Joseph O

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Joseph O

Haughty middlebrow. Nonsense Guru. He/Him
This is tacit admission the design sucks and that some rando has a better design sense than Tesla.
Just saw this on reddit and I'm sorry to everyone who sees it, especially Halo enthusiast There should be some kind of hit to your credit score if you buy a cybertruck in the first place and then do this to it.
Hardly anyone within earshot.
Congestion pricing is only an "extreme" position to radical car heads. Moderates can easily understand the benefits of the policy. All they have to do is look to cities that have implemented it. I'm pretty sure the MTA went through this already.
Maybe all the authoritarian asshole in him was in the top of his ear. Seems unlikely tho.
The reason why Replacement Theory is so believable for racist white people is because they know how insufferable they are.
This is great. It’s much better when Republicans craft legislation that immediately betrays its ineffectiveness.
First rule of design QC: squint
The designer maybe didn't consider how this uniform would look at a slight distance
"devout Republican*" * NOT A CULT™️
This whole excerpt tells you multitudes about our current political moment.
I believe “cringe” is not nearly enough.
This truly embarrassing garbage is why I unsubscribed from the NYT.
That's quite a pedigree to live up to.
I'm more hillbilly than JD Vance.
The gender fluid nature of so many characters in Elden Ring is, again, like so many other things in this game, the game mechanics emerging in the story. So Miquella forming his Trina persona then letting her die while he marries zombie Radahn in Mohg's corpse, makes complete sense.
Here’s the ad a PAC will need to run since Biden is too chickenshit: montage of Republicans/Trump calling for violence with VO explaining this is the political atmosphere they want. It has already backfired on them and if Trump gets another term, things will only get worse.
Most people who fall for Trump's scam are exactly like this. They make up something in their head and believe in that. This is how con men work. They let you sell yourself.
I have never read anything more credulous than Axios’s thing about Trump this morning. Like…
The two collective sighs of disappointment from MAGA Republicans everywhere when they found out the shooter was white, then when they found out he was Republican.
"garden variety school shooting"
"A third classmate...said that Crooks was very smart, took honors classes, and was shy. She said that he had a group of friends who were fairly conservative, some of whom would wear Trump hats." nothing so far differentiates this from a garden variety school shooting
What we know about the Trump rally gunman so far | Interviews with a half-dozen former classmates and neighbors of Thomas Crooks painted him as quiet and aloof, with some remembering him as a misfit in high school.
If Trump had died, they would've shifted from political cult to full fledged religion.
If we accept there is no ethical consumption under capitalism then we must also accept there is no ethical production under capitalism.
Conservatives are just a bundle of neurotic obsessions. They're obsessed with Daddy. They're obsessed with guns. They're obsessed with people's genitals. They're obsessed with what people do with their genitals. They're obsessed with their white identity. They're obsessed with their obsessions.
DC Democrats have consistently resigned themselves to use more and more money to appeal to fewer and fewer voters. They refuse to adapt and expand their base. They believe their best attribute is that they are not Republican, and they think that should be enough. They don't want to work for it.
This is getting a little ridiculous. True loser shit. It’s basically tied. What do these people think their jobs are?
Intent is not admissible evidence for POTUS. Keep up with current events, Mike.
Georgia representative Mike Collins:
The Republican Party Platform: We all have serious daddy issues.
34k likes on a post from a neo Nazi saying he wants a dictator and the democrats are giving up and letting the election go to Trump while telling us to stop calling them dictatorial fascists who want to end democracy. We as a population must act to protect ourselves because the institutions cannot
This would be the narrative even if all signs pointed to the idiot shooter being an ardent Trump supporter who thought the attempt would help the candidate. Republicans do not self-reflect. They are never to blame.
Has the press been pushing for retractions of these GOP electeds blaming the left for a Republican’s actions or nah?
Coming out of hibernation to see if the takes have improved.
Do you see why I said this is now just a semantic argument? You have your definition of terms and I have mine. There is no point in discussing the differences because I am just as unlikely as you to change my perception of reality.
Trump can be both a shitty politician and shittier human being while also being a victim of violence. The latter is no reason to relent on the rest.
Look who doesn't understand that these special sections are printed up days earlier, and who will ignore the fact that multiple people in his replies are telling him that, but will still milk this stupid point for the guy he's now supporting politically.
99% of art is how you transcend the 1% of the tools you use.
Because that 99% is just the shared language we use to communicate. That 1% is what we're communicating.
This sketch is the reason I became an architect. Imagine my disappointment.
A funny line I just thought of is in the Python sketch where Cleese is an architect who wants to design an apartment building that is also a functioning abattoir and he tells the financial backers "Think of the tourist trade."