Steve Carlson

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Steve Carlson

The lonely Magellan of disreputable exploitation cinema. Death merchant and amateur onion peeler. I like things that look like mistakes. He/him.
Reposted byAvatar Steve Carlson
every day I feel like I'm losing my mind as people look at a statistically tied race where one guy is a felon with deeply unpopular positions who ALREADY LOST THIS EXACT RACE and are like "he is 100% for sure going to win"
Wonder what it's like to vote for a political party and not a jobs program for ineffectual nebbishes. Oh well, guess I'll never know!
Reposted byAvatar Steve Carlson
I ignore all TV stuff no matter the subject (limited free time, nothing against the medium), so at least I have that in my favor.
Yeah, I gave VENOM a shot and I'm glad Tom Hardy was enjoying himself, but the CGI-blob quotient was untenable.
I ultimately got swayed into watching - and enjoying - BLACK PANTHER and RAGNAROK. But both of those felt much closer to the stand-alone entries I would want to see more of.
It was the second CAPTAIN AMERICA film where I was like, is this what it's all gonna be now? Two-hour trailers for other films? Fuck that. I have rarely felt unjustified in that decision.
I think the last Marvel film I watched was BLACK PANTHER? I bailed outta that pretty early on, tbh
Reposted byAvatar Steve Carlson
at this point i want Biden to stay in 100% out of spite for the people in his party who have the nerve to undercut their own POTUS in a "crucial" election year but none for hobbling the J6 caucus with impeachments & indictments
Because there's no reason to ever remember THE MEG 2
Easy peasy.
gm, what's your pick for the greatest film of the 21st century? try to answer quickly and with your gut. no fear. 📽️
Reposted byAvatar Steve Carlson
I am open to being convinced he was saved by god but nothing I have seen suggests it was mercy.
Not comprehensive enough - he left out the time in 2011 he got diarrhea at the Denny's in Rothschild, WI after beating Kofi Annan in an eating contest (he ate 14 Triple Bacon Samplers, handily surpassing Annan's total of 9)
"George Bush doesn't care about television being the retina of the mind's eye."
Then he'll look like a Ken doll with the mumps
I wonder if he's read THE BELL JAR
Maybe that explains his constantly malfunctioning brain
Fortunately, The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza were a very good band
Reposted byAvatar Steve Carlson
Apologies in advance for what might look like a rambling diatribe going nowhere. But the one thing I know really well - better than almost anyone else - is boxing. And there’s a really valuable lesson from boxing that the Democratic Party needs to learn in a hurry. Let’s start with the boxing bit.
Reposted byAvatar Steve Carlson
LOL Connections Puzzle #401 🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟪🟪🟪🟪
I was with a room full of family following my grandfather's memorial service when the news broke, and every person in the room was vocally disappointed that he survived.
Of course I got purple first here. I wonder how many people were thrown off by one of the words. Connections Puzzle #400 🟪🟪🟪🟪 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟩🟩🟩🟩
Reposted byAvatar Steve Carlson
Even the most defeatist, pessimistic Dems ready to call the election 4 months out couched their pessimism in, "I mean, unless Trump does something completely idiotic like, I don't know, pick J.D. Vance to be VP."
The GOP has a much deeper well of fresh young faces than the geriatric-deathgrip Dems. The trade-off is that they're all off-putting antisocial freakazoids.
Dude was destined to be a Weegee
So you're saying you'd like to ad-Vance to the fun part?
A dead-eyed lump of mammal meat. The kind of guy who grows a beard solely so clerks stop asking him for his ID every time he goes to the liquor store to buy High Noon and Pink Whitney.
That dude got FUCKED UP, just constantly shit-rocked
The Vance pick is hilarious. Are either of these guys actually trying to win?