Cadbury Crème Negs

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Cadbury Crème Negs

I just want to have a fun time this time.
Starting understand Michael Jordan’s “republicans buy sneakers too” line. Kinda tired of knowing what everybody thinks.
I believe Biden only won because A) Trump was clearly going to actively kill as many people as he could with Covid and B) the fresh hell of Trump was still clear in our minds. I think those things are forgotten. But genocide and the barrage of “Joe too old” are ubiquitous. That’s my concern.
Wait. Why do corporate landlords get benefits?
Fox News citing the New York Times talking to David Frum about JD Vance is absolutely a thing of nightmares. Just a group of the world’s worst human beings all pretending their opinions of each other matter to any decent person.
"There's no place in America for political violence."
Trying to come up with a portmanteau, but so far all I got is “Roekkake”.
I honestly think he’s one of the most vile humans on the planet.
The jokes are really letting me down. We set the bar too high the night he got Covid.
Radio country has been Larping for like 2 decades now.
Man, I think about this all the time. Games used to take 12 guys 6 months to make. Now they take 1,000 guys 5 years to make. And they’ve gone from 49.99 to 69.99. That is a freaking miracle. I don’t understand the uproar.
I think you have to pull in something scary like “Russia” or “Putin” to get people who already assume everyone in the government is just unbelievably, next level, bought and paid for corrupt.
“Today is the day Trump finally became president.”
Also they should bring back nfl street.
Criticizing journalists is not only not illiberal, it's necessary. Arguing that the press shouldn't exist or should be restrained by the state (which is the Trumpian position) is illiberal.
okay that's it, fuck it, i've seen one too many of these craterbrained "criticizing journalists is illiberal" takes and i can't fucking take it anymore. it is not in fact a violation of Liberal Fundamentals to tell journos that they fucking suck when they manifestly fucking suck. next question
NYT: Biden claims he currently has no plans to shoot his wife. 3 Trump voters in a diner in Idaho aren’t so sure.
Lol. What are you doing, NYT? Like you know you’re spreading disinformation. Is it like a fun little game now?
I don't say this lightly, the NY Times has fully lost it, just unhinged behavior by a mainstream media outlet
It’s wild how the political press does some much writing about peoples’ perceptions while hardly ever acknowledging they’re one of the main drivers of it.
News Analysis: When Donald Trump was found guilty of 34 felonies, the U.S. was confronted with a historical novelty: a felon who once held the highest office in the land. Will the label actually tarnish Trump, as it has so many people over the centuries?
A Mark of Shame for 900 Years. Until Now? “Felon” carries an ancient stigma — one that falls on millions of Americans today. Trump might well redefine it.
The problem with your first point is Biden only won the first time because it was clear Trump was going to let Covid rip through America unabated. We thought 100k Covid deaths was a lot then. Most people don’t even remember Covid now.
Honestly, Biden was gonna lose 40 states anyway. Now he loses 48. Same same.
I don’t think they had a plan for anything after “Beat Bernie”.
This is how you know Dems are about to get rolled in November. They’re already gearing up to blame “the left”.
Are they gonna replace him? Sorta feels that way.
Although I’ll give him this - the current DNC national strategy of Doing Things The Way They’ve Always Been Done while ignoring the irregular attacks ripping away their supply lines bears some remarkable similarities to lines of gentlemen in red coats marching through a forest.
What sucks is Biden was ruthless 20 years ago. Just a vile dude who would lie and cheat to get what he wanted. Now he has power but he’s a doddering old man. Unlucky.
“Instead of striking, why don’t they compromise?” Striking is the compromise. Too many people have forgotten how it used to work.