
these people are volunteering every person they claim to speak for - every woman, every person of color, every lgbtq person, labor organizer, honest journalist -you name it- to be hunted for sport under a trump administration while they kick their doomer heels up and say huh shoulda listened to me
this is not exaggerated for effect, there will be human dogpiles of depraved goons trying to claw their way to the top of trump’s henchmen list by inventing the cruelest ways to mechanize all govt forces against any disfavored group. it’s how you get ahead in his world.
I often look at my coworkers (in higher ed) and wonder which ones of them will be the ones who turn me in to the Trump administration.
How did Littlefinger put it? "Chaos is a ladder." Which is why the Steve Bannons of MAGA world want to "burn it all down".
They had a rehearsal on January 6 ‘21.
You’re going to get a lot of shit for this, but you’re dead on because instead of blaming Biden for the things he actually has control of that you could get mad about, you’re getting a list of decisions made by SCOTUS and state legislatures
It’s also the world’s easiest position to take! If you’re wrong, everything’s fine, but if you’re right you get to say “I told you so”. Zero downside for your ego.
and I didn’t even mention biden. someone wants to propose an alternative then that’s fine but the alternative better have a serious path to 270 or else you’re just offering up horseshit that gets your “allies” stuck on pikes
It's the same story every election. Four years ago, it was "We want Bernie, or we let The Former Guy waltz back into the White House." Mostly said by young people convinced of their own invincibility. They think if TFG destroys the country, they'll live to rebuild it in their progressive image.
Maybe it would be better if Presidents had barely any power to do anything and we all knew that. Then we could all calm down and focus on more local politics and work on democratizing capitalism.
There are brunch / wine mom libs who spent months knocking doors in Ohio to win abortion rights. They're the sort of people these posters sneer at and look down on, but they're the ones who are actually doing the shitty work that makes change.
The person you're accusing this of appears to be a BIPOC and you appear to be fantasizing about watching them get killed by white supremacists. Maybe don't do that. Maybe don't fantasize about watching queers and BIPOC get murdered so that you can feel smug. Thanks.
yeah warning about the nazis does not make me feel smug I assure you
We’re not fantasizing about them being killed. We’re warning them that their doomerist “don’t vote” attitude will hurt them most of all.
Hey, all else aside, maybe don't go around telling narginalized people what's best for them, that's kind of fucked up.
The problem is they are actively encouraging people to take actions that will hurt EVERYONE on this planet. Their minority status is irrelevant here.
This is such bullshit. If someone is actively sabotaging an attempt to save lives, if doesn't matter WTF their status is, they deserve to get called out.
Ok, Jim. I didn't say shit about that, I was talking about "I know about what impacts you better than you" language. I'm not interested in getting into a broader discussion, it's pointless, but that's some shitty "ally" behavior if I've ever heard it.
The fact that the person being called out is just basically lying is of no matter I guess. Sometimes being an ally mean telling someone they are fucking up. It can be a tricky line to walk, I grant you, but this not a complicated case.
sounds a lot like fantasising given how specific he got.
look around, it’s not a fantasy, it’s exactly what they are saying they’re going to do and writing laws to carry out
The people who ignore the evidence and say It Can't Happen Here are the reason why It Can Happen Here.
i simply wouldn't blame the Black woman as being culpable for this
I simply wouldn’t reduce someone to just their gender and race when it’s clear the point is that the “don’t vote” group is being very cavalier
It doesn’t matter if it’s a Black woman or a white man or anything else in between. This kind of rhetoric only helps Trump.
Maybe she should stop doing things like this then
“We shouldn’t take her seriously because she’s Black” is not the woke insight you think it is.
I'm not sure "fantasizing" means what you think it means.
"Look out! That truck is rolling toward you." "Oh, stop fantasizing about violence against me!"
If you actually want Biden to win, go volunteer to knock on doors for his campaign or something. But telling a Black woman that she hates Black women and you are imagining her violent death because she isn't excited about Biden is not a great campaign strategy.
Ok, well her post is still wrong and worded to encourage people to not vote for Biden, bringing back Trump. That’s still the case here, even without complaining about the additional language KT used
What’s wrong about it? Electing Biden has not stopped states from doing all of those things nor will it going forward. Trump is not the problem, keeping him from office won’t solve it. It feels disingenuous to read it as placing blame on Biden rather than highlighting the breadth of risk we face.
She’s absolutely blaming Biden in the post for things he almost nearly had no control. There’s no ambiguity there. And bud, trust that keeping Trump from office will prevent things from getting precipitously worse, even if it doesn’t solve everything
The problem is that people that doorknock will have a harder time of they are in online ecosystems with this pov. It's like someone dumping oil on your floor and saying well if you care so much why are you stopping me instead of getting a mop.
And people stressed that trump winning will be extremely damaging to many many groups isn't hoping for that. You can worry about something and not want it to happen. Clearly most of the time that's the case.
This is quite the series of strawmen you've trotted out.
You’re equivocating on “imagining”—or just misusing the term. There’s nothing wrong with “imagining” per se: it’s wishing to gleefully hoping for that’s perverse. Trout is ‘imagining’ as in warning, or taking seriously a possibility she seems willfully (for personal reasons) to elide or ignore.
The person Trout is referring to appears to be blaming Biden for things the GOP is doing. Trout is merely pointing out that misplacing the blame like this WILL lead to far worse outcomes for queers and BIPOC, so maybe people should stop doing that.
"don't post weird doomer shit and act like you were born yesterday" isn't that hard to follow. and hilariously you're doing it right now.
some BIPOC are clout seeking idiots and it’s fine —far less patronizing, in fact— to say so instead of treating them like helpless little children who don’t know what words mean
I understand what speculative fiction is now.
Talk shit, get hit. "uwu smol bean" shit don't play here.
Yeah, some of us white guys know the really bad white pipo and what they think and locker room talk. We aren't fantasizing. Thanks for shaming allies who are truly afraid for friends and family at the hands of family, former friends, and neighbors.
You have perfected a mode of online argument that wins you exactly nothing, meanwhile people you claim to care for are imperiled. That’s what he’s saying.
Yeah but have you considered how much fuckin' brain chemical release it causes? Oh baby!!
This American queer says, "Any other instructions, your excellency?"
Last month there was a focus group respondent who stated they didn't like Biden because of abortion rights since they thought *he* was the reason Roe died. I thought "not paying attention" but maybe paying attention to people like this, which is a worse problem...