Jakob Wasserhoevel

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Jakob Wasserhoevel


On blackmail from the right, the basic asymmetry of US politics, and the various strategies of pundits and journalists to seek refuge, rather than truth (to quote Jay Rosen's seminal distinction), when confronted with this asymmetry. New column in The Guardian.
Trump is an authoritarian who must not win. Saying that is not inciting violence | Jan-Werner Muellerwww.theguardian.com No one should accept the idea that that opposing Trump’s authoritarian aspirations is equal to incitement to violence
This is where I’m at. I think the window is fully closed and it looks like the people saying it’s not yet closed are engaged in trying to jam it open.
Biden's the nominee. Don't really understand how anyone is still going on about that. There are good faith concerns, but the closer it gets to November the more one has assume that anyone trying to continue that conversation is simply pro Trump or, more charitably, simply playacting.
Das Verbot des #Compact Magazins war komplett überfällig. Seit Jahren ist dieses Medium ein wichtiges Sprachrohr der rechtsextremen Szene in Deutschland. Das Spektrum der Inhalte reichte von QAnon über Reichsbürgerideologie über Corona-Desinformation bis hin zu Hetze gegen Migrantinnen…
An alle Hellseher*innen ein kleiner Hinweis: Bis zu den US Wahlen sind es noch 112 Tage.
Its wild how AOC believing that elections are things you "organize to win" that involve more on running media management campaigns from DC, puts her out afield of so much of the establishment
Biden speech from White House right now connects attack on Trump to broader specter of political violence - attack on Pelosi, plan to kidnap Whitmer, Jan 6th, threats to local officials. Calls for a cooling of rhetoric and rejection of violence, faith in democracy.
Listening to Biden rattle off all the incidents of violence against political leaders in recent years sorta suggests that this actually *is* who we are.
While this piece is in response to an article in the New York Times it has great relevance to the debate on the subject in the UK. There are a LOT of references to support the points made.
Senate Dems should take one of their assorted gun control bills off the shelf, rename it something like "Trump Assassination Prevention Act," and force Rs to do a talking filibuster to block it
It would be really fun to go back in time a few years to blue wave emoji people and yell at them to be more loyal to Joe Biden like stalwarts Bernie and AOC
NEW Washington Post: Are we really going to give Trump a pass? C’mon man. The national discussion needs to shift back to where it should be: on Trump's fitness for office. Today we continue our campaign for media to cover Trump’s mental decline: www.dworkinsubstack.com/p/time-for-t...
The main answer to that question is, surprisingly, because it does
Statt durch Streichung von Subventionen oder Steuern für Superreiche die Ertragslage zu verbessern, kürzt Christian Lindner erneut bei den Investitionen. Das ist keine Finanzpolitik mehr, sondern ein finanzpolitischer Amoklauf. www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/b...
Reminder that the DC punk scene was one of the first and most influential scenes of the era, with bands like Bad Brains, Minor Threat, & S.O.A. (fronted by Henry Rollins). Early, forgotten bands are getting reprinted vinyl! (gift link) D.C. hardcore is a story that never ends wapo.st/4eZpqZb
Review | D.C. hardcore is a story that never endswapo.st You know Minor Threat and Bad Brains. But do you know Vile Cherubs and Pitchman? The history of D.C. hardcore always seems to be expanding — and these recently reissued recordings prove it.
This whole freak out was over some small movement in a couple of polls, right? So Biden moving from even to +2 (among RV, not LV, it should be noted) will allay those fears, right? *goose chasing* Right???
Project 2025 authors at the Heritage Foundation are already alleging the next election will be stolen, claiming any result other than a Trump victory in November will have been the result of fraud and will be challenged.
This press conference is just going to confirm everyone’s priors. Biden’s made a few bad flubs but he’s showing a good command of the facts. I’d like to see Trump have to field foreign policy questions like this.