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“Known by her constituents as simply, ‘Congresswoman,’ Jackson Lee served the public for more than 30 years.” Her legislative victories included “establishing the Juneteenth Federal Holiday to reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act.” www.khou.com/article/news...
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee dies at 74, her family announceswww.khou.com Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee has died at 74, her family announced. Last month, she announced she was fighting pancreatic cancer.
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every gd time
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U.S. public transit systems are weathering the outage OK. Spoke for San Francisco Municipal Transportation System, (buses, trains and iconic cable cars) said the agency's main systems are not even connected to the internet. "Long live floppy disks, I guess!" link: www.nytimes.com/live/2024/07...
Anyone forced to use Windows at work will tell you that the world should not run on Microsoft products.
Reposted byAvatar jrdnbwn
Decades ago when I was Apple's director of federal sales, we made a strong argument that US critical infrastructure was vulnerable because of an over reliance on MS & Intel. The recommendation almost made it in a report, then mysteriously feds hired ex-MS to help with security & poof wapo.st/3Se3nV2
What caused the Windows outages affecting flights, companies around the worldwapo.st Microsoft said it was aware of an issue affecting Windows programs running cybersecurity technology from CrowdStrike. Here’s how flights, hospitals and services were affected.
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Covid rates in the US have tripled since Easter and are twice as high as they were last July. We are not hearing about it NOT because it is now a milder disease, we are not hearing about it because layers of govt have chosen to minimize the incidence and affects of infection. #CovidIsNotOver
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we should publish a 925 page rebuttal to project 2025 that includes policies like legalizing molly, mandating eating ass, and a three day work week. we’ll put 100 justices on the supreme court and liquidate private equity firms. really hit the gas on moving the overton window. ban pickleball too.
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This episode aired in 1994 and no other joke about American politics has held up that consistently for so long.
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1.35 million people a year, 3.7K a day, are killed world-wide in traffic crashes, with another 20-50 million a year seriously injured. The #1 global killer of young people. Via @WHO. Imagine if we reconsidered our infrastructure design, speed limits, EVERYTHING, to save them.
wow the internet :) loving this information superhighway gonna get me some info now
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The prolonged & intense Western U.S. heatwave continues. Last 2 weeks are now warmest late June through early July period on record across most of California (including some coastal areas), much of Arizona, parts of Nevada, and western Oregon. #CAwx #AZwx #NVwx #ORwx [1/2]
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THE sentence of the day: A Macronist incumbent in the Marseille region came in 3rd in her seat. She just dropped out to support the left. She said, about why she's maneuvering to block the far-right: "Defeats happen, but you can never recover from dishonor."
Reposted byAvatar jrdnbwn
So hey, here's a thing I don't think a lot of folks know: That whole "Patient Zero" thing? The French-Canadian airhost who supposedly spread HIV all over America? That's not real. That's not what happened or how it happened.
Reposted byAvatar jrdnbwn
Jackson: "The very idea of immunity stands in tension with foundational principles of our system of Government."
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We can all debate whether America will elect a Black woman as president in the abstract, but will this electorate choose a sane, competent and centrist politician who is under the age of 60 instead of a convicted felon and chaos agent? I will take those odds.
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celebrate the end of america's regulatory state with Chevrolet's new 10 ton personal truck. the permanent summer of Chevrolet starts now
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They don't have an inside to go to. This is "increase jail population and slave labor" ruling.
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Read any history of Russia in the 1990s for a great guide to what happens when you hollow out the so-called "administrative state": graft, corruption, and ineptitude at providing even the most basic government services and providing for minimal public safety.
Administrative agencies have been a target for elimination, or at the very least, severe domestication, by industry for the better part of a century, with a pronounced uptick in anti-regulatory rhetoric in the run up to Reagan. For a deep dive into this world, read up on "public choice theory."
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“what’s the most you ever lost in a coin toss” — No Country For Old Men
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New York Times coverage on Trump: “The former president’s remarks have become more idiosyncratic of late…” Any UK newspaper coverage on Trump: “Gor blimey! He said wot? Do they know he’s proper mental?”
This is top article on front page. "...Mr. Biden’s voice has grown softer and raspier, his hair thinner and whiter... adding to an impression of frailty. Mr. Trump, by contrast, does not appear to be suffering the effects of time in such visible ways." NYT can go fuck itself with a rented dick.
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the erasure of 20+ years of news stories here is yet another sign that future generations will have much richer knowledge of the 1930s than they will the GW Bush and Obama years. The wayback machine is carrying a lot of weight these days. If that goes, adios: variety.com/2024/digital...
MTV News Website Goes Dark, Archives Pulled Offlinevariety.com The website of the already-defunct MTV News has been fully pulled offline.
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Contender for favorite chart of all time: Predictions vs. Reality for solar energy.
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The Federal Trade Commission, of all entities, is out here writing absolute bangers about AI snake oil. www.ftc.gov/business-gui...
Confirmed YIMBY here but they destroyed a garden across the street to build a $4.5 million vacation home for a guy who lives in Telluride and now I’m going to a pitchfork wielding workshop hosted by Bolsheviks
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I remember when the smoking ban was going to put every bar and restaurant in the city out of business. And then almost immediately after it went into effect everyone recognized it was a massive improvement and good for business
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Students, and parents, employers and professors: take note. “The better writer you are, the greater your chance of getting rejected, because you won't use keywords." www.nytimes.com/2024/05/31/o...
Reposted byAvatar jrdnbwn
The arc of fucking around is long but it bends towards finding out.