Jake Albrecht

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Jake Albrecht


Films. Baseball. Football. And the defunct Hartford Whalers. These are all things I invest too much of my emotional well being in.
My cult movie insisting I did not hit her has people asking a lot of questions already answered by the cult movie.
Feel like an easy fix would be passing a law saying "no arrest can be made if the body cams aren't working during it" suddenly a lot of technical issues would resolve themselves.
Whatever clown. I'm muting you. Good luck shouting into the ether.
Veronica Mars "We Used to Be Friends" by the Dandy Warhol's is a stand out in this arena.
It is a completely cogent argument. Is someone being slightly too old for a job better than literal fascism? It's not fucking close. Stop pretending it is.
Cool cool cool...who's he running against?
I'm not that surprised, a couple of months ago my wife's students were coming up with trivia for some banquet night and when she read it to me none of it was real stuff, all of it was made up nonsense. But it takes a lot of time and discipline to disprove it because Google is broken.
There's a lot of people who are saying "Joe Biden can't make it 4 more years as president" and "Kamala Harris should replace him" where I feel like saying...great...therefore if you vote for President Biden in less than 4 years what will happen?
I'm sorry but isn't him giving them the counterfeit bills illegal? Would not a president who has full discretion of his justice department not be well within his powers as an executive to send the Secret Service to pick this asshole up.
Some moron on Bluesky got muted
"This shitty candidate beat my preferred guy by 3 million votes" isn't the sterling recommendation you think it is.
Hillary got 3 million more votes than Bernie in the primary. So, yeah, Bernie was a real fucking powerhouse.
He's kind of always been like this that's why he was so shitty at running for president before he was vice president.
There's a lot people who said he was going to lose in 2020 because he was too old that are frothing at the mouth to be vindicated now. They're not going to give it up.
Pretty much all of the 1970's geniuses worked with female editors. A lot of them didn't look so great when they stopped working with them. Worth thinking about! Editing is an underrated part of the process.
Just trying to imagine what kind of life you'd have to live to reach the conclusion, "Actually work places are TOO safe"
Yeah it's basically a nightmare conversation. And then she blames the poor dude for being bummed out about it. "Oh I guess MEN can't handle me screaming at them about cross dressing for 45 minutes."
Sounds like some dude out there tried to be like, "I don't know JK maybe I don't get it but people should be allowed to do what they want" and then she launched into the most unhinged rant ever while he silently thought "I should definitely not have talked to her about this."
Yeah it sounds like, "I was being really weird about trans women and my straight male friend was dying waiting for me to talk about literally anything else."
Sadly, that's not where they get most of their money from anyway.
If they're willing to grant Trump immunity for trying to steal the election it's definitely fair to wonder if they'll just overturn it if Biden wins now, anyway. Literally there is no reason to trust anything from the Supreme Court at this moment.
Republicans are stealing this country from voters and your paper is concerned if the president mumbles too much. Wake the fuck up. You're not going to exist in 5 years if these assholes get back in power.
I wouldn't say it made little impact her numbers went up after every debate. Then two weeks would go by and people would remember they don't like her. If the last debate had taken place a couple days before the election she probably would have won.
The Afghanistan invasion and occupation were pretty fucking disastrous. Continuing to compound that by occupying indefinitely because we as a country weren't able to admit it 20 fucking years ago would be insanity.
I can say from personal experience masks were a god send to people with nice eyes and jacked up teeth.
Yeah they fucked up the math but it ended up being true.
It would be unbecoming to tell you how proud of it I am.