Fraser Campbell

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Fraser Campbell

Comic Writer - Alex Automatic, Nightmare Fuel, The Edge Off, House of Sweets, IND-XED, The Berg. Comics here:
Time for Alan Shearer to once again make his pitch to become manager of England.
STARCROSSED has arrived and it's an outsized beautiful baby! I'll be getting these mailed out to backers when I'm back from holiday in a couple of weeks! Big thanks to, & for all the legwork on this!
Hey, hey!!! I'll be tabling at TAGS Festival this year!! woohoo!! 🤖🤖😊
This guy, back soon... #6 coming to Kickstarter in August. From me, &
A husband on a capybara. I will draw for you. What shall I draw? Commissions open.
I think my running disagreement with “the kids” is going to be that a fictional depiction of something bad isn’t an endorsement of that bad thing and sometimes stories, you know, need to not be nice.
What’s the most boomer complaint you have?
Back in cinemas with a new poster by me…
Biden, the most milquetoast centrist imaginable, is still willing to make a simple statement like this which *not one* current UK party leader would make. Given how shit Biden is, I'm even more ashamed for my own country.
Trans people: We are in a fight for our lives. I don't know how to say it anymore plainly, we simply do not have the luxury of going "meh" when the President of the United States strongly condemns anti-trans healthcare bans.
Biden Condemns Trans Healthcare Bans in Pride Declaration — President Biden’s official Pride statement said bans on trans youth healthcare are “attack our most basic values and freedoms as Americans.” We should give him more credit for it.
Faffing about as time allows
Just went over £2000! The mailbag slowly fills!
One week left for Courier Z on Kickstarter, and another £500 to get our print stretch goal! Plus 52 pages of high-quality postwoman scifi-crime! Back now to find out how to deliver letters across monsters and murder-swamps.
You can get my previous comics as add-ons in the Collected Letters of Courier Z Kickstarter, including: Rural fantasy in Death of a Necromancer! Space horror in Moonframe! Rocky action in StoneCop! Wow, I've worked with a lot of good artists. Check them all out!
CHOMPS elysees was right there
Who called a JAWS rip off set in France 'Under Paris', and not 'Shark de Triomphe'?
Old things…. New things coming soonish.
Looks like it's almost time for Labour to dust off the pledge stone.
From populist politicians to holistic wellness influencers, anyone interested in power is able to weaponise thought-terminating cliches to dismiss followers’ dissent or rationalise flawed arguments.
The big idea: the simple trick that can sabotage your critical Influencers and politicians use snappy cliches to get you on side – but you can fight fire with fire
This rules
American Futures back colouring pages after a wee hiatus to consider some options
American Futures back colouring pages after a wee hiatus to consider some options
I spent entirely too long making mock cigarette cards for Alex Automatic like the old Captain Scarlet/ Joe 90 ones. Eagle eyed readers might spot as the unfortunate target in the last one
Fantastic Four from earlier in the year
I'm just about to finish a big project and will be available to start new projects in June 2024. & I have been scripting comics together (and individually) for 20+ years now. I also write articles (history, folklore, Forteana), + lots more.
Moore & Reppion | LEAH MOORE & JOHN REPPION are a husband and wife writing team, based in Liverpool, England. Scripting comics together since 2003, the duo have written for the likes of 2000 AD, Dark Horse, DC Comics, ...
Hugely exciting grab today, been after this for aaaages! If you read Alex Automatic 4/5 by me and, this was the format inspiration!
The Collected Letters of Courier Z is now live on Kickstarter! A 52 page collection of scifi-crime fun, as one space postwoman turns to dodgy jobs to try and raise enough money to survive under cosmic capitalism. But will she regret it?
Some really interesting stuff at the end of this about the 'comics canon' and its availability. I have bought 4 or 5 translated collections in the last year of 70s-90s slice of life manga from Garo & similar publications. American Splendor - surely the closest US equivalent - is out of print.
I had some thoughts on the Miracleman collection coming out this week, as well as marketing GNs to adults, nostalgia, self, American Splendor, comics canon and more at A bit of a ramble - more to come.
Who reads Miracleman? and other thoughts on graphic After 30 years, Neil Gaiman's Miracleman is finally getting a collected edition, but the muted reaction says a lot about the current market.
I’ll be signing copies of HEARTPIERCER #1 at the always awesome East Side Magsin Montclair NJ on 5/25 - come down and say hi!
BOXES #2 still needs a big push to get funded. This is an award nominated comic anthology featuring incredible talents such as Kamila Krol, Manon Wright, Shri Gunasekara, Sarah Allan, Cath Garvey and many more. I'm not in it, I just want it to exist.
BOXES Comic Magazine The 2nd volume of BOXES, a comic magazine showcasing new short works from a range of exciting and interesting indie comic creators!