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Mezzo-about-town. Singer, actor, Shakespearean text coach, will translate your opera libretti and song texts. She/they.
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Since I'm thinking a lot about gender and masculinity lately (and I swear I need to just fire up the laptop and log into DreamWidth and write an essay): there is - correctly - widespread understanding that toxic masculinity is bad, and a pretty solid understanding of what that is. HOWEVER. 1/?
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I will never forget the interview, shortly after Ozy Media Inc. was formed, where Carlos Watson said he named it after the poem, because "the lesson you take from [Ozymandias] is that you have to dream big." So that's why liberal arts education is important.
went to get my iPad out of my bag and
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white people struggle with the word 'antiblackness' because few understand it as a spectrum but fully understand the concept when talking of neurodivergency or gender. blackness too is a spectrum as is the racism that confronts us. dont dismiss our claims of it simply because it doesnt center you.
The anti-Blackness on this site is omnipresent and uncontrolled, and it keeps getting worse. And every time it gets pointed out, white people keep deflecting to another marginalization they experience. But Black people still aren’t safe just being Black here. That’s that on that.
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if you're transgender, your first duty is to live. if youve got anything to give after that, your second duty is to help someone else live, because it's not easy and no one but you and I and those like us will ever understand. your third duty, if you can make it that far, is to live happily.
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So this is why my 2025 bullet point meme was tagged as “misinformation” Not sure when (or even if) I’ll bail bit I think this might be my last year on Instagram. I hate Meta.
Facebook is redacting users' posts about Project 2025 as "misinformation" based on the disputations of a conservative news site
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Also shout out to this medieval sex worker who reported to the group chat which men had game and which did not.
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RIP to Dr Ruth. and no one can top the tribute to her currently up on Billy Idol’s insta story.
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I don't know who needs to hear this message. But I mean this sincerely and from the bottom of my heart: Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out. Stop anticipating the worst all the time because if you keep believing and hoping for it, it will happen, so knock that off! Be positive.
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Popping on to say: A lot of rumors are about to fly about this rally. Trump's team is 100% going to try and take advantage of this situation. So will malicious foreign actors/bots/etc. Please don't auto share. Check your sources, and vet their wording/sourcing carefully.
If you're within a reasonable distance of New Cross Gate, tomorrow between 11 and 3 is your LAST chance to see artist/poet/theatre designer Mal Parry's exhibition at hARTslane gallery... it's basically ALL about being a nonbinary Early Modernist, in a beautiful & moving way. Free to enter!
On bus on Old Kent Road, saw a kid breakdancing in the middle of a crossing (green man says go go go) He took a bow and as he strode happily off, a nearby deliveroo driver handed him a protein bar I love people sometimes
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The entire cass review makes sense if you take it as read that any child growing up to continue to be trans is a bad thing
The scariest thing about the puberty blockers ban court case is how it lays bare the premise of the Cass review and the government’s interpretation of it as seeing a child going on to be trans in adulthood as an undesirable outcome classified as a Risk
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SCHOLARSHIP for GAZA STUDENTS The University of Padua (one of the best in Italy) is offering 5 scolarships for students from Gaza. Deadline July 15th If you know someone who might be interested, please let them know
Students at risk: scholarships to support students A.Y.2023/24 | Università di UniPD
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I'll repeat what I wrote in my book. People going after others should ask themselves: Am I going after the appropriate entity or the *available target*? A LOT of latter goes on. But cruelty laterally/downward does nothing to the entity that created a situation &ensures creation of a truly awful vibe
I think a lot of people get into a bad space here because the people with power they actually want to yell at would never in a million years be on Bluesky so we end up yelling at people who aren’t that bad and it makes everyone pissy and weird
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My personal experience at bluesky has been fantastic, much of the good of pre-Musk Twitter and none of the bad. Yet I’ve never felt as pessimistic about the future of this app as I do right now, watching another important Black voice get run off the platform. Seriously, what the fuck, people?
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Adversarial strangers expect a level of patience here that simply cannot be accommodated in a sustained manner. You're gonna drive out the people who make the place worth reading.
Beasts of Burden was a masterpiece and I’m glad more people will get to read it!
Very glad that this has been announced: All the BEASTS OF BURDEN stories done so far are being collected in a nearly 600 page omnibus edition from in Feb 2025. Spread the word!
Exclusive: Dark Horse announces BEASTS OF BURDEN OMNIBUS The Beasts of Burden Omnibus edition will collect the entire Eisner Award-winning series (so far). Here are the details.
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Being on this app, which I mostly like, has been a masterclass in learning about the ways white liberals and progressives consistently disrespect black people “for our own good.” You insist you know what’s better for us and how we should live while shirking responsibility for your bullshit.
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Before it was Jamelle, it was Tressie, before it was Tressie, it was all those black folks y’all chased away before this app was even fully open to the public. I can’t PAY a lot of my friends to try BlueSky because of what they’ve heard about y’all. It’s not a person; it’s a proven pattern.
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You heard the man… demon… thingy. Live your best life.
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One of my favourite Art Deco pieces, over the door of the Fulton County Dept. of Health and Wellness. Swole spirit of medicine fights off the grim spectre of death, reminding you that medicine is Cool
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If you live in the UK, please write to Wes Streeting right now this minute to protest this.
Wes Streeting is a disgrace to queer solidarity and to evidence-based policymaking. That he is Health Secretary will lead to more suicides among trans youth in the UK.
Reposted byAvatar Liza
Change what fucking Change? More fucking dead trans kids that Change? Fuk
Not surprised but feeling kinda broken over Streeting saying they’ll make the puberty blocker ban permanent unless the high court finds issue
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Comics layouts based on different styles of historical art. From my webcomics.
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The goddess Sophia, standing on the moon (14th century) The moon would have been shining at the time of painting, but the silver pigment oxidised. Sophia was Black. "Do not despise me because I am black and dark, for the sun has burned me so" From Aurora consurgens. (Alchemist shit)
Splendid evening at the Globe: a workshop and discussion of Marlowe, with scenes from Tamerlane and Dido performed alongside scenes from The Wars of Cyrus and from Solyman. Bravo to all involved!
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We lost Michael Zulli today. Beautiful, lyrical, mystical storyteller, he was part of the BW Boom of the 80s with his PUMA BLUES, he drew some gorgeous stuff for SANDMAN, and a startlingly fun book about Alice Cooper. All that’s just for starters. Some people, you think will always be out there.
Singing in a pub in Deptford tonight for the Marlowe Society conference Hope there's no trouble over the bill