No Kings in America

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No Kings in America

Third child of sleepy people. Lazy comic. Have strong opinion on a handful of topics, shrug at many other things
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
Supreme Court rules 6-3 American Revolutionary War was incorrectly decided
The Supreme Court’s ruling putting presidents above the law must be understood not simply as a grant of immunity for past crimes, but an enthusiastic endorsement of those he will commit if given the chance.
The Supreme Court Gives Its Blessing to Trump’s And gives him permission for a despotic second term.
Yes we’ll rally round the flag, boys, we’ll rally once again, Shouting the battle cry of freedom, We will rally from the hillside, we’ll gather from the plain, Shouting the battle cry of freedom!
there's nothing wrong with having feelings of despair and futility, but i think it's most responsible to avoid airing all that out in public to the greatest extent possible right now. we need to cultivate a vengeance-driven, enraged espirit de corps right now, because we need people to fight
I can’t believe the Supreme Court just ruled that the president can sleep outdoors in a public space.
they should've been in handcuffs by the end of Biden's inaguration speech. Failing to act immediately might be the decision that dooms the Republic.
In April 1944, the Vice President of the United States wrote an article in the New York Times about the threat of Fascism in the United States. He ended by predicting that right wing anti-Communist saber rattlers in the US will inject a fascistic brand of politics into our political culture.
Cool when do we punish Reagan for doing this too
Former Honduran president Juan Orlando Hernández was sentenced by a U.S. judge to 45 years in a federal prison and an $8 million fine for running his Central American country as a “narco-state” that formed a critical passageway for South American cocaine flowing to the United States.
Ex-Honduran president sentenced to 45 years for trafficking drugs to Juan Orlando Hernández was accused of running a narco-state that formed a critical passageway for South American cocaine to the United States. He has maintained his innocence.
a century of rich tradition at the nyt
Judges found Björn Höcke, a leader of the Alternative for Germany party, guilty of knowingly using a Nazi slogan in May. On Monday, he will go on trial in the same court for using the same slogan, again. To his critics, the right-wing ideologue is a threat to German democracy.
The Man Softening the Ground for an Extremist Björn Höcke has done more than take the far right into the mainstream. He is tilting the mainstream toward the far right.
Many young men are unable to get a date on account of being insane. Their solution to this is to become much more insane. The logic is bad, but they’ve made themselves too insane on purpose to understand this
German big business (and a lot of foreign business too) LOVED Hitler when he smashed the KPD, SPD, and organized labor, and then gave them huge war contracts. but then, whoops, turns out,
the awkward thing is that functional capitalism is more or less inseparable from representative democracy. capitalism requires markets, legally binding contracts, and a functional judicial system to work best. this is a real reason why capitalism is different from colonialism and mercantilism, etc
Martha-Ann Alito is like
Mrs. Alito says she's "from Germany." She was born there while her dad was serving on an Air Force base. They moved back when she was a toddler. Her parents were from Oklahoma & Kentucky. So for her to say "I'm from Germany" suggests a real deep reason to identify with something about that country
They’re both shitty neo-Nazi sex criminals - this isn’t hard
Donald Trump could make Elon Musk an adviser if he wins the presidential election this year, The Wall Street Journal reported. Here's what to know about their relationship.
What’s Behind Elon Musk’s Bromance with Donald The Republican is courting the mogul to bolster his re-election fight, but the Biden campaign sees a political opportunity to exploit.
There’s gonna be academic papers on the Kendrick Drake beef I want to read all of them
1980: smuggled films radicalize Soviet youth with images of full grocery store shelves 2025: smuggled TikToks radicalize US youth with images of state capacity
This Ohio State graduating class did not get to see a single football victory over Michigan and then they get this hack to give their commencement speech, brutal.
Today’s Rooster dispatch, by special correspondent Max Littman, is free for all. It covers the disasterclass of a commencement speech yesterday by Ohio State alumnus Chris Pan, whom one university official called the worst person they’ve ever worked with.
Inside the worst Ohio State commencement speech "Social entrepreneur" Chris Pan admitted to writing his speech while high on psychedelic drugs, and somehow he delivered even worse results than you might imagine.
Changing Raytheon from the inside
Drake: Kendrick is a cheater Kendrick: Drake did 9/11 and invented ISIS. Here are some notarized documents showing his wire transfer to Mohamed Atta
Put together a quick site to gather links to bail funds for people arrested on college campuses. Please share the link with others and if you see any new bail funds pop up send them my way:
Campus Bail Links to bail funds for student protesters.
Every big campus protest against Vietnam, an issue they are now universally acknowledged as having been right about, was like “we burned down the admissions office and made the dean read a statement of support for the Viet Cong” and the people who grew up then are going “things are worse than ever”
The fact that Tesla is (or maybe was it’s been a rough month) valued higher than all other US car makers COMBINED remains one of the most bonkers things. It’s mostly based on finance people thinking Elon is magical which tells you all you need to know about finance imo
Obviously these companies are structured very differently. Toyota's value is found in the products it makes and brings to market, which people can buy and use. Tesla's value is from Elon Musk sometimes saying things like "I will invent magical taxis by November" and shareholders pissing themselves
On Confederate Surrender Day I'm thinking about my great great grandfather who, in 1917, tried to *shoot his neighbor* for flying the stars and bars in Oakland, CA.
on this appomattox day let me share my favorite union army flag. they should have made this the american flag.