Lizzy Esq.

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Lizzy Esq.

Sarcastic lawyer and all around bad influence. Gender is fake and fun. She/Her.
I'm sick... of paying too much for car insurance when I could save 15% or more by switching to GEICO!
"Malaise" sounds like an old timey illness. "Oh, poor mother's been in bed all week, she has. Caught the malaise, she did."
White House statement on President Biden testing positive for COVID, via WSJ
"How can you joke at a time like this?" You mean a time when the world is being held hostage to the whims of two elderly narcissists? It's either funny posts or whatever I can find at the bottom of a vodka bottle.
Cue the flashbacks at the end of the horror movie when you realize the signs were there all along.
So it's not "a new era of political violence," it's a continuation of the era of deranged young men with easy access to guns.
J.D. Vance's wife is Hindu. How can we entrust the stewardship of our Christian nation to a man who can't even bring his own heathen bride to the Lord?
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Best part of Russian novels is that you’re never quite sure if a new name is a new character vs a character you already know being addressed by their barber instead of their mom
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[old guy writing a zombie movie] I should write a part where they need the old guy real bad
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time to dust this one off. amen.
Vance is, you guessed it, an adult Catholic convert
I just don't think America is ready for a bearded Vice President.
The thing about the Trump fist pump photo that everyone is losing their minds over is that, as with every picture of Trump, it's a picture of him being a huge dumbass. It was still an active shooter situation at that point so he was making himself easier to hit instead of getting to safety.
Water water everywhere, but it's mostly pee
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I truly believe that the 21st century Democratic party would be like a thousand times more effective if neither The West Wing nor Jon Stewart's Daily Show had ever existed.
in 2013 I saw a man get a 100,000 hour probation on the SomethingAwful forums and today I saw him come off probation and immediately pick up the same argument, quoting a reply from 2013, absolute next-level hater, I can't even imagine, my man is the Count of Monte Posters
Trump: I'm going to be a dictator. Democrats: Trump is going to be a dictator. [A registered Republican shoots Trump.] Republicans: This is Democrats' fault for saying Trump is going to be a dictator.
Donnie caught a bullet But it only hit his ear While it should have been a better shot And got him in the rear
I love hairy babies.
vibes are off. here’s a three week old baby with a ton of hair
Democratic politicians be like "I wish the existential threat to American democracy a speedy recovery."
They would have reverted to Jeb/Rubio/DeSantis.
It's wild to imagine how different the world would be if Beau Biden hadn't died in 2015. Joe Biden would have run in 2016, won the primary, and won 400 EVs in the general, likely strangling Trumpism in its cradle.
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i didnt mean the things i said when you were loading the dishwasher like that
"Okay, so we're going to bring a homicide charge against an actor for firing a prop gun on set that he obviously had no way of knowing had real bullets in it. THENNNNNN we're gonna totally fuck it up in a humiliating way."
Just in time for Alec Baldwin to go hassle Joe Biden about dropping out.
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"The voice of Bart Simpson is Sabrina Carpenter's aunt" is great trivia because there's this tiny sliver of the population that definitely won't say "who?" about one of them.
Extremely true. The Nightcrawler opening of X2 is also dynamite.
Heads up for my fellow middle-aged Nine Inch Nails fans. This album of twee sad girl NIN covers by Allie Goertz is very good.
Peeled Back, by Allie 15 track album
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me: i'll have a Coke waiter: we don't have Coke, we have a locally made natural cola, is that okay? me: no
Meanwhile, in the 25th Amendment group chat HARRIS: We must not become disconsed in the juniper bush of despair. A frangellation of jubilosity is at hand, we need only engraspulate it. BUTTIGIEG: Great news, fellas. The on-time departure rate at O'Hare is up by 1.6%. MAYORKAS: GOD DAMN IT YOU TWO