
many things make me angry about the supreme court but one of the biggest things is just that none of those cowards in the gang of six will ever take real questions from the public
if john roberts et al are going to cosplay as politicians then they should at least have to face the voters once a term
Cos playing as OBGYN and all manner of scientist.
They didn't even stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. Who do they thing they are?
Oh I think the population has an obligation to make their lives as miserable as they want to make ours. Run the fuckers out of society.
They should never again enjoy a public moment of peace. They like oligarchs; they should move in with them and fuck off from the civilization they hate so much.
Or at least show up for Congressional hearings & answer our representatives’ questions
I think judicial elections are a bad idea but I’m willing to admit I’m wrong
They should absolutely have to defend their rulings in congressional hearings
In the meantime, we need to take over the House in 2025, and begin a full public investigation into Thomas & Alito & their wives. Then, follow it up with an impeachment inquiry. Dem voters must not allow these men to get away with 0 accountability for their high corruption on the high court.
They're gonna be REAL surprised—or maybe they won't? Who knows?—when Trump disbands SCOTUS as his first "official act" in January of 2025. "Thanks for everything, suckers! Say hello to Chief Justice Jeannine Pirro."
Pelt these people with rotten fruit
bullhorns outside their fucking houses
They shouldn't know a moment's peace, honestly. All this stuff about decorum, I'm frankly tired of hearing about it when they find it so easy to trample our nation for a moron.
They don't answer to the 3rd Estate apparently
Can we bring bags of rotting vegetables?
Kick them out of their fancy building and let them sit with the rest of the legislature since that’s the work they’ve taken over for themselves.
There should be thousands of protesters surrounding their churches this Sunday. Make their friends feel us
The notion that you cannot question the motivation of the Executive feels like the most massive and unsurprising projection on the part of the SCOTUS six
Can you explain why Robert’s won’t appear before Congress? Executive branch members appear all the time. Why not him?
And they would act so wounded if they were subjected to any sort of derision or even pushback. They truly think they've earned our deference. It's infuriating.
Like, just do the job we all know you were sent there to do and save the wildly disingenuous "judges don't make policy" claptrap.
Oh, but you forget. They have neighbors.
They're the kind of people that would do their divorce completely via text message.
They got back with a monarch via written decision
Another thing this useless Congress could at least shame them publicly about
They are cowards. And bad human beings.
Corrupted court needs impeachment not just spiritual (fake) judgment.
That's why they hate it so much if you beard them in their dens, show up at their homes or at restaurants where they're eating...
If we dropped several hundred thousand to privately fly them to an exclusive resort to speak to a handpicked audience, they might consider taking a question.
Clear understanding as to how useless it was to expect Roberts to hold Thomas and Alito accountable for ethics violations . . . or to have any ethics for this court.
The Senate needs to hold hearings on this. Invite the SCOTUS, but have the hearings whether or not they show up with video clips from their confirmation hearings.
According to senator Whitehouse, Rs are filibustering subpoenas. If we take the house, doors open.
they just start fires for us all , take away our rights and then hang out on yachts
You work at the paper that's been mansplaining to us how there's nothing to see here. Can you please speak up to them? Or maybe you have, in which case, many thanks.
I'm no stenographer but I think he's said a few times that he doesn't so much work for them as get to write some columns now and then.
From the outside, the US is falling apart. Its democracy is becoming a joke. To have the highest court find a leader is above the law, just a sham. Now, Scotus has given a free rein to Trump to take full retribution on his enemies.
But they will happily air their righteous indignations to friendly audiences at Federalist Society dinners.
Look, the Alaskan King Salmon aren't going to fish themselves at the luxury fishing camp.
It’s as if the only way the public has to register our displeasure is to stand outside their homes and yell at them. We should be doing that by the thousands in 24 hour shifts. No rest for these people who are intent on destroying our country and causing so much pain.
You forget, they're above the rabble. That's why Martha gets so mad when someone walks on the street in their neighborhoods.
surely they must be in public sometimes
They’re scared of being mauled to death by trump supporters
many moons ago I got to ask Scalia a question after he spoke at a college event. don’t remember what it was, something about originalism I think. what I do remember is he criticized me for not standing to ask the question and then moved on without answering lol
Well Drumph's stacking of SCOTUS with his own right wingers is now starting to pay off. Calling in favours big time for their promotion. Sickening.
AOC is on the right path, impeach the corrupt justices now.
SCOTUS should be forced to do a press conference every month