function r(){if(po(n),n.value===pf)throw new I(-950,!1);return n.value} follows

Mr. Am I Being Detained
Mr. Am I Being Detained
Chief of da autism police and boss of the Irish Mob at the same time. Cousin, I’m a union man.
Fresh Newlook
Fresh Newlook
Bluesky's most popular account. Old, weird, maladjusted, not too bright but occasionally distracting, that's the Fresh Newlook guarantee! You may remember me from such social media platforms as Twitter, and, but why? 𓅃
discord: postsronin
there is no god but we're in hell • they/he
Ben Passmore
Ben Passmore
Comics maker, New Afrikan Anarchist, showing up late as usual
Lindsay Ellis
Lindsay Ellis
Basically just Kendall Roy without the money
gay (derogatory)
gay (derogatory)
queer 🏳️‍🌈 / brown 🧔🏾‍♂️ / demon 👹
The Nerdskull
The Nerdskull
Infamous Nerd Culture Opinion-Haver. Queer. Any pronouns. Video Games, Board Games, Anime, Novels. Lefty politics, anti-bullying, anti-harassment.
Notorious D.E.B.
I'm a lover, I'm a fighter, I'm a sexy genius. A woman of mystery. A pain in my own ass. Love me immediately pls
“My biggest fear right now is that I'll wake up and this conversation won't be a dream.”
xian cochran
xian cochran
weirdo in a weird land. aspiring flâneur.

dirtbag socialist. asexual. bipolar. he/him
sparkling little delinquent
evil jealous pancake hating bitch
born to lurk, forced to post
Charles Kinbote
Charles Kinbote
There's a little of every artist in their work

Pronouns: He/Him
Discord: charles.kinbote
Hot Weather Takes
Hot Weather Takes
america's #1 most ethical tornado chaser
Monica Lewinsky
Monica Lewinsky
yeah, that one.
Confirmed Professional Agitator
Confirmed Professional Agitator
My posts are bad because I'm still in beta
Texan with too many jackets. Serious up to 10% of the time. she/her

that’s not me that’s CRJ and Julien Baker
Alder Cheems
Alder Cheems
Hey everybody, an old man's talking
festive seasonal homosexual, tinned fish enthusiast, citrus enjoyer, he/him
Recovering forum poster, politics doomer, basketball nerd. I write code for a living. He/him.

Deputy Chair of the Ankh-Morpork Posters’ Guild

PFP by

discord: xel42 (mutuals only)
Tony Glosson, probably 🇺🇦 🇵🇸
Tony Glosson, probably 🇺🇦 🇵🇸
221B Baker Street

A Particular Brand of Man
A Particular Brand of Man
Philly. Please like my cat photos. Happy to shut up and be wrong. Tyrese Maxey stan account. I promise to be normal in your replies.
Curlz MT stan account
Curlz MT stan account
printmaking, comics, illustration, sculpture, fiber arts, shitposting (she/her)

Wandering around / medieval theology / dogs
Emissary Of Night | ليلى
Emissary Of Night | ليلى
If you need to contact me, DM via Twitter or use my inbox.
Meat Popsicle, player of games, reader of books, jaded optimist.
internet freds
internet freds
21st century digital attorney. cybersecurity & data counsel, probably not your lawyer.

Be the sand you wish to see in the gears.
maryland’s favorite daughter
brooklyn’s finest gal

in lieu of flowers, pour jewels into my open coffin

🇵🇸 ftrtts.
Michael Hobbes
Michael Hobbes
Solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.
Matthew Elliot 𓅆
Matthew Elliot 𓅆
oh no we skeetin
love & barley 🦉
love & barley 🦉
Draining the sake cask -behold  a gallon flower vase |

barley (he/him) dad

I post about critters and nature, food, mushrooms, etc.
Elias FKA Big Voyage
Elias FKA Big Voyage
Stay at home dad, nap-time musician
Thomas Hansen
Thomas Hansen
A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity, an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty; I'm that Jungian thing...

$TSLAQ card carrying member

PSA: Elon Musk is a dumb persons idea of a smart person…

Evelyn Beatrice Hall fan
Johnny Bigballs
Johnny Bigballs
welcome to pussy gulch, wayfarer
welcome to pussy gulch, wayfarer
band of rowdy youths are digging up the lawn searching for the jules rimet trophy
Oregon Rolled A 20
Oregon Rolled A 20
Jewish? Yes
Bi? Yes but ACE please don't be horny towards me
Political? Yes
Social Justice is important, Feminism is good.
RL is for the arguments, Online is for the fun & DnD

I don't know you, let's keep it that way

Pro-Alt Text🦆
Shitposting. But not like the good kind. Like “I hope I get into What’s Mid” shitposting. Also dorky stuff.
Chris Person
Chris Person
Gaming. Blogs at Aftermath. Video at Highlight Reel.
Making Chips
Making Chips
Spouse • UAW member • Pell Grant winner • 1stGen • Controls engineer [Fanuc, Siemens, Rockwell] • Licensed electrician • Often found in the Great Lakes Basin

Avi: illustration of an imaginary creature's head
Header: photo of myself on a picket line
Trevor Risk
Trevor Risk
Letterkenny and Shoresy writer.

112 > 311
Burping Contest Winner, Eudora Welty
Burping Contest Winner, Eudora Welty
She/her. “Who will bring redemption? The jesters.” UNC 🩵
Chicken WingDings
Chicken WingDings
Bridget in Los Angeles. Video Editor for the news, Story Producer for a long ass time. Trans mother fucking rights bitch · Free Palestine

Arlan Hellison (famous)
Arlan Hellison (famous)
celebrity. denim vest enthusiast. Converse high top aficionado. connoisseur of violent trash. Hell Zone pod cast on occasion
Max Kennerly
Max Kennerly
17 years in court as a law-talking guy for plaintiffs, now a mix of stuff. Posts too much about politics.

email [email protected]
Athlete's Foot Demon
Athlete's Foot Demon
Online store selling items for everyday household needs
Florence Ashley
Florence Ashley
Transfeminine jurist and bioethicist | Ass. prof at the University of Alberta Faculty of Law | Clerked at Supreme Court of Canada | | they/them/that bitch