
So the co-creator of Space Ghost and one of the guys who basically helped invent Adult Swim today works as a delivery driver for Amazon. I'm referring to Andy Merrill (voice of Brak, who put together the SG pilot in a storage closet at Turner) who apparently got extremely screwed in the deal.
Also the voice of Frylock on ATHF (Carey Means) works as a dishwasher at a restaurant, or at least he did until he had health issues and his wife had to start a gofundme: wtf is this fucking industry
Seriously. Meanwhile the suits that probably had to be begged to greenlight this show reap the rewards
Makes me think piracy of such things is perfectly acceptable. The be who deserve the money, and likely need it, don’t get any of it.
It’s always been pretty bad… “Don’t pirate games or the developers will loose money” was never really true either because most of the time they’ve already been paid and all the extra money go to suits…
I suppose that's true, but at the same time, a game that doesn't bring in the money can often lead to layoffs or even studio closures, so 🫤
Games that bring in money still result in layoffs and studio closures for certain publishers.
That is heartbreaking. He’s a great voice actor!
spent about 30 yrs in broadcasting. from a pa to an engineer, making more money than ever as a deli cook. it's a shit industry, run by shit people. do understand the call to it though.
And they’re trying to put voice actors, and actors in general, out of work with AI. Ugh.
Love that since this was posted on Bluesky, there's been a rapid uptick in donations! 💜📈🦋
Meanwhile Dave Chappelle gets 40, 80 Million dollars per comedy special
God that sucks so much. They both did such great work.
want to buy a print, says page unavailable.
Man, every producer should be caned
I recently read “Carrion Comfort” by Dan Simmons and the two most despicable characters are film producers who would probably be the least evil producers in real life.
I am suddenly PISSED at Adult Swim and Cartoon Network.
I remember vividly when he passed. A number of the veterans at Floyd County Productions knew him really well, and this kind of thing is still SO common in the animation industry.
I just realized whose statue he's next to in the photo. I love it
This conversation had me wondering about Zorak and now I am sad and kind of angry.
This is somehow both surprising and unsurprising at the same time.
I was so obsessed with Brak, that when I was an undergraduate in the 90s, I had my college change my school email address to brak@universityname.
I am extremely impressed you got them to change it. How did you sell it? "The nurses misspelled my name on my birth certificate"??
fwiw, this is a Televideo terminal ROM font.
I just went to the office and asked them to. They didn't even ask any questions. It was a little embarrassing when I went to grad school several years later and that was still my email.
I was briefly head sysadmin for FSU's computer science department in the '90s, and I can tell you that if someone had walked into my office and asked me to change their email name to Brak, I would have said 'yes' instantly.
ime in 2002, the university did not care really i dropped out and kept my email address until like 2011 when they started caring about that stuff
Haha. My university never would have let me do that in 2002. Maybe in the 90s when we still used PINE for email... I hope you had a hotmail account w/that username 😎
My university still had a SunOS server with pine installed to view your email in 2002
what the fuck Brak‘s actor got screwed over??? i love his work 😔
also hot damn the author of one of my favorite books is on bluesky 😻
As Jeff Bezos might say, “So happy for you to have this opportunity to prosper in today’s fast paced employment environment.”
what the actual hell though he will never have to buy his own drink/coffee/lunch when I’m in the room; it’s the least I can do
He's a delivery driver, I think he'd just be happy for some empty bottles to piss in.
I came across Andy on Twitter after I’d changed my avi to Brak for lulz, & people kept assuming I was him. Super nice guy, still picks up VO/creative work when he can. Posts fun stuff on YouTube/Twitter. From what little I know of him, he deserves the world’s riches. George Lowe’s also on Twitter.
George Lowe doesn’t post as much as Andy, & I don’t know what his own financial situation is. But those guys really deserve to be living comfortably & only taking on work if they want to. (They also should have producers beating down their doors, IMO, because they’re brilliant legends.)
I get what you're saying, but for clarity, Space Ghost (the character) was created by Alex Toth for Hannah -Barbera. SG Coast to Coast is what he created. Another classic show, imo.
And IMO Coast-to-Coast was way better than the original.
Space Ghost, a character nothing like the SG of SGCTC, was created by Alex Toth. I hope he wasn't also screwed out of his money here.
It's been a rough time as an animation fan between hearing of this and how so many shows over the past 10 years are completely out of sight thanks to streaming deals and then being removed.
Just to be clear, he was one of the co-creators of Space Ghost Coast to Coast. The Space Ghost character itself was created by (I think) Alex Toth in the 60s. This is just as a point of clarification, and in no way undermines the fact that Andy seems to have gotten a raw deal.
SA warning There was also this that got next to no traction as there were some weird fan issues when he was trying to get sober/ a bunch of frat bros just saying learn to take a joke like frats aren't sexually assault pledges all the time.
And reading that talking about being upset at people asking if he's gay is a little ineloquent. But I went to school in the Reagan and Bush administrations. I draw, over weight and sick all the time. Constantly bullied, called gay, every slur and that I must have Aids. As a confused kid that hurts
And I ended up Bi/pan so they were only half right. Stupid assholes.