
Not sure “search” is quite the right name for what’s happening here
Advertisers love paying more once they learn their ads are being seen by fewer people.
"But if someone visited the page, they would be very impressed by your ad."
"Oooh," that hypothetical person would say. "This ad is surrounded by so much Brand Value."
No you see, they will pay for someone using a totally different platform to skim over a citation that, if they clicked on it, which they wont, would lead to the page where the ad actually ran. This is big brain SV stuff
That read like a business version of "but think of the value of the exposure you'll get"
I did it, I figured out the "dollar value obtained": $0
They can monetize by suing PerplexityAl?
What's very clear, every time that they interview these guys in Techbros sector, is that they're not business people. They don't understand business or the economy, oh they may understand the concept, but they don't recognize that physical laws exist for them, or aren't intelligent enough to care.
They're mostly just guys trying to dupe VC investors into granting then a big round of VC cash, they don't really understand or care about technology other than as a vehicle to do that
Good on you for apparently being the first person to ask this guy about the consequences his theft machine.
I love how his mind ran straight past "Pay the writers you're stealing from."
Advertisers will pay for the... brand value that's being built... for the sites their ads are on... even though they're now getting... zero ad impressions?¿?¿‽
..and that people are no longer exploring when visiting.
I'm old enough to remember when traditional media outlets were freaking out about "deep linking" -- posting a link to one of their articles on your blog, thus bypassing their precious "front page." This is so, so much worse.
“the human labor of browsing” Talk about not understanding your product.
The human labor of browsing is what I enjoy. Let me go down my own rabbit hole without having it badly curated so as to rob the people who put the interesting stuff up there.
Exactly. It’s like when people get nostalgic about flipping through encyclopedias as kids. Browsing is part of the fun. They’re confusing the irritation with how they’ve broken search with a desire to eliminate searching.
Moby Dick: A guy obsessively hunts a whale. Mary Poppins: A nanny teaches a couple about parenting. 2001: A Space Odyssey: Aliens shape human evolution. The Bible: God tries to fix things; his meddeling makes it worse. Wow, that's so much easier, faster, betterer than reading the original material!
So much "human labor [is] being automated" that eventually the planet will just be three trillionaires living in bunkers surrounded by billions of AI drones reading the dreck their fellows are producing.
Cut out the human frailty in the circuit, and just have AI's asking the AI's questions, based on the history of what humans asked Search in the past. Optimum efficiency.
"Theft" is a word. And a prosecutable criminal activity.
“Even if we take your content, the users know we took your content” Wow just came right out and said it.
Not only is he trying to justify outright theft, but his justifications are pure gibberish.
Srinivas is wrong for this but if we're honest we have to admit that egg is on all our faces too though, since we're all talking about the content of this article screenshotted without ads and uploaded to a third party website - and this is completely accepted as normal.
No social media site, nor online publisher has fully solved the problem of encouraging both views and conversation. AI search bots are certainly not going to solve it either, but if something ever actually does, we might see the economics of journalism end its free-fall.
Good point tho obvs finding something through scrolling on a social media site is different to searching and being offered it
So that's what James Somerton has been up to
I dont think he understands what brand value is. If you cant ever make money from something, it has not economic value.
Jokes on him because Perplexity will never make money.
Perplexity seems like a good brand name for this because I am certainly perplexed.
everything is proceeding entirely logically given the consumption of brahminical castes as convenient enslaved African substitutes/replacements.
Usually I'd call that "theft".
If i understand what he said correctly, then, in addition to creating nothing of value on its own, perplexity will also be importing ads from target domains so the people it steals content from can still make a fraction of a penny? Terrific business model he came up with...
glad the writer and editor kept the bit about him seemingly encountering a very basic idea for the first time
sorry lmao just woke up. *thank YOU for keeping in the bit etc etc
I wonder how Perplexity summarizes paywalled articles?
Seth Godin just did a blog post about how wonderful Perplexity is just reaffirming my belief Seth Godin is for C suite people looking to add squares to their bullshit bingo cards.
The solution is clear: the AI will list the source of the info and those sources will enter into lucrative naming rights deals with brands. poor fool: did you see the article on Trump in the Washington Post presented by Tide? Online chad: no need, AI gave me the gist. Trump was the 45th POTUS 🤔
Don't worry - most of the input will be provided by AI-written articles that Perplexity will have to wade through to find the few actually human-written ones.
Would think this blatant theft would also be an atmospheric blast to the ad tech industry.