
A JAMA study of 15,000 Sweeds found that treating diagnosed ADHD patients with medication reduced mortality by 19% over a two-year period. Normal executive function does more than improve your grades. It makes you less likely to die.
This is just like that giant fad of lefthandedness where everyone suddenly wanted to be lefthanded and was an epidemic of peer-pressure and addictive lefthandedness, and was definitely not just people finally able to just be themselves or, for the tiniest, tiniest second, willing to seek help for it
Imagine, peradventure, that people were seeking ADHD medication because of higher awareness of the condition or just seeking help for it, rather than it being addicts looking for a fix? Could you imagine? Well, good news, the national "drugs are evil" agency has shitty opinions, let's find out which
Like, this is your fucking story, Bloomberg. It is literally killing people.
in a study of a few million adhd patients with one or more substance abuse related ER visits over a 9 year period found a ~33% reduction in substance abuse related ER visits in patients currently taking an adhd drug than those that stopped taking them or had never
the drugs in the study were mostly all adderall and ritalin but there was also a small set of dexedrine and non stims
The bit that kills me here is DEA is complaining here about increases in /prescriptions/. It's literally people who got a doctor to prescribe it. And then notes that they can't get meds and illicit meds are often laced with meth or fentanyl, which, kinda famously, are a lot worse for you
Yeah, I wish that connection were more public. Go to a 12 step meeting, and it will be full of people with ADHD. And then there's the smoking, which kills people more slowly but at such high rates. I suspect we'll be seeing the effects of the shortage for decades.
My alcohol consumption went way down after getting on adderal, turns out I was drinking to deal with anxiety which is now handled by being properly medicated But hey the DEA probably thinks I'm an addict or something
I have a family member with severe ADHD that just straight had to switch off adderall (to vyvanse) because her formulation of adderall was functionally not longer available
Interesting. Looks like I'll be switching off Vyvanse cause I can't find it at an affordable price where I live.
yeah, my (generally helpful) pharmacy keeps explaining that they can't get generic Vyvanse (or the last time, that they had it for a few days and it sold out), so I need the name-brand stuff with a much higher co-pay and I know I'm lucky to get it at all
The shortages are basically rolling through different medications now as one medication becomes less available and doctors switch their patients to the next best thing, eventually overwhelming the supply for that.
This is maddening, and policymakers saying with a straight face that stimulant over prescription could have the consequences of a second opioid epidemic should be laughed out of any room they enter.
The Empty Adderall A drugmaker’s feud with the DEA is exacerbating the ADHD meds crisis — at a rate of 600 million missing doses a year.
My son is in grad school in Boston. In addition to finding it almost impossible to get an appt with a PCP up there, he can't get his ADHD meds anywhere, so I have to get them here in CT and mail them, or he comes home to visit and pick them up. It's insane.
Guest mentions the rise of cocaine in the 80s was partially due to the crack down on scripts. One tends to lead to the other…
Hilariously Adderall is an amphetamine. Selling meth as Adderall is just a little bit funny.
I think the FDA is catching a shit of flack about the issue of limiting manufacturing of this drug so I thing they are manufacturing their own excuse of “another opioid crisis” this is blue smoke and mirrors to hide the fact that it’s not like opioids they just don’t want to change rules
Polish here but I still remember weird adult remarks about left-handed people when I was a child. I never understood why it was so. Like why does it matter? We even have a separate common term for lefthanded people and it always sounded pejorative to me.
Superstition, misapplication of Bible verses (the evil goats are sent to the left, while the good sheep are sent to the right), and hygiene rules (right hand to eat with, left hand to clean up after bodily functions). I just missed the forced righthandedness in UK schools, fortunately.
American whose grandmother would slap her left hand if she dared use it because it was "the devil's hand". Slowly recovering from the abuse to the point where I am somewhat ambidextrous. Both my children chose to be right-handed despite obvious signs of left-handedness or ambidexterity.
In Greece, dad grew up when left-handedness was officially okay by the 1970s when he started going to school but the teacher would still whack kids hands who wrote with their left hand because it was the "devils hand"
This is so bizarre
At times it is really weird to see, how much in life is made for right-handed people. Most is OK, but there are things which are rather annoying to work with. Scissors and other tools are my main concern.
I'm not left handed so I live in right handed bias. I know about scissors and probably a few other tools, and/or UI & game design combinations. What are other things you find annoying to work with?
One thing that is a problem for me, is how workplaces are set up. For me it is soldering. Usually the soldering station is on the right but I usually work with my left hand. Same with attached pens like in the bank. There are usually ways around it. But if there are not... Welp.
Even if it's partly a side effect of how brains are forming in modern childhood instead of the vintage science about nerve hypoactivity being genetic, it's still not something the DEA can magically make go away by stomping their feet and yelling about change.
one of my most faved tweets
Hey. Look here. Remember when letting nuns with yardsticks treat lefthandedness? That was a perfect solution to the intractable problem of deviant conduct.
Absolutely. Left-handedness was dirty, dirty, dirty. You could be punished for making a 'choice' to use your left hand. Happily, many forms of conversion therapy existed. .
My grandmother’s handwriting was atrocious. She was forced to use her right hand from about 5 years old….
I hadn't heard of that fad. I know that when I was playing basketball in HS I jammed my right thumb and taught myself to write left handed in case I did something stupid like that, again.
I'm told that when I was particularly young, I was ambidextrous and would outright write the number 11 as a 1 with my left hand and a 1 with my right hand. Then when I was 6 or so, I chose my left hand and just became left handed.
Yes! The DEA-induced adderall shortage must be made worse, and those in need made to suffer, in a vain attempt ensure that college kids and techbros can't get an occasional buzz.
The Adderall shortage is hell for educators not because performance decreases but because young people are very direct and honest about how they suffer
"So you're saying that regulating risk-taking impulses reduces the risks these kids take? CRISIS!"
it can make you more likely to eat, use the bathroom, take care of hygiene, etc on a regular basis, rather than being so distracted by everything or hyperfocusing that you nearly forget you have a body for hours on end.
like for instance, i have seen anecdotally how much harder eating disorder recovery can be if unmedicated ADHD gets in the way of getting all your meals and snacks in because you literally keep running out of time in the day.
Some eating disorders are even considered comorbidities with adhd.
"Oh shit, we're winning the war on drugs, what do we do to keep our funding?"
And they aren’t even winning the war on drugs. Drugs are pretty much undefeated.
Not an expert, but it seems to me like Adderall and opioids aren't anywhere near each other in terms of health risks
Part of it is that people with adhd don’t usually get addicted to adderall, but anyone who takes opioids could easily develop an addiction.
I’ve stopped smoking and stopped taking ritalin at different times. Quitting the latter was easy.
The shitty thing about it is that the intentionally DEA-Induced amphetamine salt shortage does nothing to address the things it was stated to reduce. Sketchy stimulants are still very easy to get if you know people. Soooo all the shortage really does is make treatment more dangerous. 🤨