Janet Yellin' & Screamin' & Cryin'

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Janet Yellin' & Screamin' & Cryin'


unserious moonlight

Always happy to make book recommendations if you tell me two writers you love & what you’re in the mood for. If you'd like signed copies of my books, you can find them at www.bookmoonbooks.com.
This episode aired in 1994 and no other joke about American politics has held up that consistently for so long.
Genuinely possible that Vance is too gross and clammy and weird even for this moment.
I don’t like to be indirect. So I’m telling you that I have active cancer and the health care workers refuse to mask. So for the fourth time in a cow I have come home SICK from CHEMOTHERAPY. You can’t tell by looking who is sick. It feels like I’m paying them to kill me. Please wear a mask.
man I used to not block at all. going wisdom was it just sends the message that you're paying attention, food for the troll, etc. very glad to have grown out of that, now I block people for saying they've never been to a powerviolence gig, for saying they haven't tried stir-fried lettuce, anything
I didn't see @scalzi.com cross-post this here, but thought I throw the screencap up on here, with the added kicker that, if there's any collective lesson we learned in our experience in The Bad Place, is that you just need to unapologetically block, block, block anyone that you don't vibe with.
"I just don’t feel like films are meant to be message-oriented," the director said... right on the heels of a Rare analysis showing how including climate in TV and movies "increased support for governmental action on climate change and boosted several hard-to-move attitudes on climate justice."
‘Twisters’ chose not to mention climate change. Here’s why | CNNamp.cnn.com The summer blockbuster puts nature’s ever-more destructive power in the spotlight. But like the titular twisters, there’s a hole at the center.
I don't care what's in Joe Biden's heart. I WANT him to pander to me and people who agree with me Democracy is supposed to be transactional. Elections are about getting someone to owe me for my support. It's not a process of electing representatives who are exactly like me.
also and I feel like I buried the lede here: it calls for the people who CREATE queer media to be imprisoned. That'd be people like me. Or any other queer creator you love. Any queen who's been on drag race. Chappel Roan. Janelle Monae. Anyone who's made a piece of queer media. Imprisoned.
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
Immigrants *are* everyday New Yorkers, you shithead buffoon, everyday New Yorkers who are dependent on the City for help in a time of crisis. And who is this "we," anyway? Does Adams go without AC?
Mayor Eric Adams, asked by a reporter about the lack of air conditioning at migrant shelters during a heat wave, says, "Every day New Yorkers don't have air conditioners. We make do." He recommends paper fans and says his mom told him to put his head in the refrigerator. —Emma G. Fitzsimmons, NYT
Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court changeswww.washingtonpost.com The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
There’s a bookstore in my town in SW Virginia with an entire shelf devoted to how much JD Vance sucks and doesn’t speak for Appalachia, which I’ve always had the sense is a somewhat bipartisan consensus out here, so I confess I am curious to see how that ends up playing.
Oh no! So sorry—hope you can take it really easy. ❤️
One of the most vile lesser-discussed evils of our Healthcare system is how insurance has financial partnerships with certain pharmacies and you can't get meds at pharmacies outside of those partnerships.
my insurance won't cover it at cvs
Similarly, LGBTQ issues. (from same link as previous post)
I implore people to look at polling data on abortion in swing states www.prri.org/spotlight/ex...
I have changed my mind about the world. David Ignatow
I'm getting fed up with people who are already giving up IN JULY
every day I feel like I'm losing my mind as people look at a statistically tied race where one guy is a felon with deeply unpopular positions who ALREADY LOST THIS EXACT RACE and are like "he is 100% for sure going to win"
NEW: Columbus, Ohio, police detailed to the RNC in Milwaukee have shot a Black man in his early 20s a few blocks outside of the security perimeter. Details TK. (via Columbus Dispatch, CBS 58 Milwaukee)
Every single time I think things like “the British Empire established a global telegraphic network,” I discover when you go deep into history that actually they only accomplished that by clear cutting gutta percha forests in British Malaysia and causing mass displacement and famine.
This is a very good essay and you should read it.
Oh, it turns out I figured out what to do with all of my anger! It’s a huge, free essay on whiteness and boundaries and why I spent all of yesterday bopping white liberal racism on the head. www.patreon.com/posts/108254...
Racism, Transphobia, and the Bluesky Brigade | Kaitlin Byrd - GothamGirlBluewww.patreon.com Get more from Kaitlin Byrd - GothamGirlBlue on Patreon
do you ever think about how easy it is to buy a gun in the US but how many jars of peanut butter and Magnolia Bakery banana pudding are thrown out by the TSA
I made this into a proper response to the absolutely misplaced calls to "turn down the heat": newrepublic.com/article/1838...
My first thought this morning after I remembered the news was how many people over the last few years have put their bodies between armed far right guys and kids going to the library or a bookstore
Where Were Calls for De-Escalation When Libraries Were Being Targeted?newrepublic.com Trump’s fans seem determined to blame this shooting on their victims.
“Israel struck with overwhelming force, hitting it with *eight* 2,000-pound bombs… Scores of Palestinians in the area around the compound—which was home to a market, a water source and a soup kitchen serving displaced civilians—were killed and hundreds wounded.”
To Target a Top Militant, Israel Rained Down Eight Tons of Bombsapple.news Huge deployment of firepower, after years of failed attempts to kill Hamas military commander Mohammed Deif, exacted a heavy civilian toll
That last sentence would be a great blurb.
A while back, I read about a nasty campaign against Bluestockings bookstore from some of their neighbors. So I sat down with one of the store's worker-owners to find out how they're holding up -- and to learn more about how YOU can support queer/feminist bookstores. buttondown.email/charliejane/...
Bluestockings Is Reinventing the Radical Bookstore. You Can Help!buttondown.email I’ve written before about why bookstores are more than just excellent places to discover your new favorite author. They’re also community spaces and key...