
You’re right. I am not going to denounce my employer for taking a line I disagree with because I would be fired. I think it is more valuable to not be fired and express my disagreement without denouncing my employer. This is a moral compromise I have made and can live with.
I sought and have influence and am trying to use that influence as responsibly and conscientiously as possible and I think it is interesting that this makes me a target.
what you’re doing is in fact a vital part of how politics and social change is *done*, and too many people don’t grasp this
Well they want to cosplay revolutions instead of doing hard work
Progressives/leftists preferring to perform purity instead of seeking and wielding power is bad for the values we claim to care about, actually
Discussion works better than burning everything down all the time? The political firebugs lied to me. I am shocked about both. /s
classic. cowards won’t attack the actual cause of the problem; they only pick softer targets — like someone who already mostly agrees with them. like a little child blaming their sibling for something the parent does. it’s pretty pathetic for an adult tbh
You'd think that distinguishing between enemies and allies would be easy, but apparently not!
Here's the deal and I'm gonna RT this for my own TL. People are big mad. The people they're big mad at, do not listen and do not care and will mock them. Fighting is hard work. Jbouie is a good guy so they feel safe venting their spleen at him. This is also bullshit.
This is called by many terms, such as displaced anger, displaced aggression What it IS, is like... A child is big mad at a parent and cannot express this and cannot safely engage this; they may be ignored, or punished. So instead they go kick the shit out of Timmy on the playground.
Or they have an issue at work and come home and yell at their partner and kids and kick the dog. This is...extraordinarily commonplace. But it's not okay. On social media, people on our team whatever you want to call the group that isn't for genocide, isn't for oppression, etc. like to go for the
motherfucking throat on purity issues. To wit someone, somewhere will tell me today I love genocide because I think Trump is a very real threat to *waves hands* everything we fuckin care about. /sigh
Yeah. I 100% understand where the reactions are coming from, but that doesn't make them good or useful and Jbouie should not be expected to endure it endlessly for the cause The fact that the people who deserve the ire don't care is not an excuse to take it out on somebody who does
Another way of looking at this is that the dude certainly gets death threats for being a public figure arguing on their side... and they, armchair anonymous quarterback on the Internet, do not... so maybe they should also consider that.
It all reminds me that we are in a collective mental health crisis …and how that crisis is layered on top of some folks’ messy, unfortunate, preexisting personalities. 💁🏾‍♀️
Plus, among those of us on the left, waaaaay too many people think that tweeting/skeeting/blooting/shitposting is something you should get a gold star for. "Whee! I did an activism!" And, while venting can be cathartic, "an activism" it ain't 😁
Well, I would simply leave the NYT in protest and take the power and platform I have as a writer of the NYT and use it for... wait, hold on, give me a minute to figure this out
don't let the bastards get you down, you're seen and heard out here. And I appreciate the fuck out of you.
Weird how people can believe that collective action can move mountains yet believe it is impossible for a collective’s actions to change institutions.
There comes a point where these compromises wind up negating what good can be done with that ostensible influence. You may believe right now that the good you can do outweighs those, but I am pessimistic of this in the long run. The Spectacle recuperates resistance. That’s the point.
What gives you the right to determine when that point has been reached? In other words, who the fuck are you?
What gives anyone that right? People draw conclusions based on what they perceive. One can believe Mr Bouie when he says he is making the choice he believes to be the best and disagree with his conclusion.
No, no one has the right to tell a complete stranger that they should quit their job, simply because they don't like the person's employer. That's not disagreeing, that's showing your ass.
No one told anyone to quit anything.
Yeah, exactly, you feel like you have the right to inflict your pessimism on everyone else, and if they don't listen, they're just Bad People.
Freedom's just another word for independent wealth
Just a random stranger but honestly what you said was very helpful for me to think about my own actions in the world so just want wanted to say thanks for putting this out there!
Most people work for companies that if you do a little digging, have moral/political problems. But how many attacking you are quitting their own jobs? 🤷‍♂️ Sorry you are being attacked. Keep writing!
always fun to see someone replying to what must have been a terrible post, scroll up to see who did the deed, and there it is:
for what it's worth, this person, who I have blocked, claims they do not actually fuck horses. but i guess if you spend all day screaming at people online, it's just a matter of time before one of them puts you on the horsefucker list
LARPing a martyr from your laptop, doesn’t mean shit. You idiots needs to grow up and stop living in a constant state of Walter Mitty.
It seems like NYTimes policy that you can’t even rebuke your fellow Op-Ed writers (much to my chagrin someone needs to occasionally mock David Brooks from the inside). Your columns are great and reach a wide audience! Use your platform!