
I don't begrudge anyone their reactions, but the people who are panicking tonight because they are deeply invested in the outcome of the presidential race are not the people who still haven't made up their minds who to vote for—and I don't think we can presume that undecided voters think like us
By contrast: people are who deeply invested in this race by and large have zero understanding of how less invested and engaged voters approach it. It's a big problem with political discourse on the whole.
I’ve talked to some less engaged, voters… To them, optics matter. The “Biden is old” talk matters to them and if they watched Biden last night, they KNOW he’s old and they probably suspect he has dementia, like I now do.
I'm not denying optics matter. I'm denying any of them watched last night.
I cannot imagine being undecided. Like, they have both been president. We KNOW.
I cannot believe that at this stage there is anyone who is undecided. There's just those that for one reason or another don't want to publicly admit it. It's the same here in the UK "Oh I can't decide between the Tories or Labour" - yes you have, you just don't want people to know you're a cunt.
Josh, the first call on cspan after the debate was an undecided voter from NY who said he “just wants more decorum from both candidates” and all I have to say is it was nice to get some clarity as to what’s going on inside those undecided minds. And yeah, not similar to us at all!
I think if I presumed that those people thought like me I wouldn't be worried tbh
Fair—but I mean how they reacting to the debate performance and whether it swayed them in one direction or the other (or neither)
yeah fair my panic about the (bit of the) debate (I watched) is predicated on the idea that the debate changes people's minds. it might not! but it's also predicated on the idea that most people aren't super informed about politics and for those folks the very incoherence of biden might be decisive
Right, but I still think it isn't at all a given that someone who isn't super informed and who watched tonight's performance would come away wanting to vote for Trump over Biden. You really never know what people will fixate on!
nerveless I am much more nervous now than I was several hours ago, and I was already feeling not great!
Understandable! Hope we can all find a way to relax and get some sleep
It's not as if Trump wasn't in office for four years. I'm guessing there are.... ... 618 undecided voters. Total. In the entire country.
If someone's undecided at this point, I think we can very safely say they don't think anything like us. Not saying that's a bad thing per se, though I do find it mystifying. But that's kinda the point!
I feel like we talk about "the undecided voter" in the wrong way, because it implies the vast majority of people in America vote and that is historically not true. There are a lot of *potential* undecided voters and the goal is to push them to make their vote.
The number of actually undecided voters is tiny. The real question is how many will turn out to vote for the Biden we saw tonight. Which will affect downballot too.
Lol, i mean is there really a choice if you care about the future?
Elections are mostly discussed by people who spend far too much time thinking about politics. Elections are mostly decided by people who spend far too little time thinking about politics.
And black women voters will probably save our sorry arses yet again.
I don't think we can presume that undecided voters think at all. They're all about the feels.
We’re freaking out because we know undecideds will not want to vote for Biden if they watched him last night. He looked like he had fucking dementia. Biden needs to step aside. I love him. He’s great, but he needs to retire.
Didn’t watch because 1. Blood pressure. 2. Liars gonna lie and lie and lie. 2a. “Moderators” will not moderate. 3. Press will ignore lies, refuse to fact check, and waffle on about old. #BTDT Already seeing bErNIe wOULda won posts here.