Jen Carter

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Jen Carter

Rural delivery driver (please turn on your porch light.) Soc-Dem, Abolitionist, feminist, humanist, gamer, FromSoft stan, retired 👩‍🍳, B.S. in Nutrition, CSUS 2016
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FWIW if Biden does withdraw, I think it'll take the Democrats about 12 seconds to rally around Harris, and all this bakeoff/mini-primary stuff will go away. Any other Dem throwing his hat in the ring will look like a dolt. If I'm wrong, I'll stand up like a man, delete this, and claim I was hacked.
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Brains continue to develop throughout life so the only ethical relationship is two or more beings who have transcended biological existence and linear timr
I’ve spent over a year busting my ass to help my mom sell her house and get my credit together so we can buy a house and some appellate court just possibly destroyed any chance of that happening. Without Biden’s student debt relief program, mortgage lenders expect me to pay 10% of principal monthly.
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They should get here like my ancestors did. Oh, through an immigration center staffed by hundreds that processed 5,000 people a day? Sure let's set one up every 50 miles along the border. Where are you going?
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"People should come here legally." "Asylum is legal." "But they should apply first." "That is not allowed by law, you have to be here first." "Well, you know what I mean."
I'm so glad the Politics Understanders have decided today they're Immigration Understanders. I really wasn't aggravated enough this week
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one of the most disturbing things about this moment is watching the people who opposed Trump because supporting him simply wasn’t done in polite society drop the mask it feels like the atrocities that are coming if he wins again will be openly cheered by the elite and that ends badly for us all
Reposted byAvatar Jen Carter
“Mass Deportation NOW!” Let’s be clear about something: -The RNC ordered the signs -The RNC paid for the signs -The RNC distributed the signs Mass deportation is the official policy of Trump. A moral calamity in the making. And if you don’t vote in November, you simply SUPPORT mass deportation.
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As someone who has been talking about Silicon Valley's fascistic politics for a while, I just want to say there is no shift happening here. There is a louder, opportunistic expression of long-held positions in the hopes of a major power grab.
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me turning in my essay at 11:59 PM on the due date
Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
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I need help getting the word out... My friend Jes created a TikTok post about this and if you're on there, please consider sharing:
Reposted byAvatar Jen Carter
monthly people killed by police 2012 - march 2024 with linear trend
Reposted byAvatar Jen Carter
Also, I don’t think this shit impresses anyone. I think it looks weak, and weak doesn’t move people. It certainly doesn’t win over anyone who might have been impressed by Trump’s bloody fist pump.
Reposted byAvatar Jen Carter
the "violence shook this previously peaceful white christian nationalist rally railing against the vermin tainting the blood of the country" stories are going to destroy me
Reposted byAvatar Jen Carter
My condolences for the man who was barely injured despite his intentions to kill me. I hope he has a swift recovery so I can be killed faster and with vigor
Reposted byAvatar Jen Carter
This is absolutely malpractice.
"the Biden campaign said it was pausing all messaging to supporters and working to pull down all of its television ads as quickly as possible, the campaign said." I know these people are incompetent jackasses but "let's just let Trump speak unopposed" is borderline deliberate sabotage
Biden says 'everybody must condemn' attack on Trump, hopes to speak with ex-president President Joe Biden says “everybody must condemn” the suspected assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump.
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What will definitely suck is all the cable news talking heads solemnly agreeing that "all this talk of quote unquote fascism" is irresponsible
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Yes, yes he would. We know this. I think that Dem surrogates do NOT have to get on TV etc... looking solemn and sad and mouthing bullshit. They can say, HE is the arsonist. Ask HIM what he plans to change?
if the situation were reversed trump would be out there tomorrow morning talking about weak joe biden who was too feeble to dodge a bullet
Pelosi's Twitter account put out a generous expression of sympathy for Trump this evening, and the top comments are all people mocking the attack on her husband
The last few days were already just bizarre…came home early when the Trumpers started gathering at the corner a couple blocks from my house. I can’t with the world right now.
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This may be a timely moment to observe that I am a firm supporter of stringent gun control
Reposted byAvatar Jen Carter
Electoral politics in the US aren’t about what most people think. They’re about what a limited number of morally flexible people in about seven states think. Some of you have more faith in those people than I do.
Reposted byAvatar Jen Carter
His base is going to eat this shit up. He's a permanent victim now. Good job, you created a living martyr
Why do I smell bullshit right now?
Reposted byAvatar Jen Carter
Popping on to say: A lot of rumors are about to fly about this rally. Trump's team is 100% going to try and take advantage of this situation. So will malicious foreign actors/bots/etc. Please don't auto share. Check your sources, and vet their wording/sourcing carefully.
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I feel like everyone would post better if they remembered that Weird Al Yankovich is here and he’s seeing all your posts and if they’re bad you might make him sad
Reposted byAvatar Jen Carter
Biden giving a great anti-Trump broadside in Detroit, including a long section on Project 2025.
Why would anyone come for Jamelle? Because he works at the NYT? Would you rather there not be a thoughtful, kind, brilliant writer at the NYT? Are you people for real? Do y’all even realize how many people read that paper? Smdh…that’s some goofy shit, guys.
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Good. We should all refuse to shut up about the bugfuck insane nature of Project 2025 until November.
Team Biden has just circulated excerpts of his speech tonight in Detroit, and folks, he is making Project 2025 a campaign centerpiece.
FINALLY. It’s almost like he understands the stakes of this election and the danger we are all in if tfg wins.
Team Biden has just circulated excerpts of his speech tonight in Detroit, and folks, he is making Project 2025 a campaign centerpiece.