's all or nothing for us -- find out what's in the book, who's collaborating, and pre-order a copy of The Covid Sanity Handbook here:
Coming soon: The Covid Sanity Staying Safe In An Unsafe World
Reposted byAvatar itgrrl
Avatar has been such a help to so many through all of these years!! I pledged yesterday. Definitely recommend!!
Day 2 of 's Kickstarter--The Covid Sanity Handbook: "practical advice for staying safe and feeling strong when encountering prevention-shaming, covid gaslighting, [...] rejection, mask ridicule, harmful healthcare workers..." Pledge now!
The Covid Sanity Staying Safe In An Unsafe World
Reposted byAvatar itgrrl
Our library has set up an "I Choose the Bear" table, with bear-related books. 🐻
Reposted byAvatar itgrrl
COVID-19 outbreaks in Australian residential aged care facilities: 23 May 2024 🔹Active cases: 3,687 (+609) 🔹Active outbreaks: 416 (+47) 🔹Residents: 2,532 (+384) 🔹Staff: 1,155 (+225) 🔹Reported deaths in 2024: 425 (+37) @AnikaWells @AlboMP Source:
Reposted byAvatar itgrrl
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Reposted byAvatar itgrrl
Prior to the introduction of the measles vaccine in 1963, it killed more than 400 Americans per year, with children being the most vulnerable. Due to childhood vaccination, deaths from measles were nearly entirely eliminated in the US in the 1990s. The rise in antivax rhetoric is killing children.
It's heartbreaking in so many ways. "A young child has died of measles in Ontario, marking the first death in the province from the highly contagious virus in more than 10 years, a Public Health Ontario report confirms. The child, who was under the age of 5, was not immunized against the virus"
Child under 5 dies of measles in Ontario: A young child has died of measles in Ontario, marking the first death in the province from the highly infectious virus in more than 10 years, a Public Health Ontario report confirms.
Reposted byAvatar itgrrl
Reposted byAvatar itgrrl
Today is the International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT). Two things I want to emphasise: 1. There’s a huge amount of it going around, which means the fight is vital; and 2. There’s also a huge amount of queer joy and dynamism and passion. Nothing is hopeless. 💜