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mom, infosec nerd, disabled, rheumatoid arthritis, lipedema, two cats in the bathtub but that’s likely to change.
wow, the radar looks scary.
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Senate Dems should take one of their assorted gun control bills off the shelf, rename it something like "Trump Assassination Prevention Act," and force Rs to do a talking filibuster to block it
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whining about being blocked on the internet is peak cocktail-wiener shit
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I’ve been actively avoiding the news for my own mental health, but I spent last summer studying the Chevron defense and I cannot even begin to tell you how damaging it is to lose it. My environmental law prof is probably flipping her shit right now 😬
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it’s scary to go alone take this
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I've opened this up to three slots, one with matching earrings. I'll be accepting requests till Tuesday. This offer is gender/fame neutral!
I'm thinking of offering a free necklace to any #HugoAwards nominee going to #Worldcon - would there be any interest? Examples of my work:
Avatar ,, , , you are all people i know at least online who might be interested in this.
This is the best news that I and my allergy to dust mites have ever had.
Yes. All of those things. The big con locally just happened and I miss going to it and also hell no. (also, keep an eye out for WisCon next year- historically good covid policies.)
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Miracles are real and they are provided by science I am in tears. we can *prevent HIV transmission*.
Lenacapavir did so well at preventing HIV infection that it hit the threshold where the only ethical thing to do was stop the randomized trial and immediately offer it to literally every participant. That's huge news.
A new way to prevent HIV delivers dramatic results in The testing of lenacapavir was halted because results were so impressive — 100% effectiveness. The decision was made to give all participants the injection rather than the alternative daily pill.
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Stars and planets, THIS. This FOREVER. And also the missing art of folks who were passed over and shut out because such men didn't want to fuck them in the first place and therefore just utterly ignored them
Hot take: I'm truly not interested in hand wringing over how much people will miss enjoying the books of men who have turned out to be abusers. I'm far more concerned about the missing art that women haven't been able to create/publish because they crossed paths with such men.
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Setting aside the Biden out or in stuff, CNN dispatching someone to do an on the ground story at the AKA convention is A+. No notes.
CNN reporter Eva McKend spent the day at the Alpha Kappa Alpha convention in Dallas, where VP Kamala Harris spoke, and was hard-pressed to find a single Black voter, even among Harris mega-fans, who thought it was a good idea to push President Biden off the ticket. 🧵:
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A Crossword Puzzle
Yes. Thanks for asking.
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For the record, both Red & Blue versions of this country want me dead and are actively working toward that goal, although the Red version has people cheering for my death while the Blue version has people making excuses for why I'm an aceptable loss. These should not be the only "viable" options.
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lmao FUCK THIS. Trump's Project 2025 wants to take money out of your wallet and give it to your boss
Project 2025, page 592: make it harder for employees to be paid at overtime rates by allowing employers to average the number of hours worked over 2-4 weeks
It’s additive. What do you think will happen with case 5? 12?
Fireworks are awful. Hang in there.
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Hello world! It's my birthday and I'm fundraising for the port-a-potties at George Floyd Square! Because everyone needs a place to go 💛🤎 CA: $ iancoldwater V: @ Ian-Coldwater PP dot me /coldwater Please help support if you can and boost for reach! Thank you! 🤗
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the wheelchair assistance lady at laguardia demanded i get in the damn chair instead of limping across the entire airport and she had an extremely authoritative islander accent so i didn't argue much
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North Carolina: this is the man running for governor on the Republican ticket. Work to keep him the Fuck away from more levers of power, & realize that not a single elected NC Republican has repudiated or denounced him since he won the primary; he's just their quiet parts "this-one-goes-to-11" loud
"Mark Robinson’s newly explicit calls for killing perceived enemies show just how seamlessly Christian nationalist extremists can glide into promoting real violence." Good look at the violent rant we reported on, putting it in deep context:
Opinion | ‘Some folks need killing’: North Carolina Lt. Gov takes Christian nationalism to dangerous Mark Robinson’s newly explicit calls for killing perceived enemies show how seamlessly Christian nationalists can glide into promoting real violence.
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Angry. Angry you are back home. And going to stare at you to make you never leave ever again.
I have a stupidly large head and would love links or search terms for finding this cambridge and this masklabs.
Would virtual supervision, armed with phone numbers to your local doctor etc suffice? I am not local to you, but if someone online listening/watching would be useful, I’m up for it. (I am not an ax murderer and can provide references.)
Also, if you need someone who can be hands on, do you need someone 24/7, or someone 3 times a day for 15 minutes while you do PT, or something else? (Please answer this in the morning if you need to.)
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All the best people have insomnia