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Left coast Canadian.
I try not to be boring, sometimes I succeed.
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We made a comic about street smarts.
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A John Wick movie where he goes around assassinating people whose fireworks are upsetting the local dogs.
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Stolen from @davidwill.bsky.social - to good not to share 👍
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This stage of capitalism feels like the end of a monopoly game that’s been going on for hours and you already know you lost but the dick winning won’t let you go to bed until they get all of your money or you die.
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No one believes that with regard to the generation of the art. A prompt is not creation. That's like saying speaking your order into the drive-in mic means you cooked your burger and fries.
I cat, therefore I am. #proofOfCat
A reminder that the best way to establish that you are who you say you are when you join BlueSky is to post a unique picture of your cat. #proofOfCat is the most valid form of ID
If you see this, post a picture you took at sunset.
if you see this, post a picture you took at sunset
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Hey folks. I'm closing up the shop for about a week first thing in the morning so I can fill Mystery Boxes. As such, everything on the shop is 15% off. We're eight LGBTQIA+ crafters--100% of purchases put money in queer pockets. Free US shipping over $40! Thanks! www.peculiarityshop.com
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You know how they say authors need to promote their own books, that it’s really key to sales? Well, it’s actually true. And I have done a shitty job w/my book (July 2). So let’s RT the shit out of this post? 😬 bookshop.org/p/books/best...
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bonus Discworld QOTD, from The Last Continent “We put all our politicians in prison as soon as they’re elected. Don’t you?” “Why?” “It saves time.”
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GOOGLE 2004: Don’t be evil GOOGLE 2024: Don’t be useful
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Make art. Pet animals. Eat cheese products. Win.
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Roger Corman’s funeral should come in on time, under budget and with enough footage to use in three additional funerals.
RIP, Roger Corman, a true film great, and absolutely the only one to also have about 20 different executive produced and/or directed films appear on MST3K.
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Idk how anyone can deny climate change is real when cop riot season is starting two whole months earlier than usual
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what if we convince cybertruck owners they have to season them like cast iron pans
Good news! Jesus saw his shadow & we get another 6 weeks of chocolate.
"I think I ate too much fried cheese." This is something I say a little too often for a responsible adult. I'm ok with this.
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One of the best comments that came out of retreat last week was “remember that social media is like chemo: necessary but also poison. Monitor not just your intake but how it’s making you feel. Take negative side effects seriously.”
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Hey, I feel weird even having to ASK this outright, but can a few more of you start kung-fu fighting? Everybody's supposed to be doing it.
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While you're posting your award eligible stories, feel free to drop me links to your SFF works between 3400 and 5200 words as I'm still looking for stories for S13 of LeVar Burton Reads! (There are additional requirements so don't get too excited!)
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Just remember: Arts & Humanities are so useless and pointless that Tech Bros were driven to spend billions of dollars to try and get a computer to do something that badly approximates something Arts & Humanities students could do half asleep and wired on coffee the night before the due date.
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Being effective at convincing people to ignore the pandemic is not the same as being effective at dealing with the reality of the pandemic.
I seem to be only one in this slice joint that isn't a native Portuguese speaker....Love it, it's like I'm in Brazil for lunch but can be home and on my couch in 15 minutes.
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Still trying to find my people. Please reskeet if you: -Like ice cream. -Enjoy watching the sunset. -Have recurring dreams where Tom Hanks speaks to you in unsolvable riddles. -Have tracked down Tom Hanks to ask him why he haunts your dreams. -Are no longer allowed within 200 feet of Tom Hanks.
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I'm surprised that so many people don't know this. patreon.com/lowqualityfa...
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