
These folks can't even automate something as simple as a CEO. Why would I believe that they can automate the workers who actually perform labor?
joke's on them; i take an edible nearly every night
Can't wait for all the Elonbros to get it though
After the most recent New York Times interview it's like peak depression that people still look up to him.
This is how the rest of us obtain paradise. They toil away and rage post in their sleep and we get leisure. Win win
So glad I’m off Twitter…
I get mad when this happens by accident. Do not need to be working in my fucking sleep thank you brain be better
Same; if I dream about work I want overtime pay
Emailing my sleep paralysis demons a sign up sheet for the office potluck
Tech Bros: “Not only will we build the Torment Nexus from our favorite sci-fi novel, but we’ll monetize it!”
Ffs. Will it never end???
Let’s say we start replacing all these end of the world blockbusters with the end of capitalism movies.
That's why my SciFi series' tag line is: "Imagine a world exactly like ours, but different." I'm ready for that world.
oh shit, where did I see this? I saw something with this, a documentary maybe? A video essay? a philosopher said it somewhere? where do I know this from!?
Ursula K Le Guin in one of her talks or essays. Or both.
I think you mean the quote that is seen often from her, which is very similar and goes something like "Its [capitalism] power seems inescapable. So did the divine right of kings." That quote is apparently from a book by Mark Fisher. I've heard about it somewhere lately, but can't pin point where.
Capitalist Realism. I think that's Fisher originally, not him quoting someone. It's similar to Le Guin's quote, but comes from a different angle.
Capitalism is so much the fucking worst The research required for this could instead do things like idk work to rebuild neural connections or create better cybernetic prostheses and instead it’s like LETS MAKE YOU WORK EVEN IN YOUR SLEEP
Also like this is a step frm they having hives of workers in induced permasleep working 24/7 Who knew the matrix was not just cisnormative culture, it was capitalism, not robots
Call me a luddite, but there is no way I am giving Elon Musk and his acolytes direct access to my brain. This whole thing is blatantly going to end up with control chips in people's heads.
It'll be offered as a safety measure for prisons first. Their current tech is already quite capable of knocking out, paralysing, or killing. More sophisticated methods of control come later.
Every time this comes up, I think about Greg Egans' Quarantine, which featured loyalty chip implants as a precondition of employment. And it didn't even really twist the knife on the creepy front.
He'd definitely insist that everyone on his exodus to Mars had one. If that ever happened, which it won't.
Being a Luddite is not a bad thing.
Always remember the Luddites were absolutely correct.
Rooting for the collapse of society before this hell becomes possible.
I’m gonna go full weird guy in the mountains before I let that shit get within 10 ft of me
that people spend their time thinking up shit like this is so bleak. go disappear into a hentai vr gooning sesh
hedge funds need a torment nexus in their portfolio these days
I think a lot about how human brains aren’t meaningfully different from the brains of historical humans that largely (w/ exceptions) thought slavery was good to do to anyone they could get away with ensnaring. Only black holes of selfishness and ambition get to billionaire levels of money.
Lmao Capitalism is so broken they want to break your brain too to be ok with how broken it is. 🤣🤣🤣 AI assisted libotomy
I dont want to give them any more clicks, but based on the discussion I see, I think theyre getting at a good point: creativity requires time, and a lot of creative work isnt fully conscious. but who has time for that? They were so close to getting that the actual solution is working less.
If you’re doing creative work normal sleep does this though When I am working on a big project there are background processes running constantly and often sleep is when those ideas solidify
Yes! You need normal sleep and time to actively think about nothing while passively thinking about creative stuff. That’s why shower thoughts are a thing!
The only reason to have free time is to recharge to work more. Kids? Gotta have more workers. Love? Motivation to work harder
Does saying "death to capitalism" constitute an actionable threat?
what kind of fucking brain rot do you have to have to think this is a good idea? seriously I can not imagine ANY context that would lead someone to think this was good and cool how detached from reality are they?
It's not detachment, it's just trying to manufacture consent for it, trying to sell it to us, the "solution" to our wage woes, just geg chipped and work the 8 hours instead of sleeping, the bosses want bigger yachts the whales can't destroy.
The good thing is this is a profoundly stupid idea and techbros will waste their idiot dollars on something they will never get to work.
What angers me is that I want the concept to work for a million useful reasons that aren't squeezing out a couple extra dollars and TPS reports.
It would be neat to induce lucid dreaming that wouldn’t result in a lower quality of sleep. (Which is does because the brain is more active.) But that would probably just create a new strain of super sociopaths that spend half their time controlling a fake world without any consequences.