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Holy crap, Biden's merch shop is going HARD against the Republican National Convention.
Incredible stuff.
I'm not saying this is 100% proof that he was behind it, but I DO find it awfully suspicious that Hinckley's most recent post is basically "Would any famous ladies be impressed if that orange cat was covered in blood?" and when flipped, the cat's hind leg looks AWFULLY like the head of a certain guy
You'd think Mark Wahlberg's Buick dealership would be a classier operation, but apparently he's been bamboozling people into thinking they won a car, but then the fine print informs them “Order of winning symbols do not match order of winning prizes.”
I'm doing some deep research, and Mark has adorned the place with cardboard standees. Now the question: is are they life-size, or did he force the guy at Kinkos to make him 2 inches taller?
So did this sales guy get the job solely because he introduced himself to Mark as B-rad, or was it more of a "Brad, love the face tattoo, but that name has to go. Your name's B-rad now, ain't that right, B-rad?"-situation?
Oh man, this might be the first auto dealership in history with Yelp reviews so negative that they threaten to impact future Hollywood box office numbers.
Michael Richards: You sure I look okay? People will think I'm taking this seriously? PR Intern: Sure do, Mr. Kramer! We got the lighting real soft-like so your hair blends into the dark background and makes it look ya got a real skinhead, no foolin'!
Man, you can't even write a song about a mass shooter named Steve without some evangelical Christian nerd criticizing it for containing a subliminal evil message encouraging kids to try pot to help them deal with the fact that there's a goddamned mass shooter named Steve on the loose.
So you read: "Biden hasn't seen [Cannard] outside of his annual physical", and: "Dr. Cannard regularly visits the WHMU as part of this General Neurology practice" to treat military personnel who experience neurological issues, but don't understand that means his visits had nothing to do with Biden?
Everyone always comments on how fucky the shark looks, but no one ever mentions how the dude he's eating is completely bricked up
Like, I'm not even in marketing and was able to draft up a pretty solid slogan.
My stupid dick when I've put it back in my pants after we've finished up at the urinal:
So do you have a personality disorder, or are you just an asshole?
Oh man, if the historian cited in the article isn't fibbing, we're gonna start seeing these so-called "fireworks" used for a variety of occasions—it appears that people think they're an absolute gas!
As children, Hollywood promised us a future in which the common man could come together to kick the living shit out of ill-conceived robots, and Philly taught us that the future is NOW.
So if some lady was hopping after this dog trying to get her leg back, you wouldn't help her out? You'd just sit back and be all "What's the big deal? It's not a real leg, idiot!" That's ableist as hell, Brendel.
I can’t think of a clever caption for this. It just breaks my fucking heart.
Oh man. Just look at this barefooted bastard. You know those pants just absolutely reeked of ripe piss and rotten apples.
This is unreal. From the single released CCTV video showing what Mar-a-lago guests had access to, it was clear that Trump had a whole stash of Ecto Cooler just sitting there.
I really need to know if Rob Zombie and Jeff Ament just happened to have the same Hat Guy, or if it was like a rivalry thing where they were constantly trying to one-up who could find a larger headpiece to prove their masculinity.
I can't quite place it, but something about your mall ninja arsenal tells me that you're only allowed to build fences and paint houses as long as they're at least 1000 ft away from a school, park, or playground.
That's not true at all—MOST people don't like the cameras because they're mounted in a stationary position. Study after study has shown that people prefer cameras to be dangling from a fishing pole held by a little turtle dude who's sitting in a cloud and following them around.
This fucking knob didn't even know about the sixth way of attacking with fire: leaving a flaming bag of fresh turds on your enemy's doorstep so that he ruins his new Jordans
You're telling me these guys don't hang out anymore? We have lost so, so much.
A reminder for today, #WorldDraculaDay, that Michael B. Jordan is forfeiting stupid amounts of money by not pivoting the Creed franchise into a study of the seedy world of underground vampire boxing.
Happy #WorldDraculaDay to those who celebrates! 🦇🖤🦇
Get a load of the complete lack of emotion on this family of psychopaths in the primordial stages of building their empire of deceit. The only one showing a modicum of conscience is Abraham—notice his eyeline; he can't even bear to look at the camera.
What a bunch of lying assholes at Stouffer's: they're declaring that their "Lasagna with Meat AND Sauce" has DOUBLE the meat of the "Lasagna with Meat Sauce" standard like they're some heroes, meanwhile, the "Lasagna with Meat AND Sauce" standard is EXACTLY THAT.