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In 2020, nobody showed up to Biden primary rallies. There wasn't a lot of confidence in him and SleepyJoe was his nickname because of the obvious visible decline. He wasn't a good candidate in 2020 everyone wanted. That's not why ppl voted for him. He won because it was about kicking out Trump.
Remember nearly 40% of the democratic electorate voted for Bernie Sanders.
Nah there is definitely a very strong part of the electorate who would vote for an empty shoe box over Trump and think saying Biden is declining was obvious previously before the debate. I haven't seen anyone say he did fine, even his close supporters.
Yup the true test of Ohioans. But don't Cincinnati kids go to kings island anyway? It's shameful
The Democrats have completely flopped. Just losers. It will be up to the democratic electorate to save this country.
The truth will be important in the future: Donald Trump attacked a fair election. There is no President immunity in the Constitution. The 14th Amendment bars insurrectionists on the federal level. The judicial system failed us and allowed for this to happen.
Does make sense why Amber Rose would turn right wing grifter. She's made a lot of $$$$ and the only legislative success Trump had that wasn't forced by COVID was a tax cut for the extremely wealthy. Looks like all the power hungry fools are lining up to be in the new US oligarchy.
Nah Ted Cruz is creepier. Ted Cruz groveled to a man that said his wife was a dog.
Hahaha JD is a Peter Thiel guy ICANT. We need more books on Peter Thiel. Dude is shifting the landscape of media, investing, surveillance and us politics. Unfortunately also a confounder of PayPal. Sad!
I see the Liar in Chief picked the other liar with the fake Midwestern smile. The kind we all know is full of shit in Cleveland. Go Browns! Go Blue!
Yeah I like it too. He's just having a really bad time and it's funny
Ohio is 100% going Trump (Sorry Cuyahoga County I know you try), so this is definitely for deference to do whatever baked up crazy criminal shit they are gonna do.
id feel worse for law professors having their entire careers pissed on by some of the dumbest people in the country but frankly they deserve it
So when is a Democrat going to get their head out of their ass and start talking about how our courts are being disintegrated by Trump loyalists? All the political violence would be avoided if our justice system was working.
Democrats rhetoric isn't even hyperbolic. It's an honest assessment of the extreme far right GOP agenda that Trump has said he will enact on Hannity. The real issue is the GOP wants political violence and have done everything to normalize it via Jan 6th. Dems aren't the issue in any part of this.
Trump himself, the GOP, Merrick Garland, and the Supreme Court, amongst others, have sent us down this path, and I'm very scared of where it will lead
100% garlands delay will go down as a major failure of our system. The system could have done this in 2020 or 21. Hell it was doing its job until unsupreme team 6 got involved.
This 100% was a byproduct of our failed justice system. Trump fomented and participated in political violence on Jan 6th. He paid zero consequences. Now he's running on being more violent and our justice system has left the people with only their vote to stop a dictator.
Repeat after me: I do not need to sympathize with him; he reaped the whirlwind.
a far right conspiracy theorist broke into nancy pelosi’s house and beat her husband with a hammer and he and most of the party made jokes about it
If a Democrat had been the target of an assassination attempt, can anyone plausibly imagine a Trump statement that did not denigrate and equivocate?
New York Times Editorial Board: "Mr. Trump’s political agenda cannot and must not be opposed by violence. It cannot and must not be pursued through violence." Ok but to be clear Trump's political agenda *is* violence. We get that right? I dont want us to miss that www.nytimes.com/2024/07/13/o...
Opinion | The Attack on Donald Trump Is Antithetical to Americawww.nytimes.com Political violence is antithetical to our democracy.
Political violence always benefits authoritarians because liberals will always condemn it and authoritarians, regardless of whether they are perpetrators or victims, will always use it to claim more power.
Just a reminder: it’s good to oppose assassinations. But you are under absolutely no obligation to treat Trumpists and Trump-apologists as people who are honest, or acting in good faith, when they purport to condemn political violence or violent rhetoric. They’re not sincere.
“We will hold investigations to identify the neo-cultural Marxists in seats of power all across Washington,” Posobiec said. ​“We don’t negotiate with un-humans. Because that’s the stakes of this battle: humanity versus un-humanity.” inthesetimes.com/article/nati...
Onward, Christian Soldiers—To War!inthesetimes.com At this year’s National Conservatism Conference, a right-wing army prepares to rise.
Biden should announce a program where he will get rid of student loans for every student if he's elected. He should expand social security expand Medicare. Give back the child tax credit lifting millions out of poverty. Eliminate the den of snakes and embrace the progressives who will help him win
Absolutely shameful, just a sham he's allowed to remain on the Court
Trump loves Orban and Putin for one very obvious reason: They have successfully destroyed governments to personally enrich themselves and their friends with no accountability. The SCOTUS just gave him rulings to do exactly that if he gets in office. It is our duty to stop this man at the polls.