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MA Student in English @CalPolyHumboldt
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Mark Twain hated the Fourth of July. He was often invited to speak at Independence Day festivities. His audiences assumed that his reliably unpatriotic remarks were tongue-in-cheek jests. But he meant that shit. 1/9
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Just a jaw-dropper from the state whose attorney general is currently trying to execute an innocent man.
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RETVRN to traditional masculinity when Real Men would tote around their babby kitties in case they needed kisses on their fuzzy little heads. Photo from my collection, no date/info.
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Perhaps the world would improve if we all admitted how truly mediocre and ordinary we are.
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This coming week, temperatures in Death Valley will be the hottest in the recorded history of this planet. Beryl is the earliest category four storm in the history of Atlantic hurricane season. People, both now and in the future, need us to stave off fascism and build a world where they can live.
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Jesus's worked in Salinas CAs fields since 1973, harvesting celery, lettuce, and more. I've earned enough to raise my family with this work. "It was hard in the early days when we had to hunch over using a short handle hoe. Thanks to Cesar Chavez it was outlawed." #WeFeedYou
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In a highly DRAMATIC move, Chuchi BOLTED out as his people left to catch a plane to move across the country. Chuchi is safe but about to be homeless. Can anyone care for Chuchi for just 3 short weeks til his people fly back to rescue him? [San Francisco Bay Area/E. Bay]
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BREAKING -- New York Public Library for the win! After a massive public backlash, NYC's libraries are getting their funding back -- and will be open on Sundays again. Take a bow, folks -- WE did this.
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oh my god now there's a "future of prison" startup that says it will use AI and brain implants to plant fake memories into the brains of criminals, "rehabilitating" them in minutes instead of years and I am going to spend the rest of the day screaming now
Cognify: Revolutionary Prison Concept Uses AI and Brain Implants to Fast-Track Criminal Discover how AI and brain implants are transforming rehabilitation. Read more on Cognify's innovative prison concept now!
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We make jokes about how dystopia is a lot more boring in reality than all the books we had to read in high school made it out to be. I think what we're forgetting is that the part we're in now - where the characters might have stopped it & didn't - is the backstory of these books, not the story.
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if anyone ever makes fun of me in a discord chat, please do not show it to me, I prefer to live in my bimbo bliss and I think it’s okay for people to not like me because I am annoying
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gone too soon... this is a Nelsan Ellis Appreciation Skeet
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Posting this randomly and not for any recent headlines or whatever
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Not my creation, found. But so true.
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Tips to beat the heat: 💧 Drink water 👕 Wear light and loose clothing 🏡 Stay indoors ✊ Dismantle the fossil fuel industry
Bad couple of days to start my week, but we're having a good brain day today. If only the body wanted to keep up that would be fantastic.
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i hate to have one of these at all but my big "WE DRANK FROM THE HOSE" opinion is that people younger than millennials really can't imagine what coming of age in a time of media scarcity meant - like, I would read about records and movies and not actually be able to see them for YEARS
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It's my experience that people who love wildlife spend most of their lives in a state of quiet anguish watching what they love be systematically destroyed, sometimes up close. So probably they also don't have a lot of patience for cutesy hate-comments about bugs or snakes or whatever.
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This cartoon has not been improved upon. August 29, 2016
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Hurricanes. Never. Cross. The. Equator. Hurricane tracking data from 1851-2006 from NASA, showing the path of storms by color-coded intensity. Why? Because the Coriolis force at the equator is essentially zero & can only vector AWAY from the equator, producing spins that move storms OUT.
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By the way, I've flown a couple times recently and the TSA is rolling out some weird facial recognition thing at some airports which you can opt out of. I would encourage everybody to opt out of it because I do not like the idea of normalizing that technology, especially in those hands.
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John Oliver did a deep dive on Project 2025 tonight that should be required viewing. Frightening shit. Hasn't been posted on their YT channel yet, but it's a must watch. Great reporting.
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saw someone earnestly argue that the popularity of star wars in the 70s was proves a majority of americans were against american imperialism and supported the tactics of the Viet Cong and i think years of shallow media analysis through narrow ideological lenses has destroyed some people's minds
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teach your children to love
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I am on the cover of Publishers Weekly! I’VE NEVER BEEN FEATURED ON A MAGAZINE COVER BEFORE. 🤯🫨 Oh my goodness!! 🥹
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The AP deleted this 10 seconds after posting probably the most debasing thing a news organization has posted in 8 years
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There’s a very specific type of guy who believes very strongly that people have forgotten what it means to have a strong work ethic and also that cryptocurrency will allow them to make money playing videogames
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BREAKING: The Oklahoma Supreme Court has dismissed the Tulsa Race Massacre case, in what was likely the final opportunity for survivors to receive justice
BREAKING: Oklahoma Supreme Court dismisses Tulsa race massacre In an 8 to 1 decision, the Oklahoma Supreme Court has dismissed the Tulsa Race Massacre case.