Moe Juggs

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Moe Juggs

Dig bog, phlegmy badman, jump into life with your plastic boy or girl by your side, let your pal be your guide. Profile pic is an orange BASS CULTURE IS FOLK CULTURE badge, banner is my daughter's orange bearded dragon with his head in a log.
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Hippo has entered the chat. 📷Masai Mara
GOD I FUCKING LOVE THIS I spoke to Annie on the phone for the On-U feature I did last year, she was just charisma personified, not the sort of thing I'd ever normally say but such good energy.
End of Times, by David Harrow + Little from the album End of Times
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It turns out stress fucking shatters your ability to understand words you encounter, and that your mind is not good at differentiating kinds of stress: physical pain, expectation of future pain, memory of emotional pain, etc.
lots of old favourites this week for some reason
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Curfew imposed in #Bangladesh. Army deployed. Internet blackout. Over 100+ deaths. Country is boiling over due to frustration of authoritarian rule. “Shoot to kill” order from leadership. But students continue to agitate, defy curfew, demand reform, accountability, justice.
Bangladesh Deploys Army, Issues Curfew Amid Deadly (Bloomberg) -- Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina stepped up efforts Friday to quell clashes between students and police that have killed dozens of people, according to local media.Most Read from...
Who wants some absolutely balls-out queer kink dungeon filth fat sweaty acid house? Absolutely hilarious that this tune went wild viral because right wingers were revolted by Conde's performance at an Austrian festival? Throb by Italian stallions Hard Ton
Good Boys Say Yes Sir EP, by Chris Conde and Hard 3 track album
I don't know if it is or isn't a neurological thing. But it's just notable that though she's older than JB suggestions that she might be acting really, really irrationally are few and far between.
Is anyone asking about HER cognitive decline?
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tired of rich donors trying to buy the nomination
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BREAKING: Joe Biden is dead
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One thing that I think is going to be different about this election is you will be able to say, "Project 2025 says they are going to feed gay people to lions for sport" and voters are going to assume it's true
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It's not that I'm ride or die Biden. It's that trying to restart the entire group project from scratch two days before the due date is fucking insane. Even if you are having cold feet and doubt whether it was a good idea, there's no realistic way to make your new concept work at the last minute.
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There was an open primary and two people got dog walked by Biden. No one serious fan bc they knew that they would get dog walked too.
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The fact they played a video of a guy making monkey sounds at Black people at the fucking convention to hype up the crowd not being front page news across the nation is proof not one of those publications deserves to exist
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Joe Biden got us into this mess by being old, and he’s going to get us out of this mess by being old (stubborn as hell and extremely offline)
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i always tell engineers on my teams “try not to break anything… but if you do, make sure it’s really big and really funny” with all the empathy in the world to those having to deal with this outage in ANY capacity… crashstrike DOES meet the bar. 🤷🏼‍♀️
I should probably be more scared of JD Vance but it's really hard when he looks so much like a low quality pudding that's been dropped in a bowl of pubes.
Shout to all the Linux heads today
Reminder: if you like mysticism, exposés of Red-brown nerworks, revolutionary politics, cool Italians, cosmic physics, infographics and the absolute best music in the world you should really get stuck in to my groovy newsletter.
At the same moment he strolls off stage, and into the OK hello how are you? After an unnecessarily dramatic first half of the year and subsequent work overload I’m calming down a bit, focusing everything on enjoying the summer and doing everything possib...
The world may be ending but I’m having a healthy breakfast and going to the gym for the first time in YEARS so it’s swings and roundabouts.