Joe Agnew

Joe Agnew

Reposted by Joe Agnew
Remember, this is America, the world's greatest democracy. If you're mad at John Roberts, don't protest at his house, focus on defeating him the next time he's up for reelection.
Reposted by Joe Agnew
Not long ago, one of the men on the stage tried to overthrow American democracy. And we're having a normal debate like it's 2012 about the economy, budget deficit, etc.
Reposted by Joe Agnew
Swin, did I ever tell you about the time that everyone else in the courtroom seemed to be asleep and I was afraid the white supremacist bank robber was going to strangle me?
Oh, so you’ve never fallen asleep in a courtroom while on trial because you were horny for porn stars, so basically you’re saying you’re a gigantic dork I see
Reposted by Joe Agnew
Every headline about the news business is like “CNN lays off 4,000 people and hires former Trump Secretary of Domestic Abuse Lance Moosecum as culture editor”
Reposted by Joe Agnew
Reposted by Joe Agnew
It’s not an exaggeration. If the allegations are true this will derail the Georgia case (practically if not legally), very substantially boost Trump, and undermine the credibility of other Trump cases by association. Disastrous.
It's important for ppl to realize that Fani Willis just handed Trump a huge political victory out of sheer power-mad selfishness. If these allegations are true (and that seems quite likely given the evidence attached), then Willis is as twisted a person as any of Trump's most evil lawyers.
Reposted by Joe Agnew
When the enormity of the world's horrors makes you feel helpless, narrow your focus. Find one stranger and scold them for posting a recipe while kids are dying. Call out a new mom for not adding alt text to a baby photo. Critique a selfie. Correct a joke. Show people you care more than them.
Reposted by Joe Agnew
In a Christmas first, last night I caused a minor explosion with the ham. There was a flash of flame & a whoomph big enough to push the oven door open a few inches. Our best guess is that the fumes from the extremely boozy marinade I made for the ham ignited. Let me know if you want the recipe.
Reposted by Joe Agnew
The kids have waken up and have taken the hallway. We have barred the doors, but cannot hold them for long. The ground shakes... Drums. Drums in the deep. They demand presents. We cannot get out. A Shadow moves in the dark... We cannot get out... They are coming.
Reposted by Joe Agnew
CROW: [hangs up] Okay. I . . . talked to him. NOVELLY: And? CROW: He’s with us. But . . . he has demands. HUIZENGA: What’s the number? CROW: He wants a new RV. NOVELLY: That’s it? CROW: Made out of diamonds and blowjobs. HUIZENGA: How do you . . . CROW: DO I LOOK LIKE SOMEONE WHO KNOWS WAYNE
Reposted by Joe Agnew
ICYMI, my take on Congress’ college antisemitism hearing. Have to hand it to the Republicans, the propaganda is working spectacularly well for them.
Stop Demanding Dumb Answers To Hard Demanding Short, Dumb Answers About Hate Speech Makes You A Useful Idiot For Bigots.
Reposted by Joe Agnew
Some things are constant. In America, no matter what day it is, someplace a bunch of people are getting married. [Checks notes] Sorry, shot. A bunch of people are getting shot.
End of feed.