Cheryl White

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Cheryl White

big fan of public libraries and clean air. kaizen at nike and in life. engineer, jogger & cyclist. cancer survivor and patient partner. co-founder cavi.
Some days I do ok with sunscreen, some days I’m on top of the bug spray. I really wish I could master both on the same day. ☀️🦟
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Seeing masks on Olympic and Tour de France athletes, to protect themselves and each other, while babies in the NICU are being coughed on by healthcare workers. Oh, you here for your chemo? Let me breathe on you, loser.
Stressssssssss. 🇨🇦 ⚽️
Just got bitten by a ladybug… I thought those guys were supposed to be friends! 🐞
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It's too bad this country went insane about masks, seems like they can be useful
This just looks so fun. There are never more than a few swimmers at a time there now.
Bathing at Sunnyside Beach, Toronto, #OnThisDay in 1931 (July 2nd) 📸: City of Toronto Archives #otd #1930s #sunnyside #swimming #Beach #summertime #history #torontohistory #tdot #the6ix #toronto #canada #hopkindesign
I spend a lot of time wondering about the long term social impacts of AIDS, Chernobyl, Challenger on GenX. If anyone knows of good books on this topic I’d love some recommendations.
I've watched a lot of my Gen-X peers discard all COVID precautions & whine about people who still take them, and I remember that we came of age when AIDS was a death sentence & unprotected sex could kill us, and I wonder how many of those people fucked raw & lied about it. And get depressed.
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We got tricked by science fiction into thinking a futuristic city is all about flying cars and crystal towers and hologram billboards but what it really looks like is nice apartment blocks, good mass transit, pedestrian zones with shade trees and safe bike lanes.
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I'm watching OSC coverage. From philanthropists, to the OSC architects to architect professional bodies, Ford is getting hit on all sides. They LOOK incompetent or like liars. Given Ford's low approval rating & desire to call an early election, this was a mistake. Let's see if they walk it back.
One more polling graphic that helps with context.
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Spent 5 hours cross-stitching a QR code to Rickroll my brother with. Time well spent.
5 years ago this week I got the news. Cancer. All throughout diagnosis and treatment they talk about your chances of survival to 5 years. I was lucky and my numbers were always objectively good but this 5 year milestone has felt heavy for a while.
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Something I love about this place is that all the shitposters have graduate degrees
I saw the eglinton lrt moving at speed through the golden mile this morning… could it be close to ready? 🤞
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It's not just COVID, we could make SUCH A DIFFERENCE if we improved indoor air ventilation. Because it turns out a virus LOVES high CO2. It is still baffling to me how our society managed to turn COVID into personal masking decisions and not BETTER BUILDINGS.
A new discovery about carbon dioxide is challenging decades-old ventilation CO2 is a good proxy for how much exhaled — and potentially infectious — air is in a room. New research suggests the more CO2 there is, the more virus-friendly the air becomes.
My commute is 21km. One day this week I rode my bike and it took less time than driving. It’s a mess out there!
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On this day in 2017, Sam Panopoulos died. Born in Greece in 1934, he came to Canada and opened the Satellite Restaurant in Chatham, Ontario. It was there he invented Hawaiian Pizza. His goal was to create a pizza that was sweet and savoury.
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If there’s a theme to today’s newsletter, it’s “obscure stories you might have missed that are actually a pretty big deal.” Let’s get them on your radar. 👇
Breast cancer screening sparks unexpected Canada Healthwatch | The most important health news, in one place.
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I’m a Covid virgin. At least, so far. 🙏
Thank you Mark Holland for this statement. Feeling heard as a patient who has been harmed by these guidelines is giving me hope that fewer young women will have a similar experience going forward. That’s the kind of medicine I needed. Thank you.
Health Minister Mark Holland reacts to new breast cancer screening guidelines – May 30, Speaking with reporters on Parliament Hill, federal Health Minister Mark Holland comments on the Canadian Task Force on Preventative Healthcare’s updated gui...
Excited for the contestants, hope nobody gets too badly hurt!
“Cheese! Cheese! Cheese!” Every year, thousands gather at a steep hill in southwestern England to watch competitors hurtle themselves after a coveted prize: a wheel of Double Gloucester. The first person to reach the bottom wins.
In This English Countryside Race, the Winner Takes the … Every year, thousands gather at a steep hill in southwestern England to watch competitors hurtle themselves after a coveted prize: a wheel of Double Gloucester.
This is such a good point. I suppose we’re all vulnerable to propaganda and misinformation but folks who have influence through being really good at one thing sometimes seem unable to recognize when they are not experts and should listen more before they speak.
I think too many people who are brilliant in one arena, think that they are brilliant in every arena, and I think that causes a lot of problems societally This is why I am committed to being a true dilettante, being “middling” to “pretty good” in several things, and brilliant in absolutely nothing
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I love how when we first got the internet, Wikipedia was an "unreliable source" and now it's one of the last remaining websites that's actually fact checked
I find it amusing when people try to be discreet about cannabis use and they don’t seem to know there is a strong smell after consumption. Also it’s fine. It’s legal now… go ahead, enjoy your evening!
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reminder: Harry Potter tattoos have a higher regret rate than trans surgeries and that's very funny actually
if yr finding a 30+ big titty goth gf you rly do have to be careful if she's cis that she's not hiding a deathly hallows tattoo somewhere, sad but true, stay safe out there ladies