

"When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross and the NYT Opinion section will tell us we are overreacting" ... because the NYT execs and publisher have hired rightwingers or rightwingly-friendly writers.
Honestly, this is a political crisis. The biggest paper in the country, the paper of record, the one that the governing class reads: It's a rightwing paper! What is Dems' strategy to deal with this??
It’s kinda crazy, tho, that Ohio actually did change its rules to accommodate the DNC.
JD Vance just deleted from his website his abortion stance. They lie to get the job.
They want Trump to win, and pointing out that all the previous GOP nominees hate his guts would complicate that narrative, so they don't mention it.
more to the point none of the coverage seems to note this fairly remarkable fact, especially amid all the talk of unity or whatever
The pre-Trump GOP has been memory-holed
Pointing out the horrible shit Trump plans to do is not tacit approval of our current state of affairs and nowhere did I say a Trump loss means we can all stop giving a shit, maybe I just want some breathing room to fight for progress instead of having to claw back rights we lost
There is this idiotic stylistic fetish where people think they're more radical if they pretend that things as they are now are as horrible as they ever been and as horrible as they ever could be, and even considering that things could get significantly worse is weakness.
When you engage people in climate solutions, it makes them more supportive of climate action - even in some cases changing their mind about whether it's real and it's serious. I tell some compelling stories of this happening in my book Saving Us but here's the cross-sectional data!
Overcoming Polarization on Climate Changewww.powerofusnewsletter.com Issue 127: A new study finds that people across the political spectrum will take climate change action--we need to connect this to their broader sense of identity.
these reporters make me feel insane.
Valuing my brain cells, I didn't listen to the RNC at all. Learning that this woman was up there doing an entire speech about the "Biden crime family" is truly amazing given nobody would know who she is if not for the lavish lifestyle funded by fraud for which her parents were sentenced to prison!
Trump is the chaos guy. Media likes him because he's exciting, but ordinary people don't want to live in exciting times anymore. It's been 8 years! That's exhausting
Political analysts would probably be shocked at how many normal people have dark fantasies about what should've happened on Sunday. They think Democrats are still the "go high" crew just because electeds act that way
For Republicans "Unity" means utter submission to them.
Republican president was shot by a Republican because of an environment of normalized violence that Republicans insist we all live in, and somehow this means that both sides need to tone it all the way down, which in practice means that Democrats and only Democratic need to stop talking entirely.
The Patriarchy is strong in this one.
But of course, witnessing domestic violence causes no problems for children whatsoever. Just heard about him and my opinion is that he’s a complete ‘twat’.
“women should stay in violent marriages - for the kids.” —JD Vance
the *real* story is how amazing and touching Trump's turn to unity is because someone said the word unity, and why are Democrats dividing Americans by accurately mentioning the things Trump & followers have done and have been screaming they aim to do next
As soon as we learned that Crooks was a registered Republican it was clear that the assassination attempt was going to be a two-day story.
you can do that, or actually study science to get a closer look (as I have done, as it happens), or you can outsource your views to a former Daily Mail social media editor and her crackpot guru pals. the choice .... is yours
this is the kind of plausibility check that helps non-experts make tentative sense of an impossibly vast literature. do the claims come from a credible source? do they hang together? are they broadly plausible given the general data trends? etc
it's incredibly frustrating because like any scientific topic once you break the surface there is *enormous* complexity that is quite difficult for the layman to parse, and motivated people abuse that by seizing scraps of information out of context to whip up a frenzy
here's the piece, I talked to a couple of serious scientists for it. Taylor smears them as "random quacks" espousing "crazy conspiracies" because she trusts her followers won't do any digging below the surface prospect.org/health/2023-...
Does COVID-19 Damage the Immune System?prospect.org The balance of evidence strongly indicates that outside of rare cases, it does not.
I can’t find a live link to it yet, but the Biden campaign ad of videos of a beardless JD Vance disavowing Trump and saying he voted Hillary is brutal.
A punch to the gut. Evan was unnecessarily kind when I was just starting out. He was a source for one of my first stories, and was admirably frank about the trauma he battled from being put in an abusive rehab facility as a kid. A journalist's journalist, and a hell of a writer. RIP.
Evan Wright, ‘Generation Kill’ Author and Rolling Stone Contributor, Dead at 59www.rollingstone.com Evan Wright, National Magazine Award-winning journalist, 'Generation Kill' author and Rolling Stone contributor, has died at the age of 59.