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She/her, US PNWer, progressive, mom, former research scientist

📷: Banner by @rachellense of NASA
My Uber is here
Nope, not uncommon. I know two people like this. One with diagnosed ADHD and one who suspects it for theirself. The dxed one had a very happy childhood, just remembers very little of it. The other was mostly happy, with some turbulence. (Trauma definitely causes memory loss, of course.)
The more things change, the more they stay the same
I've never understood the Mr Beast hate. He can be cringe, sure, but he also does a lot of good. I'm happy to let my young boy watch him, instead of falling into the manosphere.
Let's say you're right. Mr. Beast's deepest, most secret heart is as cold and rotten as the grave. He has us all fooled. The most brilliant sociopath to ever exist. Still doesn't matter. 100 families are sleeping on real beds in real homes tonight.
This just reminded me of Andrew Yang's podcast. I listened to a few (IDK why, I guess I hated myself for a minute) and it was just him yammering and not letting his guests get a word in edgewise.
This is why I muted people instead of blocking them. 😁
Say it with me, folks: Election polls don't matter in June! Even if they're after a debate! If you're anxious and scared, do us all a favor and ignore the horserace polls and punditry until September. At least. (And ignore the op-eds in perpetuity.)
Good job! Don't squash the newly awoken.
Saw some nice mushrooms today #PNW
He's Catholic. He believes he has a soul left to lose. Not saying I understand that belief, but I acknowledge that *is* his belief.
Ok, y'all. Biden is a Catholic. He believes in heaven, hell, and an eternal soul. He's not going to start ordering assassinations. 🍊 OTOH... Yeah, we can't let Trump back into office.
IDK, his edge lord takes annoyed me enough that I stopped listening to his podcast and dropped him on Twitter years ago. I don't know what he's done recently, but sounds like he's just gotten worse. And don't get me started on MattY... bleck.
If you see this, post a photo without explanation
Reposted byAvatar Jenn
last night i saw someone on here suggest that bernie could win and i just need you white men to stop
I love that curved hallway. Not big on the rest, but brutalism is definitely seeing a resurgence in popularity right now.
I'm currently frustrated with someone who doesn't want to walk a whopping 5-6 blocks to work (in order to use a free lot, since their work is about to start charging for parking). They have no mobility issues. They're very angry about paying to park, of course. (City, where free parking is rare.)
I think Whitmer would be an amazing VP choice for Harris, in the scenario where Biden fully resigns before the convention putting Harris in the pres position. Total pie in the sky, but it would make this race so much more heartening and hopeful.
First post-debate poll is out. It... barely made a dent, and that's amongst people who actually watched the debate. Ofc coverage over the next week or so could shift things further, but I think a lot of us very online people are living in a different bubble than the average voter.
Who Won The First Biden-Trump Presidential Debate? We’re partnering with Ipsos to poll voters before and after the candidates take the stage.
I know it's a long shot, but if Biden stepped down in favor of Kamala Harris, and the convention was low drama, it would inject a lot of energy into this race. My only question is whether younger and/or more progressive voters would support her.
What 🍊 apparently thinks America looks like now
You can microwave a spoon. Learned this once when a kid accidentally left one in their bowl with no explosions, and I had to go look it up. Fork tines allow the electricity to spark across while spoons don't. (YMMV, please don't try this at home )
We HAD H2O. We had it! Good, bad, radioactive, doesn't matter.
I love the Onion and most of the various takes tonight, but also "no" to almost all of this⬆️.
Whoa! That sounds like a more caffeinated version of the original Four Loko, which eventually got banned in the States.
Wait, did we? I thought we lamented the fact that generational wealth only benefited a few, very similar-looking people and kept them in power. Parents passing down their house, business, etc. in a fair system should be seen as a good thing. Supporting your kids is not inherently evil.
You're in an East Coast media bubble if you genuinely think Whitmer is viable.
I'm watching Downton Abbey. Different time, same basic premise of rich, white people doing rich, white people things with some of them rebelling in inevitably pointless ways. I'm actually just getting more angry... Maybe Bridgerton???
Your pictures do it more justice than it deserves!
you might want to get your prostate checked out by a doctor tomorrow (Obvs unless you don't have one and just drank too much water before bed)
Reposted byAvatar Jenn
Need an Edna Mode in the life of every terminally online liberal who is going through hysterics right now