Jenn Lyons

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Jenn Lyons

Author, artist, old-school nerd who likes to write books with dragons in them. x2 Astounding nominated author of the A Chorus of Dragons series from Tor books. Rep'd by Chris Lotts.
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The Sky On Fire Review Part 3: Tokyo Drift You've read and review of The Sky on Fire by, now gives you her thoughts, but with the added bonus of memes curated for this novel!
The Sky On Fire Review Part 3: Tokyo
I'm at ReadItAgain bookstore right now (the event officially starts in Noon) so if you're in the area, please drop by! (We're giving away a signed poster of the book, too.)
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Stars and planets, THIS. This FOREVER. And also the missing art of folks who were passed over and shut out because such men didn't want to fuck them in the first place and therefore just utterly ignored them
Hot take: I'm truly not interested in hand wringing over how much people will miss enjoying the books of men who have turned out to be abusers. I'm far more concerned about the missing art that women haven't been able to create/publish because they crossed paths with such men.
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I looked it up and it turns out there were zero book related deaths in 2023 and so far none in 2024 so, I don’t know, books may not be the problem.
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"You can't grind your way to a just society" goes on the t-shirt.
The reason we hear so much meritocracy propaganda is that it's the only socially acceptable origin story for the people it happend to work out for, could stay in the game longer thanks to generational wealth, or are just pretending to have "made it." You can't grind your way to a just society.
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I get why this is the case, but it’s so wild that one million Americans died of COVID because of Trump’s handling of the pandemic, and it’s not even remotely an issue in this election. What a country!
This is true, this is true, this is so fucking true.
Go into any field office during a Democratic election. Look around at the volunteers. Look at what the census says about the percentage of non-white people in the area; look at the volunteers. Look how many Black women are there. Look how many Latinas.
If you missed me at Eagle Eye Bookstore in Atlanta, that wasn't your last chance! I will also be at @ReadItAgain in John's Creek this Saturday at 12 Noon! (We're chatting and doing a poster giveaway. It'll be fun!)
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I don't even go there, and this is still the funniest shit
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Just dropped: Forthcoming remarks from VP Kamala Harris on Project 2025 and Trump in Vegas
Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who showed up tonight at Eagle Eye Books for the book launch of the THE SKY ON FIRE and to the wonderful staff at Eagle Eye, as always, for all their support. I forgot to take pictures? But trust me, it was cool.
Retweeting so I don't forget this, which I need.
Just realized that I have completely forgotten to tell anyone that I'm teaching a class this September on the deep sea. It's such a fun class! It's 4 weeks of exploring the ecosystem that accounts for 95% of earth's livable space. Join me!
In Deep: Life at the Bottom of the Ocean With Dr. Sarah In this 4-part lecture series, explore the extraordinary life that’s evolved to thrive in the deep sea. Course Description It’s often said that we know more about the ...
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So much banter. Witty, fast paced, filled with subversive touches, just entirely delightful. And you can read it NOW.
Today's the day! THE SKY ON FIRE is live. Thank you to everyone. You've all been so supportive and I appreciate you!
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Happy book day to the brilliant !
Today's the day! THE SKY ON FIRE is live. Thank you to everyone. You've all been so supportive and I appreciate you!
Yes, I'm quoting my own post, but y'all deserve to know what you're in for: * Dragons * Yes, they can be ridden * Queer af (includes the dragons) * Equilateral triangle bisexual poly romance (f/f/m) * Non-heteronormative society * The cinnamon roll is also the smartest person in the room (Cont)
Today's the day! THE SKY ON FIRE is live. Thank you to everyone. You've all been so supportive and I appreciate you!
Really, brain? You thought today would be a good day for a migraine? SERIOUSLY? Smh.
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AI novel writing seems like the perfect fit for that guy who inevitably approaches writers at an event and says, "Listen, I'll give you a great idea, you write it, and we can split the profits 50/50."
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You gotta read THE SKY ON FIRE. You gotta!!
Today's the day! THE SKY ON FIRE is live. Thank you to everyone. You've all been so supportive and I appreciate you!
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I know that your god Will engulf all the world And every last hope And all the sweet folk Unless all agree To bend just in the way Coincidentally You happen to already Be turning I’m uninterested in The twists and the turns Of the story you tell To make yourself glad Of the burning
Today's the day! THE SKY ON FIRE is live. Thank you to everyone. You've all been so supportive and I appreciate you!
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NEW VIDEO ALERT! Today on Bar Cart Bookshelf we're talking about THE SKY ON FIRE by A fantasy heist of vicious dragons, audacious bisexuals, magic, mayhem, & might, this is a truly delightful summer read. Our drink, Deeper, looks down from the mountains & up to the skylands.
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One more day... THE SKY ON FIRE drops tomorrow! (there's still time to pre-order) Hard to believe this baby drops tomorrow. For anyone in the area, I'll be signing books and chatting with people tomorrow night at Eagle Eye Books in Atlanta, 7pm. Come by!
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"The End" What I've just typed... Except for going back through the manuscript and filling in all the names...and back seeding any dropped threads...and all the [fill this] stuff... But other than all that, this book is done!
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And remember, preorders ARE love!
There's still time to pre-order THE SKY ON FIRE and buy yourself not only a pretty damn good book (I know: I'm biased) but also the first eternal devotion of a twenty-ton, six-legged reptile behemoth who is baby.
The Sky on Enter a world ruled by dragons…The Sky on Fire is a daring new fantasy heist adventure that will thrill fans of Temeraire, Fourth Wing, and Dragonriders of...
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