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Weird old lady, getting weirder by the minute.
My cat gets in the recycle bin on purpose, ever since we threw an empty treat box in it. Gotta make sure we didn't accidentally throw away any of his treats.
I was born in 1963. The whole year got tainted by that one assassination...
Thank you for mentioning that. I have end-stage arthritis in my hip and the doc says I need a hip replacement, but I have many concerns. Didn't think to add masking to my list. So much to think about. Doc says it's a simple procedure, easy peasy, but he's not chronically ill.
The difference being those who own up to their mistakes and those who try to bury them under the rug.
That would have been so helpful when I worked in daycare. I caught every single bug those kids brought in.
I wish I knew how to get started again. I left my ex 20 years ago, and in that time, I have never written as much as I did before I met him. Part of it, of course, came from being a single mother, but there's just something in me that's missing.
Never looked at it that way before, but now that I think about it, all that time I had spent writing came to a dead stop because I was expected to do what he wanted. Time to go read the Yellow Wallpaper again.
Hot take: I'm truly not interested in hand wringing over how much people will miss enjoying the books of men who have turned out to be abusers. I'm far more concerned about the missing art that women haven't been able to create/publish because they crossed paths with such men.
Define "something bad".
And you can even be orc on both sides of your family, so double orc. Double tough double orc.
Yes. We still have a couple in town.
$9 and then you only get 6 pieces of bread. :(
So you just have to trust your, er, gut feeling.
If dinosaurs had feathers like birds, did they also sing like birds? I can just imagine a dinosaur trying to roost in one of my trees so it can belt out its happy tune.
I'd like to know how they'd explain that to their children/ spouse/ parents/ friends. "Sorry, folks, I'd rather eat a pizza than spend the next few decades with you."
Reposted byAvatar Libby
For Disability Pride Month, one thing I'd love abled bodied people to figure out is how to speak to someone with chronic health issues without implying that if they themselves had the disabled person's health conditions, they would end it all. I promise you life goes on- even with health issues.
My sympathies. We had a hard time last year when it was 93 outside and our A/C stopped working. I got a spray bottle full of water and kept spraying myself while sitting in front of a fan.
Our Biscuit would have been more coherent, and he only has 4 buttons which he uses indiscriminately. (He's trying, though. You can almost see the smoke coming out of his ears as he tries to figure out which button means what.)
Red, with white wings.
Or for us older folks, autism was only for boys. Girls "couldn't" have autism or ADHD, therefore no one ever suspected we might. Now that we've been allowed to join the club, so to speak, numbers have gone up.
Mine have been burning off for 9 years now. I think I'm turning into the Centralia Mine. 🔥🔥🔥
Yeah, I did a double-take on that one. Thought it was a joke at first.
College employee here, we had the same training. They gave us rolls of toilet paper to throw at the "active shooter" for practice. Maybe we should keep every room stocked with toilet paper and use it to wrap the shooter up like a mummy.
Not just kids. Can be other people throwing a fit.
EMS is stuck in traffic.
Exactly. I had chicken pox at 3, shingles at 53. Shingles damaged the nerves in my foot, and my foot hasn't been the same since. But let's all be surprised that Covid can cause problems later on. Life is so much more fun with surprises.
Finally back online after 61 hours with no electricity. It's okay, rain. We have enough now. You can move out of north Texas and go find some other dry and needy people to fall on.
How about guinea pigs?
That puts a new spin on all those animal skeletons my sister rescued, cleaned, and mounted. They're not creepy skeletons; they're happy little squirrels, all clean and shiny. 😆
Anyone else read that as "toffat" and cane?