Steven Randolph

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Steven Randolph

Professional Cook
Learning to make 3d things real
Fan of Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Hiker, Cyclist
"They're just fearmongering about Project 2025," brought to you by the people behind "They're just fearmongering about a coup" and "they're just fearmongering about abortion bans"
Also tomorrow in the New York Times, Bill Cosby on “Why It’s Paranoid To Watch Your Drink Carefully In Bars”
as a politics knower I think the democrats should simply do the thing that makes it easiest to win, but also aligns with both all my prior posts and all my most panicked recent posts. this is very simple and obvious.
Biden should go on Hot Ones, tbh. idk if it'd help him. I just think he should do it.
i think akhil amar reed captures something very important, which is that the roberts court rewrote article ii, which explicitly states that a president can be held criminally liable after impeachment (and which has long been understood to mean that he can be held liable after leaving office)
Something Has Gone Deeply Wrong at the Supreme Jurists who preach fidelity to the Constitution are making decisions that flatly contradict our founding document’s text and ideals.
It makes me feel very much unmoored from reality to see all this *buying into* the Biden Too Old ratfuck narrative, days after the Supreme Court ruled that Trump gets to be dictator for life, just weeks after Trump became a convicted felon (oh, and there’s the Epstein stuff that just came out).
It really is making *me* feel crazy to see a bunch of other Democrat voters running around screaming about how Biden is now unelectable, on the basis of one bad debate and an incredibly obvious ratfucking campaign by America’s most craven newspaper.
It also makes me feel insane that the rat fuck around Biden’s age and mental capacity is being uncritically spread around by Democrats when Trump is *incredibly obviously* grotesquely mentally incapacitated, in a way that is genuinely terrifying.
It makes me feel very much unmoored from reality to see all this *buying into* the Biden Too Old ratfuck narrative, days after the Supreme Court ruled that Trump gets to be dictator for life, just weeks after Trump became a convicted felon (oh, and there’s the Epstein stuff that just came out).
Oh, you don't LIKE this. Good, neither do I. What we do about THAT comes after Nov.
You're either voting for Joe Biden, or you're never voting again.
I know it is useless to argue with these people, which is why I block them immediately instead.
The United States has always been a democracy for some and a brutal authoritarian regime for others, and the effort to expand it to democracy for all has led to a 70+ year backlash culminating in SCOTUS claiming that kings are totes cool and also judges are the ones to coronate them
And we knew all this already! We fired him for the same reasons! Let’s not keep taking steps backwards!
When Trump is rounding up people with impunity and the imprimatur of the nation’s highest court at least folks will be able to take comfort in the fact the slightly older guy is no longer president.
What an incredibly depressing week: Bowman gets crushed, Biden looks mostly dead on TV, the Supremely Corrupts rule the president is a king, but the government isn’t allowed to govern. The kind of week that makes it feel like the republic and the constitution on which is stands are collapsing.
I'm voting for the agent of empire who has the best chance of winning and is the least bad among their fellow agents of empire. I'm doing so because the left hasn't gotten its shit together (or was prevented from getting its shit together) to do much more than complain about the least bad option.
The crux of this is that these people feel sincerely entitled to a president who fits their personal preferences, rather than just trying to get the least fucked-up and harmful option in a busted system where bad interests have lots of power
The reason pundits like the contested convention thing is that it plays to their vanities: what if the smart people made a meritocratic decision about who’s best? This is driven, in part, by being mostly isolated from negative reactions to their opinions over the years.
This is why I’ve been writing for years that “nothing in movement conservatism makes sense except in the light of creationism.” It’s the exact same tactics, just repurposed for other causes. I share the frustration.
It is enormously frustrating to know, as an evolutionary biologist with experience from the trenches of the creationist wars on science, that nobody on Biden’s team nor CNN’s seem to be aware of the Gish Gallop, 30y after Eugenie Scott described it and years of Trump deploying it!
Gish gallop -
It is enormously frustrating to know, as an evolutionary biologist with experience from the trenches of the creationist wars on science, that nobody on Biden’s team nor CNN’s seem to be aware of the Gish Gallop, 30y after Eugenie Scott described it and years of Trump deploying it!
"CNN Defends Decision to Not Do a Journalism"
Gish gallop -
NYT: Joe should quit, he stutters Philly Inquirer: Trump is a fucking criminal what the fuck are we doing here
God Bless Paul Davies and the @PhillyInquirer: "The only person who should withdraw from the race is Trump...There was only one person at the debate who does not deserve to be running for president. The sooner Trump exits the stage, the better off the country will be."
To serve his country, Donald Trump should leave the race | Editorial Biden had a horrible night Thursday. But the debate about the debate is misplaced. The only person who should withdraw from the race is Trump.
I know smut may seem like a frivolous thing to be upset about, but crushing it is part of fascism. Controlling all forms of sexual expression is fascism. Only allowing certain kinds is fascism. Smut peddlers are always canaries in the coal mines.
Pet peeve of mine, I’m sorry, but Joe Biden never said he would be a one-term president. You will not find that quote anywhere. His awful campaign staff basically Inception’d that into ours brains by talking about it with press, who reported it as if it was real. It was a disgusting trick.
Jailing people for being homeless is a classic American policy: stupid, brutal, and very expensive.
Circling back I do wonder what would happen if we taught WWII history not as the US "boldly daring to do the right thing" but really ending up doing the right thing by the edge of a coin toss, and even then it wasn't like the country saw Jewish people as fully human.
Biden does *not* need to step down. Instead, he needs to jump to the left, and then take a step to his right with his hands on his hips and then bring his knees in tight.
I'mma say this for all the people in the back. Don't vote for a person. Vote for your rights, for the rights of others. On page 5 of Project 2025's 180-day plan they openly call for outlawing porn, recommending imprisoning anyone who creates it. Are you an NSFW artist, or like the art? THIS IS YOU.
I never met that Jesus dude but from what I know about him he'd be more impressed if you gave kids free school lunches than making sure the 10 commandments are posted in every room
I'm increasingly feeling like we should just ignore what the Supreme Court says. What are they going to do about it?
Incidentally, when Trump says that student debt forgiveness is "vile," remember that he has declared bankruptcy for his companies six times to get out of paying debt.
Honestly, this is almost the most Republican thing ever: “I will make life much harder on a bunch of Americans in a way that will not benefit any of you in the slightest.”
Honestly, this is almost the most Republican thing ever: “I will make life much harder on a bunch of Americans in a way that will not benefit any of you in the slightest.”
Yeah, this seems worth avoiding.
If you’re not a law nerd, and you’re wondering why people who are not themselves theocratic fascists would support theocratic fascists, it’s to achieve this: to limit the power of the regulatory state.
NEW: SCOTUS could soon overturn the "Chevron doctrine," upending numerous federal regulations designed to protect the public. At least 20 right-wing groups linked to court-whisperers like Charles Koch and Leonard Leo have backed the assault on Chevron.
Amicus Spotlight: Loper Bright & Relentless | Revolving Door 20 right-wing groups linked to court-whisperers want SCOTUS to make its most dangerous regulatory power grab yet.