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All things excellent are as difficult as they are rare. - Spinoza, “Ethics”
Reposted byAvatar kentropic
This should horrify every decent American. Remember they mean deporting millions of Dreamers, farmworkers, long-settled immigrants who have contributed to our nation for decades. Businesses will suffer and families would be separated from coast to coast. Our neighbors, our coworkers, our loved ones.
…and 3) he was a self-trained “marksman” who got *cut from the high school rifle team because he was such a lousy shot!*
Kakistocracy: impossible to find a more perfect illustration
This response to a different but related post has it exactly right.
they will hold "hearings" on high school football fields, with volunteer staff and judges culled from the ranks of local car dealerships. none it will be legitimate in any way.
“The courts! How many divisions / police / ICE agents / special deputies has the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals got?”
Reposted byAvatar kentropic
Reposted byAvatar kentropic
Check out our new piece, “Slant, Extremity, and Diversity: How the Shape of News Use Explains Electoral Judgments and Confidence,” in POQ @AAPOR which introduces a new way to help explain the consequences of how people interact in the media ecosystem. 1/
Slant, Extremity, and Diversity: How the Shape of News Use Explains Electoral Judgments and Abstract. The 2020 election and its aftermath present an opportunity to understand how audiences’ changing news consumption patterns within an expanded, di
Except the US House adopted a rule in 1842 abolishing the filibuster in that chamber (although filibusters still throw sand in the gears of the Senate).
Reposted byAvatar kentropic
under trump’s project 2025, a middle-class family with two children would pay $2,600 in additional federal income tax by comparison, a married couple with two children and earnings of $5 million a year would enjoy a $325,000 tax cut
Project 2025 would overhaul the U.S. tax system. Here's how it could impact Project 2025, a blueprint for the next Republican president, proposes major economic changes that could impact millions of Americans.
Reposted byAvatar kentropic
Chair of Hong Kong press union Selina Cheng fired by Wall Street Journal, says paper urged her to quit group – HKFP: ‘The association said the newspaper had pressured Cheng to withdraw from running in the election and to resign from its executive committee.’
Chair of Hong Kong press union Selina Cheng fired by Wall Street Journal, says paper urged her to quit American newspaper The Wall Street Journal has terminated Hong Kong-based reporter Selina Cheng weeks after she was elected chair of the city’s embattled Hong Kong Journalist Association (HKJ…
Looks like a cold day in Pottersville
Reposted byAvatar kentropic
That Diet Coke joke goes back 40 years, at least - heard it the 1st time in undergrad days.
That’s what has been saying for years: winning competitive elections depends MUCH more on firing up & turning out the base than on chasing an ever-shrinking pool of fickle low-info undecideds.
Lauren Halfwitzke doing a great job repping her bitter, hateful religious tribe: like Torquemada in heels & a short skirt.
Reposted byAvatar kentropic
The rising tide of bullshit (corporate, political & cultural) is among the greatest dangers to representative democracy of our time.
People susceptible to corporate bullshit tend to be susceptible to other kinds of pseudo-profound bullshit and score lower on measures of intelligence and critical thinking. Test yourself: And learn why bullshit is corrosive:
Thanks for the reminder of this classic essay - as relevant today as the day it was written, to our collective sorrow & shame.
Who Goes Nazi?, by Dorothy
Reposted byAvatar kentropic
A great passage from Gabriel Winant, historian at University of Chicago, on JD Vance in n+1.
Reposted byAvatar kentropic
That Vance is a direct line to Thiel and Andreessen is truly important. Trump wants their money. Thiel wants to sell billions in Palantir contracts to power Trump’s mass surveillance/ethnic cleansing infrastructure. Pence was the Christian Nationalists’ guy. Vance is reactionary capital’s.
Are you a fan of all of those guys who are directly responsible for making the internet an unusable dogshit hellhole? Well boy do I have a VP for you.
Ah, yes: Bad Faith 101 - Matt Bors, FTW
Srsly don’t know what you mean. Online search turns up “oral mite anaphylaxis”?
Reposted byAvatar kentropic
Reposted byAvatar kentropic
Classrooms full of slaughtered kids haven’t been enough. Nor have almost daily mass shootings somewhere. Will pot shots at the cult leader finally cause enough revulsion for our insane “guns for everyone” culture to break the spell & change the law, at long last? I doubt it, but anything’s possible.
That’s been the rightwing GOTV strategy for as long as I can remember. Certainly since the rise of the NRA & their 2A absolutism.
Sir Topham Hit can fix you up.
Meanwhile, coke ovens - a relic 19th-century steelmaking technology - continue to poison the air of neighboring communities for miles around. But rules limiting their toxic emissions could be gutted by business-friendly judges after the recent SCOTUS decision in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo.
New EPA rules could force emissions limits, monitoring at Clairton Coke The coke oven rules are expected to set new limits for several hazardous chemicals and require fenceline monitoring for benzene.
Reposted byAvatar kentropic
It’s the fascist international 2.0 and it’s public and coming to try to end American democracy. Trump is signaling the axis of transnational fascism is awaiting him and the republicans with open arms. This is such a massive threat it’s really hard to describe.