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Ask me why I mourn
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watching Kamala talk a bit makes me feel genuine relief. she’s up there speaking full ass sentences. turning phrases, processing information. all of the things you want to see.
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Political violence always benefits authoritarians because liberals will always condemn it and authoritarians, regardless of whether they are perpetrators or victims, will always use it to claim more power.
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The lesson from France is that sometimes you have to hold your nose to defeat fascism. You can't beat it with your own ideological purity.
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The Roberts Court (led by Roberts) gutted the Voting Rights Act. The Voting Rights Act! I've spent a decade flabbergasted that we aren't all yelling about this *every day.* It's the damn Voting Rights Act!
Between today, Chevron, the reversal of Roe, and Citizens United, I feel like it would be pretty tough to name a more destructive Supreme Court than John Roberts'
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"Expand the court" has gone from radical solution to the most exceptionally moderate option on the table.
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Remember who had did all of that agenda- and parameter-setting around terms like "activist judges" and "politicizing the courts?" They were telling you what they were going to do. When they accuse, they are always telling you what they are going to do.
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I'm begging everyone who has Peacock to watch We Are Lady Parts season 2. It's so good and I need more of this show. Or if you don't have Peacock, pony up for just one month so you can watch this incredible show. Please.
Men will literally astral project into a dark realm of ghosts and goblins instead of going to therapy 🙄
The morally corrupt Resnicks strike again
Billionaires Lynda and Stewart Resnick, owners of the world's largest pistachio and almond grower, Fiji Water, Pom pomegranate juice and Justin wines, and Teleflora flower service, are suing to roll back legal protections for farmworkers.
Column: Inside the effort by two Beverly Hills billionaires to kill a state law protecting The billionaire owners of Wonderful Co. — grower of almonds and pistachios — say a California farm labor law is unconstitutional.
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The first thing a lot of us in Texas probably think about when we see a lot of state troopers these days are the nearly 100 of them that stood by and let children die at an elementary school because they were too scared to do anything about a single shooter. It's all fucking cosplay.
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It’s not a competition and everyone should feel safe at school but it’s remarkable how little anyone cares about whether Muslim or Arab students feel safe when they’re the ones who have been actually shot recently
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If something bad is happening there's like a 90% chance it's being caused by private equity or police
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Caesar’s last words being a curse rather than an expression of betrayal would be so on brand
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Congress, why are you banning TikTok when Microsoft Teams is RIGHT THERE
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Today in 1990, activists lobbying for passage of the Americans With Disabilities Act abandoned wheelchairs and other mobility aids for the "Capitol Crawl" up the building steps. Jennifer Keelan, an 8-year-old with cerebral palsy, told cameramen "I'll take all night if I have to!"
Let me tell you something you got 2 count em TWO cats on your lap at once? Man, that’s livin’
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there are far too many things to be angry about
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Make fun of Apple's self-driving car failure all you want, at least they never defrauded customers into funding it and shut it down instead of releasing half-baked junk as a "beta" and swearing that it will be complete any day now. If anything, today's news just proves what a fraud Tesla is.
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Universal Basic Income isn't charity, it's an investment. It's putting dollars in the hands of people who spend it locally and immediately - stimulating the economy from the ground up. This is a financial vaccine to the spiraling cycle of poverty and it’s high time we prescribed it for everyone.
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Kazan was—sweet Christ—Kazan was a mewling syphilitic with the morals of a cat. He—“Carolina” reaper? North or South? No, don’t tell me. Leave me in suspense. He’d have fucked his mother if there’d been a fifty-cent piece in it for him. Mm. Oh yes a napkin is jut the thing.
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A trade union in India has refused to move or handle cargo with weapons in it for Israel, taking a stance on this slaughter of women and children in Gaza.
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As we roll into Valentine’s Day, and with Easter looming- it’s time for my annual PSA- these kill cats. Period, full stop. Lily pollen is insanely toxic and will destroy their kidneys in 18 hours. If you have cats- THROW LILIES AWAY. 1/
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Come on people, social media didn’t make kids bad at reading comprehension. That frames the unacceptable as inevitable. Mass disinvestment from humanities education, from teaching nuance, critique, and deliberation did. Policy is the problem and policy is the solution. Eyes on the prize.
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related to this review, I think this is the single tweet that made me maddest this year. then he just deleted and never apologized like a coward. what a fucking piece of shit
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Life hack: next time you’re on a plane wait until the quietest part of takeoff then quickly stand up and yell “KEVIN!”