Joyce Reynolds-Ward

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Joyce Reynolds-Ward

Writer of speculative fiction from the wide open spaces. Rural liberal. Dispenser of horse cookies to the Desert Prince and Grumpy Old Mare. Former special ed teacher who's forgotten more about cognitive assessment than most people knew. #SFWA
Yeah. We'll be getting the smoke. Just glad this gives me the chance to learn what the app does before it's absolutely crucial. As long as I have a connection, I'll get evacuation levels and warnings. This is a good thing. Oh! And it gives management updates! Size and support stuff.
Guess it's time to turn into the summer fire geek mode for real now (looking up smoke checks on WildCad, reading the Blue Mountain Fire Information blog, but this is awfully nice to have on top of that).
Well...I *guess* I'm glad my Watch Duty app works. Not to worry. Said fire just crossed the county and state line, 70 miles off. Conditions aren't such that we're in trouble here and there's a canyon or two in the way....but still...gettin' real here.
Yeah, once they get their adult teeth there's no solid way to tell.
But not ideal. My young gelding was aged by one veterinary as being 9-10 years old last year, by my vet as around 7 this year. Now my vet actually put a speculum in his mouth and did work, so his assessment might be more accurate--but past a certain point you don't know for certain.
Unless you have registration papers on the horse, you really don't know. I think my vet's assessment is closer to the reality, based on behavior and how the horse is starting to look like a mature horse.
Oh dear god yes. There's also the recent discovery that the best way to cool off a horse is to pour lukewarm water over it and let it sit. No scraping.
Love this. I've been more into style rather than fashion all of my life.
If you, like me, don't eat fresh pineapple or kiwi because it's like eating razor blades, you might want to be more careful than I was when offered (delicious) vegan pineapple ice cream. I just took for granted it would be tinned. Result: razor blade feeling *in throat* and 10 day allergy asthma.
Kids, if you went to #Readercon, test yourself for #Covid-19. Some folks have already been testing positive. 😢
I now know at least three people at Readercon who currently have COVID. If you attended, please test yourself ASAP!
Funny how "art" is the only thing they're willing to steal. How about groceries, gas, and rent?
The problem with people who do Copyright Discourse to justify not wanting to pay for stuff ("ideas landlords! capitalism! sharing ebooks is redistribution of the means of production!") is, basically, they're morons.
It's a bad anarchist argument. I keep running into it periodically.
Oh dear ghod now I think the guy I was arguing with on Substack Notes is one of THOSE.
There's a strain of anarchists who sincerely believe this, alas.
Nah, they wanna steal it and think they're sticking it to The Man.
No kidding. It's when they start spouting the "corporate shill" arguments that I start wondering when they're gonna start calling me a capitalist running dog. Seriously, some of these ppl sound like they haven't moved past STEAL THIS BOOK.
Yep. Completely agree. I've been more productive in retirement but...that's because writing has become my job. Not a hobby. A job.
Just to make it clear, since someone is already like “NICE TO ANNOUNCE THAT YOU DON’T HAVE TO CARE WHAT YOU MAKE,” that is not what I said. It’s more that I don’t actually think there’s much that I, an individual, could do to stop piracy of my books.
Look, I’ve made it a practice to not care about individuals pirating my books, and to make my books available DRM free everywhere possible, for a lot of reasons, including my not actually caring and also not having any executive function.
I made a rule in like... 2015 that I wasn't allowed to discuss digital piracy online anymore because the rhetoric around it is bananas coming and going. But yeah. I don't have the energy to fight the wind. I care so much about what I make that I just make more of it and keep it moving.
Just to make it clear, since someone is already like “NICE TO ANNOUNCE THAT YOU DON’T HAVE TO CARE WHAT YOU MAKE,” that is not what I said. It’s more that I don’t actually think there’s much that I, an individual, could do to stop piracy of my books.
Agreed. I've been screening my new follows and blocking anyone who gives me edgelord vibes. Life's too short for that BS. I wanna chat with interesting people and learn stuff.
scifi is great but a certain number of these dudes have yet to figure out that pretty much any innovation in modern day publicity and marketing was driven by romance writers who are always on the cutting edge. But who couldn't possibly be because ladies and kissing!!
if we could capture and bottle the unlimited free energy of mansplainers… imagine… we could stop climate change tomorrow