
For your both-sides collection, front page of WaPo today:
There was a time when we did not think of presidential candidates in terms of "their threat to the country." The only reason we have to do that now is that one of the potential candidates is a felon.
Well, that and the coup thing.
And the blatant subservience to Vladimir Putin thing.
And the weird macho fossil fuels situation.
Imagine writing "which candidate is a greater threat to the country" without thinking "would it ever occur to me to write that about Biden if Trump wasn't clearly a threat?"
Or even, "Isn't this a strange way to talk about the presidency?"
It wasn't that long ago when hearing "ANYone can be President" was a hopeful, inspiring line and not a threat
We probably shoulda been with Reagan and GWB. They both did so much damage and directly led to this mess
top-rated comment on that article was right on target (the Post's reader comment forums are generally pretty good)
I don’t see why that person is attacking the author for merely laying out the facts. He didn’t say they’re questions that he struggles with. He just said those are two questions that voters will have to answer. we really need to stop blaming journalists for doing their job.
Alternatively, we can stop contributing to the middle ground fallacy. Just because one side says one thing and one says the other doesn’t mean the answer is somewhere in the middle, and just because fanatical right-wingers think that Biden is a threat doesn’t make it reportable news.
or even a worthwhile opinion for that matter.
Nah "one question voters will have to answer: what shape is the earth?" isn't useful journalism, it's just giving a megaphone to nut jobs and bestowing upon them a false legitimacy
Well they may be about to legitimately elect Trump.
10 years ago I would have agreed with you, but since then I've seen too much false equivalency, feigned objectivity, and a refusal to call things what they are from mainstream media outlets such as the Post, the major networks, the NYT (one of the worst offenders), etc. that I can't unsee it now.
There are perhaps infinite questions voters will need to ask, but it needn't be framed in the way it is as if they are both the same. "Voter's will have to decide who will protect abortion rights" is an equally valid way to frame the election.
That is an excellent response. I wish I could be that eloquent, instead of just sputtering in frustration and anger.
The Post keeps reminding me that I cancelled my subscription and it will end in September, and offering me a reduced rate if I renew... but then it does things like this. I guess it's just trolling me
Because correctly saying one is a huge threat and one is not would simply not do.
One does things we really don't like sometimes and we want him to go a different direction. The other is a threat to democracy and we likely will be subjected to a fascist dictatorship should he be elected. WaPo: Samesies!
And even on the stuff Biden does that we don't like? Trump has promised to do worse.
Every time I think we must have reached peak both sides, the WaPo says "challenge accepted."
This reads like a middle school essay.
Not be outdone here’s the NYT both sides snippet of the day:
“The first is which candidate poses the bigger threat to the future of the country.” Trump. “The second is which candidate will make the lives of Americans better than they are today.” Biden Only a fucking moron can’t see this.
Didn't he try to spend about 15 minutes trying to pretend even the "grab her by the pussy" was also some sort of fake? (I mean, he's really the epitome of "do you believe me or your lying eyes?" sort of guy.)
Where to they breed these fucking people
God. “Policy.” The “policy” some remember so nostalgically from 2017 to 2019 consisted of coasting on economic growth Trump inherited from Barack Obama, plus a tax cut for the wealthy that inflated the federal deficit but achieved little else. A second Trump term could repeat only the latter.
Hey, listen, I disagree with Balz here, but I've worked with him, and in his dealings with me, personally, he was a true professional. Sure, pretty much every single public-facing thing he does is godawful, but -- personally speaking -- he's a fine chap.
That is irrelevant to the public godawfulness
Yes. It is. That's my point, though I wouldn't expect everyone to get it, of course.
A "great editor" who initiated the ruination of the Atlantic, hired Bari Weiss and Bret Stephens, and spent his entire career knowingly, willfully publishing garbage in order to normalize and promote evil. Also, he was a complete dick to at least a few women on the staff, and probably all of them.
One of the major underlying reasons for America's downfall is this penchant people have for viciously excoriating foulness and idiocy except when it's perpetrated by people they know/like. "Oh, Uncle Cletus sometimes says racist stuff, but he's a good guy" say people with BLM signs in their windows.
Which candidate poses the biggest threat to Jeff Bezos's fortune?
“DemOcRaCy DieS in DaRkNeSs!!1!!”
"Only time will tell," he added.
Who is more likely to spread a fantastically contagious disease? The Republicans have nominated Typhoid Mary, while the Democrats have nominated Marie Curie, who is fighting cancer brought on by radiation. Perhaps both diseases are equally contagious! We have no prior knowledge about anything, BTW.
WaPo still trying to gaslight us, I see.
On the same day is giving Alito a pass and accusing liberals of "weaponizing flags," we have them both-sidesing a convicted criminal who tried to violently overthrow our democracy. This isn't an accident. Our media is working for Trump and wants fascism.
Same newspaper who fretted that the charges against Trump were too "shaky" to bring to trial
Dan Balz is a very savvy* reporter. *trademark: Jay Rosen.
Well not really. The answer to both questions is obviously Biden.
You would think a veteran political reporter like Dan Balz would be self-aware enough to not write something like this & embarrass himself to the world - but you would be wrong.