
Communist Morning Joe and his buddy, the Bolshevik NYT opinion page 😑😑😑😑
I don’t know how many times anyone can explain that Joe Manchin did 1000x more damage to Joe Bidens presidency than anyone on Chapo. No one on the left has any power! We can’t throw anyone out!
Aaron has mistaken his clips and videos for Doing Politics, and online leftists can seem powerful. Dude should maybe try to organize a union drive or even just get a beer with normie libs right now. This is not a leftist worry about Biden, it is universal.
The minute I’m called a leftist you lose me.
Uh oh… not THE RADICAL LEFT!!! Fucking conservative talking points I love it
The people abandoning Biden now have no idea what a Chapo is.
I was told breathlessly that it was essential that Manchin keeps hold of his seat. Now he is consistently used as a β€œparliamentarian”-like excuse as to why nothing can get done. I’ve had enough of it. I’ve voted their way every time. I demand better, & it’s their fault if they can’t organize that.
You don't understand that 2 things can be true at once? It can be true that: 1) We needed Manchin's seat so that the GOP didn't control the Senate with a firm grip on Biden's balls AND 2) The slim majority placed Manchin in a position where he had a grip on Biden's balls and half of his shaft
Of course I understand that. You people really think we haven’t seen you write this shit a million times before.
Yet you still don't understand that a shitload of judges got confirmed because Manchin voted for them, and the whiny leftists contributed the square root of jack shit.
Yes, I do. Now hit da bricks
It's wild that libs think this is convincing. If Manchin, who is effectively just a blue republican going on Fox News and everything, is the ONLY way the party can maintain power, then maybe it shouldn't have that power.
Correct. These people don’t think I understand their calculus. I do. I reject it. If this country is ever going to avoid the Republican blockade and the descent into fascism, it needs to do something different than play razor’s edge politics with goons like Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema
And because I am one guy in one of the bluest states in America, who has voted their way every single time, it is THEIR problem to solve. If I am truly to believe that they are the essential opposition party and the only thing standing in Trump’s way, then it’s time for them to make the big changes
You've got a weird cognitive issue where you think someone stating the way things *are* is a statement of how they ought to be: "Hey man, the roof is on fire & we're gonna have to crawl out the window cause the doors are blocked" "Oh, you think houses shouldn't have doors? I reject your calculus!"
No one said it's the only way the party can maintain power. wtf are you talking about.
Then why did Manchin need to hold that seat? Why couldn't the DNC find someone better or at least more willing to play ball with Dem policies?
Are we really going to kid ourselves? The democrats never waste a chance to punch down on the left. Deserved or otherwise.
No but you hurt their feelings :’(
Let's not underestimate the power of Bluesky user calling him "Mr. Poopar"
I don't get that sense about leftists at all. I think we all just think we're fucked
What Rupar sees as leftists going "easy" on Trump and hard on dems is just us not wasting our time screaming "Trump bad" all day. Everyone on the left knows Trump is a monster. Biden claims to not suck so when he does bad things we get pissed off and yell about it.
also every single person who complains about β€œleftists” has a different group of people in mind sometimes with no overlap
Yeah true. Centrist libs use "leftist" as the same catch-all for anyone they don't like the way that the right uses "woke".
can't believe that dipstick still feels like he can actually drop opinions rather than "get a load of this" news clips
aaron baby what the fuck are you talking about πŸ’™
this guy is going to be fighting out the 2016 primary like those Imperial Japanese soldiers on islands in 1973. Like it’s not 2020 anymore buddy, nobody gives a fuck, we have to deal with Scranton Joe vs. the grim reaper
lol, every molecule of this guy's analysis is downstream from his twitter enemies
Gotta blame the leftists, who've never had power, for the obviously bad choices the Democratic party has made, again.
Aaron Rupar is part of the 22% I guess
ah yes, those loony leftists always minimizing the threat of fascism and authoritarianism
We were literally the ones saying "smash nazis through any means necessary!" in 2018 and people like him were the ones telling is to stop being hysterical and calling everyone we don't like nazis!
This is how you know Dems are about to get rolled in November. They’re already gearing up to blame β€œthe left”.
I don't think the bluesky leftists are who you have to worry about with harris the misogyny and racism from your Concerned Centrists in the suburbs will be plenty (I'd vote for Harris happily)
Aaron Rupar has never talked to a leftist in his entire miserable fucking life and he makes that evident everytime he opens his stupid gob. I loathe him.
"People who have spent five years saying Biden won't, can't, and doesn't adequately oppose Trump are now suggesting Biden is replaced by a candidate that sucks slightly less"
Where is this narrative coming from that progressives are the ones trying to push out Biden? Why didn't I get the memo on that? AND FOR THE HUNDREDTH TIME WHERE IS MY SOROS CHECK???? πŸ™„ Speaking for my (leftist) self: I JUST WANT DEMS TO STOP WHINING ABOUT OLD AF BIDEN AND FIGHT!
They're the ones who told us to overlook all of Biden's flaws because we needed to be singularly focused on beating Trump!
It’s been a sad but predictable road for him.
Gawd I'm sick of this leftists are crap stuff. I marched in the 60s. It's like then but from Dems instead of Birchers.
The weird sicko fantasy obsession with the left and how we’re the cause of the woes? It’s lame.